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la pósta, to travel hff post,
A pdsta, adv. on ]>uTpose;
da sua pdsta, <yf one's own
accord : request, entreaty
Posteggiare, to travel pott
Postèma, and Postemazidne,
/. an abscess
Posteinato, and Posteradso,
part, imposthmnated
Postergare, to despise, to throni
Pdsteri, m. pi. posterity
Posterióre, adj. posterior; s.
Posticcio, «I. nursery nf trees
adj borrowed, false; pos
ticcia,/. the upper part of •
Posticipare, to differ
Postiére, m. posl-mnsler
Tostiglióne, m. postilion
Postnia,/. posili, explication
- - ' ''ij the margin of
re, to make noti
'AUàto, paìi. explained
Postillatùra,/. notes, postili
Pósto, m. post, employment
Pósto, adJ. put, set
Pósto che, conj. suppose
Postrèmo, adj. last
Postribolo, ni. a brothel
Postulato, m. a demand (in
Pòstumo, adj. posthumous
Postura, /. posture, a , secret
Postutto, adv. entirely
Postvedére, to see after
Potabile, adj. potable, drink-
Potiggio, m. pottage
Potaménto, m. and Potagióne,
/. a pruning, lopping
Potare, to prune, lop, cut,
Potato, part, pruned, lopped
Potatóio, m. a pruning-knife
Potatóre, m. pruner, vine-
Potatiira, and Potazidne, /.
a pruning, lopping, (also)
twigs of trees I
Potentato, and Potentario, m.
potentate, prince
Potènte, adj. powerful, po-
Potenzialmente, adv. power-
fully, potentially
Potére, to be able ; non posso,
/ cannot ; poter èssere, to be
Potére, m. and Potestà, /.
Potesterla,/. {see Podesterìa)
Potissimamente, adv. chiefly
Potìssimo, adj. chief, princi-
Potùto, part, been able
Poveraccio, adj. poor, un-
Poveràglia, /. poor people
Poveramente, adv. poorly
Poverèllo, and Poverétto, adj.
poor, miserable
Poverino, adj. unfortunate
Povero, adj. poor, needy, vile ;
(also) barren
Povertà,/, poverty
Pozione,/, a potton
Po2ióre, adj. anterior (law
Poziorità,/, anteriority
P0273,/. a slough, a mire
Pozzànghera,/, a puddle
Pozzétta,/, a dimple
PózZo, m. a well ; pozzo nero.
a sink ; mostrar la luna nel
pozzo, to inake one believe
any thing
Pozzolana,/, pozzolana (sand)
Prammàtica,/, the pragmatic
Pràndere, to dine, or eat
Pràndio, m. dinner
Pranzare, to dine
Pranzo, m. dinner ; adj. satis-
Praterfa, /. meadows
Pràtica, / practice, uiagt,
plot. Di pràtica, odi). /reriy,
Pravo, adj. nicked, deprav-
Preaccennare, (see Sopraccen-
Preambolare, to preface
Preàmbolo, m. preamble, pre-
Prebènda, / prebend, provi-
Prebendato, adj. having a
Precariamente, adv. preca-
Precàrio, adj. precarious
Precauzione,/ precaution
Prece,/, a prayer, entreaty
Precedènte, adj. precedent
Precedentemente, adv. for-
Precedènza,/ precedency
Precèdere, to precede
Precentóre, m. precentor
Precessióne, f. precession fin
Precèsso, part, preceded
Precessóre, m. predecessor
Precettare, to cite (Ian
Precettóre, m. preceptor
PrecettorPllo, ni. a pedant
Precettorfa,/ direction
Precidere, to cut, shorten
Precinto, 7n. precinct, compass
Precipitaménto, m. overthrow,
precipitation, —■'••
Praticato, part, practised
! Pràtico, adj. e.rpert, skilfttl
I Prato, m. meadom, fields
Pratolfno, and Prataiuólo, »
Potenziale, adj. potential
Precipltanza, /. (see Precipi-
Precipitare, to precipitate,
fall headlong, to hurry,
PrecipitatEiménte, adv. hasti-
Precipitato, part, precipilat-
Precipitazjóne, /. precipita-
tion ; haste, rashness, indis-
Precipitóso, and Precfpite, adj.
Precipizio, m. a steep place;
andare, or mandare in pre-
cipizio, to destroy, to tquan-
Precipuaménte, adv. chief-
Precìpuo, adj. principal, or
Precisamente, and Preciw,

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