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Preclaramente, tJii. excel-
lenlly. nobly
Preclaro, eulj- excellent, noble,
Preclùdere, to h
Préco, m, a prayei
Precogitìre, lo pre
Precognizióne, i
giioscénza,/. a foreknorving
jiratied ; m. predicate (i
Predicatóre, m. a preacher
Predicazióne,/, pt caching
Prediciménto, m. prediction
Prediletto, part, beloved
Predilezióne, /. predilectioi
Predire, and Predlcere, i
predict, foretell
Predizióne,/, prediction
Predominante, adj. over-rn
djciévole, adj. piejudicial,
Pregiudicare, to prejudice:
», to praise ; (also)
iów.f preco
PreconoRcénìa, /. a fore
Preconóscere, to foreknow
Precórrere, to fore-run
Preciirsóre, m. a fore-runner _
la, /. prey, booty : dare n
Predominio, ,». su
Predóne, m. a robi
Preeléggere, to pre
Preelezióne,/, pre
Preeminénza, /
self to grief
rapacious of
Preddce, adj.
Predàménto, m. pillage
Predare, to prey, to rob, to
Predato, part, pillaged, rob-
Predatóre, »i. a robber
l'redecessóre, m. predecessor;
i nostri predecessóri,
Preesfstere, to e-rist b
Pretato, part, aforesi
Prefazióne, /. and
m. a preface
Preferènza,/, preference
Preferévole, and Preferibile,
idj preferable
;feriménto,^it. preferment
Preferire, to prefer
Preferito, part, preferred
Prefetto, ni. a magistrate
Prefiggere, tojix, prefix
Prefiggiménto, m. deterrmna-
PreKsso, part, prefixed, limit-
Pregadi, and Pregati, m. pi.
the Venetian senate
regare, to pray, entreat,
beg ; vi prego tutte le teli-
cità che desiderate, I nùsh
you all the happiness you can
Preijndnte, adj. pregnant
Pregnézza,/. ,»e-;.u«r.y
Prégno, adj pregnant : occM
pregni di lagrnne, eyes full
pregna di diversi pensieri.
my mind is full of different
Prègo, m. a prayer
Prelato, m. a prelate
Prelatura,/. prelate-Mp
I Prelazióne,/, preference, (also)
â– omliat
Prelibare, lo taste, to touch
Prelibato, part, tasted, (also)
excellent, exquisite
Preliminare, m. preliminary
re, to precede tvitli a
Predestinazióne, /. and Pre-
destino, m. predestination
VreAéno, part, foretold
Prèdica, /. a sermon, an au-
Predicàbile, adj. predicable,
Predicaménto, m. a preach-
ing ; (also.i a predicament
Pregato, part.
Pregatóre, m ,
Pregévole, and Pregiabile, adj.
worthy, valuable
Preghévole. adj. suppliant
Preghièra,/, a prayer, request.
will I'lOl
Pregiabilita,/. value
Pregiare, to prize, esteetn ; pre-
giarsi, le boast
Pregiato, part, esteemed
Pregiatdre, m. one who values
Prègio, m. price, worth, rale:
talk to those who I tener in prègio, to esteem,
ear ralue
part. preacAci, 1 Pregiudicante, and Pregiu-
Prematuro, adj. premature
Premeditare, io premeditate
Premeditato, part, premeii
toted nation
Preraeilitarióne, /. premedi-
lènte, adj. pressing
Prementovato, adj.
Prèmere, to press, to squeeze,
to oppress, to trample upon :
che ciò non ri prema, do
not trouble yourself about it
Premessa, /. premises (in
Preméttere, to put, c
Premiare, to remunerate
Premiato, part, recompensed
Premiatóre, «t. a rewarder
Premiazióne,/, a rewarding
Preminènte, adj. pre-emi-
r lay bs
Premitóre, m. an oppresi
Premitura./, a squeeziiii
Premlzia,/. {see Primlzi
Premura,/, importance,

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