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thick cloud in tlie liorizon. -flatf, m.
a little cloud, -fri) a- without clouds.
-full, a. cloudy. -PAgg, f. -Ui.
JHort jc, f. ntan ZC. [-tfl, a. cloudy.
inep»j "»• pug-dog.
mot, f. mo^ct.
moras, «. marsh, morass, fen. - VXi-
rafig, a. marshy, moonsh.
UTorb, n. murder, -btiinnflte, m. in-
cendiary. -gePflt, n. miu-dering
weapon, -jettt , n. sharp weapon.
-fsttate, m. casemate, -atlflel, wi.
destroyer. -ifF, a. murderous, de-
structive, cruel ; mortal.
UlotcHer, / pi. morel-cherries.
JHorenfopp, m. moorhead.
OTctgcn, m. morning, morrow, t - ,
to morrow, i trtOtfe, this morn-
ing. gc5 - , good morrow, en -, on
a morning, -bort, /. morning-prayer,
-bag, m. morrow, -fcragt, m. des-
habille, negligee. -gafPS, /. dower,
-robnab,/. aurora, dawn. -fTym^
rttnp, /. morning- twilight, -jljtrna,
/. morning-star. -(lun& , ^w. morn-
ing-hour, -parb, m. breakfast. -
Jltorna fig, v. r. to shake off sleep.
lat ?>onom -, let him be well awake.
IttottCtl, m. negi-o. -fTa, /. negro
woman. - IltorirF, a- moorish.
UIotFuBfl, f. woodcock.
niork, f . n. to prick, to crawl.
nTorme^fl, /. nativity of Mary.
Ittcrna <ig, f. unbet Ulotgon.
UTorot, /. carrot
ntort, n. grumbling, miu-mur. -fl,
f . n. to growl, to grumble.
UTerr^ar, «. whiskers, smellers,
ntotfeller, m. morsels. [pounder.
ITIortcI, m. mortar, -jlot, m. pestle,
niOS, n. rob, electuary ; moise.
tnofa jig, V. r. to break, to boil well.
Jltefaif, m. mosaic. [mossy,
nic^a, /. moss , lichen. - tlTo^tg, a.
Jlte^e, m. fen, bog, quagmire.
Sloflet, /. aunt, mother's sister.
JJtot, prp, against; towards ; for ; to ;
with. [to thwarl.
mota, V. a, to stop, to liinder, to cross.
JHcttalf , ntotbjelf c, /w. buttress, proi
niotbcfif, n. visit returned.
IlTotbilb, m. antitype.
UTotbitlbilttbe ) a. disgustful, natiseou!
UTctgift, n. antidote, counterpoison.
niotgniblling, /. attrition.
UTotgang, m. adversity, cross, disap
nietligganbe, a. opposite, [terpartjj
ItTotpattj'n. counterpart, -t, n. c
MTotpAfPe, m. antipope.
ntotraf ntttg , /. counter -reckonin}
ntetfists, m. opposition, antithesis.
aietfPtift, /. writing in return, refu
JJtotfFal, n. counterargument,
motfpel, n. counterplay.
Jttctfftibanbe, Jttetfltibig , a. repu
gnant, adverse, opposite. - aTotjltl
bigl>i't, f. contradiction.
ntotjlrafPAnbe, Jltetfirafpig, a. rcpu
gnant, adverse. - jnotjlrSffJgtetj j
reluctance, repugnance.
UTotjla, V. a. to resist, to withstanc
to oppose, -enbe, a. opposed, -lib
n. resistance. — nbatC, m. adversary
antagonist, opponent.
nXotflot, 'n. rebuff, check,
jnotfpata, V. n. to correspond with
to suit, to become. -xCitt JltotfPijrig
a. corresponding. - UtotlPatigtet, j
correspondence, analogy.
JltOtfags, V. a. to contradict, -te, n.
gainsayer. - JJlotfvigelfe , /' contra
JITotfAtta, V. a. to oppose. - Jlletfatt
a. opposed. - lllebfattnitig , /. op-
position, [reaction, oppositioi
ntotPetfa, V. a. to counteract, -tl, f
ntctpigt, /. counterpoise.
lUotPilja, /. repugnance, reluctance
dislike. - IltotPiDig, a. reluctant
-l)rt, /. reluctance.
ntotpinb, m. foul -wind. Itflga for -;
to lie
ntotpaga, v. a. to counterbalance.
l^OtPall^, a. turned against.
ntOtparn, «. defence.

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