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mi^riijrtj ot. bad crop, deartli, scar-
city. -ar> n. year of dearth.
iHtpoJej n. misfortune, miscliauce.
jOJift, 771. foggy and hazy -n-eather at sea.
9tt(ltl, f. a. to lose. - Itfcet, to be
put to death. - 3Jti|lntng) /. loss.
JJtifte, ad. beside, -WTong, false, fla -
tt, to miss a thing. (li^A -, to make
false step.
Uttftcl, 77J. misseltoe, mistletow.
Jtljamv;) v. a. to mew.
ntJUCtg, t -J ud. clandestinely. le i -j
ntiuFj a. soft: pliable, flexible ; sup-
ple, -^et} /. softness; pliantness ;
malleableness. — ttaj f. n. to groTT
soft, to soften.
mm, a. bright.
nti^ItC, 77.. spleen, milt. - (mjalt)
-fjufj a. hypochondriae. -fjuffl) /.
spleen; vapours. -Ottj /. harl's-
VXJfitiej m. junkel to catch fish in.
ntjcbj n. mead.
mjol, n. meal, flower. -flFtip
mealy, farinaceous, -biit) f. lITjoIon.
-^agf;, 771. mildew, blast, -fattlj^z.
mealdust. -btytf, 77i. meald '
-fryga, f. S^<;tl^Fottl. -ntot
Jiasty-puddiug. -^fttl&Iflte, 77J. meal-
man, -flimp, 771. dumpling. -lar,
meal-bin. -mafF) ttz. meal-worm.
-flft, 771. flower-sieve, -pi-tting, /•
mealnap. -SFaj f. Stattfefctll. -a.-,
V. a. to strew or sprinkle witli meal
or flower, -ifl, ). -cFttg.
mjolf, /. milk. -cFtig, a. milky,
-bl^fa J y. pecquet's reservatory.
-bunfe, 771. milkbowl. -bytta, /.
milkpail. -frfT, f. uni-ct mjolfe.
-ViX, n. down of the check, -fair,
m. calf fed with milk, -f atttmate,
dairy, lactary. -f > /. milky co
-Fsttlj n. milkvessel ; r. chylifere
vessel, -fflft, 771. chyle. -f?orf , 77
achor. -tijlcl) 77j. ladies -thistli
-tanker, colt's-teeth , the fir
teeth children breed. -pa^Iaj/. wliey.
-Pallitig, /. milkpottage. -hbet) f-
lacteal vessel, milkvessel. -«j t: a.
A 72. to milk ; to give milk. [ter.
mj'ilfe, m. milt. - mjolfftfT, 777. mil-
ITtjolottj a. Spanish red whortle-ber-
ries, fox-berry, redtrailing arbutus,
Jllo, /. down, -joc&j /. down.
DTotfa ) /. a sort of net , to catch sal-
mons with. [of a stable.
ntOcFa^ V. a. to throw the dung out
ntob, n. courage, heart, spirit : humour,
fatta -Zti to lose one's eourage. repa
— , to pluck up one's spirits. — faHbj
-I0S5 -(lulcrtja. low-spirited, cast
down, -los^et, /. faint-heartedness.
-ig, a. courageous, valiant, stout,
bold, mettlesome, -ig^et ,/. bold-
ness, bravery. -Ji, a. a mood, brisk
Ute^, 72. mode, fashion. [of vins.
JTto^&er, /. mollier. fttt -> mother
ntoJett, 772. model, pattern, -era, v. a.
JHober, JlTor, /. mother ; dam. -brot,
772. uncle by the mother's side, -fat,
771. grandfatlier by the mother's side,
-jotb, /. native lountry. -Fupa, /.
mother-beehive. -fytFa, /. mother-
church, -lifj n. womb, raatrice.
-met, /. grandmother, -motb, 72.
matricide. — tltalj n. mothertongue.
-motbate, 772. matricide. -ttejKfa,/
motherclove. — sgtis, 772. darling,
-lig, a. motherly.
ntobet, Hlobten, /. matricc;, womb.
-ban&, n. ligament of the womb,
-fattett, 72. Iiysterocele. -f>etnen, n.
pi. the corners of the womb. -FaFa, /.
placenta, afterbirth. -Ftang, 772. pes-
sary, -mun, 771. the mouth of the
womb, -fiufa,/. mother, hysteri-
calness. -fliba, /. sheath of the
womb. -ttum})rtet, 77t. pi. fallopian
JJtogen, a. ripe, matiu-e. -^rt, /. ma-
tiu-ity, ripeness. - UIogtlA, p. n. to
ripen; to draw to a head, -b, /•
DToQa, /*. orach, aracli.
ntoln, 72. cloud, -babb, m. large

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