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I02 Glossarial Index.
W. nylh nest, coz old, buez flatus, W. chwyth, and the loanwords baz
baculus, caz cattus, W. cath, lizerenn, littera, W. llytkyr, saez sagitta,
W. saeth. From ct : crezerm cicatrice, W. creithen, Ir. credit, eiz eight,
noaz naked, W. noeth, Ir. nocht. traez littus, W. traeth, Ir. tracht, yez
language, W. iaith and the loanword striz strictus : so, probably,
nyz = neptis, Ir. necht, seiz = septem, Ir. secht and seizun = Ir.
sechtman = septimana, courz = W. croth — Kpvn-Toc- From rt: guerzaff
to sell, W. gwerthu, guerzit spindle, W. gwerthyd, nerz strength,
W. nerth, Ir. nert, perz part, W. parth, Ir. cert f. (in descert,
taaiscert, cerdd Chuind, J_ mra Chol. 130, root SRARD) and the loan-
words bevzut miracle (virtutem), deserz desertum, porz porta. From tr :
azr natrix, breuzr frâter, louazr alveus, Gaulish lautro (gl. balneo)
Xavrpov, azrec compunction, Ir. aithrige,and the loanword ïguezr vilrum.
From tl: seuzl heel, W. sawdl, alazti breath.for *anazl, W. anadl, balazn
broom for banazl, W. banadl and the loamvords Bezleem, sizl situla.
From tn : aznaout to recognise, W. adnabod, ezn bird, W. eden, Ir. én, ex
*petna. In loanwords z sometimes represents a simple vowel-flanlced t :
thus costez side, It. costato, Fr. côté, caritez caritatem, bouzellou boioels
(botellus), creiz creta, {oxizaS futuere, seiz silk, seta.
z, secondly, comes from d, now or formerly flanked by voicels or
combined ivith r : thus asezaff sedere, beuziff to drown, W. boddi, Ir.
bâdud, bleuzuenn^ower, A. S. blaed, bloaz year, W. bhoydd, Ir. bliadan,
bez sepulchre, W. bedd, cueuz regret = kyjZoc and the loanwords azeulifi
adorare, courrezafE to curry, Ital. corredare, prezec praedicare, fez fides.
From rd: barz = bardus, er-guerz gressus, querzet pergere = W.
cerdded to walk, garz W. gardd. So when the d has arisen from j :
cleiz left, Ir. cle, dez dies, Ir. dia, beiz barley, Skr. sasya, trugarez, Ir.
trôcaire. From dr : cazr beautiful, Gaulish cadro-s, nad in Kdaaavdpoe,
KEicao-fiéroc [Rev. Celt. II. 424) and the Ir. cadhb A. cain, H. 3, 18,
p. 634, col. 2. This z is sometimes sharpened into s (cc), as in gousoch
ye know, fez fides, scoacc shoulder, Skr. skandha.
z, thirdly, comes {through an intermediate s?) from the guttural
spirant cb. Thus: dazrou tear, from *dasrou *dacbrou, Zanpv, dezrou
o begin, W. dechreu, oz, boz your, Com. (ag) as, W. awch, and sezlou
to listen, if it be connected with aiynXOQfor awnXog, Curtius, No. 572
and schweigen.
z is sometimes a mere ' stummes zeichen,' as in quezguen coquina
M. J. 201 s. quezn back, M. J. 43 a, squezrenn splint, boubazl axe. So
s in esgal equal, and in the Old French esve water.

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