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g6o Interejling News from various Parts of the Country. [Nov^
valour when called to the fieW, and end-
ing with *Goa fave the King.' Every Iwoid
was br:ind!fhed in the air, three loud
huzzas g'ven, re-echoed Hy the furroimd-
ing muUitiitle, approved and appliniJetl hy
the wavii g haiiiikerchiefs of the lovely
fair. The tioops were then difniountcd,
and at !2 o'clock, preceded by buth
b.vdi ii mufic, confillmg of near thirty
performers with every inftrumeni of mar-
tial mufic, their colours and officers,
forming upwaids of a hundred, marched
in regular procclhon to church, crowded
bey. lid ex.imple ; and where, after prayers
hy the Rev. ^?r. Linzec, the chauniing
and pfalms accompanied in a mafterly
manner by the band, a frmon was pre.ich-
cd by the Rev. Dr. )o'. nf m, f:om the 22d
cliap. Luke, l;-tter p^rt ot the 56th verfe,
" And he that haih no fivord, let him
fell his garment and buy one." We la-
ment onr ilia* i'lty to do jullice either to
the fpr-cches of Capi. Scrope, or to give a
fpecimea of this lermon, v\hich lalt we
hope will flioitly be in the hands of the
publick, as the whole fqnadion, and evtiy
gentleman who dined in the h.i)!, joined
in reqnefting Dr. Johr.fon 10 publ'.lh it.
The Iquadroii returned from church in the
fame orderly minner to the mil ket place;
ai.d thence, after fevtr.l pieccb of mufic,
10 tlie Town-hall, at the upper end of
which the coliurs were depofiied for the
«]ay. A molt fumptnous dinner was pro-
vided by Mr. Dandy for 150, at three
o'clock, and well filled; plenty of veni-
fon by friends to the c;iufe was fpread on
the taMes ; the bands enlivened ti'i'e fcene ;
conftitutional toafts were drunk ; loyal
fongs were fting ; and before eight o'clock
the colours were leturned; and the com-
pany departed with that order, lobiiety,
and regularity, which hnve ever diftin-
guifhed this corps, and without the fmalleft
accident having taken place. On the next
evening, the ball given to the ladies of
this and the neiglibouring countie.s WiS
more fplenudly attended tlian ever re-
mcHibeied on any foimer occafon. Both
tr<'0',>': vsere in entire new uniform, blue
jackets turned up vyith fcnilet, and fcarlet
cord, new helnt^ets, with every man a
carbine and crofs belts; and V was ob-
ici V! d there was not one deficient i-> any
.p.irt of his iTefs or ace utrements. The
word of coramanl throughout the day
was given by Capt. Wilfon, of the Spal-
ding troop, and obeyed v\ith that promp-
titude winch did equal honour to both
officers and men.
Oa. 6. The cotton-mills at Hunjlet, near
I^eeds, belonging to Mtlirs. l-^everle),
trof?, and co. were dilcuvcred to be on
fire, which raged with fiich fury as to de-
Jlroy the vvoiks and buildings in little
more than 40 miiv.ites. The dam.ige is
eftimsted at about 12,000!. The premifes-
ai.d fti ck infured, at the Sun, and Lon-
don infurance Fire-office, for Socol.
Plymouth, 0.-?. 10. Ihe Coj>t Martial
whicli was hrld la S^turd^y onhoaid the
admira"s fhip Camhiidge, to r-nquire
into the caufe of the l;)fs of his Majerty's
fiiip Amphion, which blew up on tlie 2 2d
of laft month, in this harbour, after an.
examination of all the fuivivii g crew, very
hoiVoura^^ly acquitted the captain and
officers of every idea of rem ffnefsor neg-
leiit upon that occafiou. It muft have
bfen particularly gratifying to Capt. Pel-
lew, ifter the court was over, at
tlie recpieft maile to him by the whrle
of the Ihip'; company which furvived this
unhappy affair, tliat he would fuffisr them
to be partners of his future fortune, when
he ih'.uld obtain a fhip, having io long
failed with him ; one of the b^H telli-
monies this to the clmrafter of an officer.
03. iz. About night o'clock at niglii:
the houfe of Richari' Timfos, o{ ILillaf^n,
Leicsflerfhire, was difcovered to be on
fire, which, with four others, was entirely
confumed before any Rflil^-ancc conld be
procured: but the futy (>t the frames was
happily checked by the aiSlivity of the in-
habitants, wfo flripped off the roofs of
the two adjoining houfes.
Oa. 13. The bene\olent intentions of
Lord Roiuney were this day verified in
Maidjione market, where he revived the
ancient cuftom of felling corn by the
bnfhel. The firft parcel was drawn by a
good o'd-faffiioned team of Englifb oxen,
truly emblematic of the days of jon-, and-
highly gratifying to the inhabitants of that
town. The corn was no fooner pitched
than bought up, with an avidiy fcarcely
ever beheld, and not one was (offered lo
puixhafe more than a bofticl. Lord Rom-
ney, in fetting afidc all private confidcr;^-
tion for the public goxl, has thiK n.oft
ex.dtediv taken the lead ; and we hear
with pleafnre, that fcvei al other re'"pe;Sl-
able pcrfuns are emulous to copy his Lord-
Ihip's noble p.itriotic example.
OB. 16. This evening a very mel.^n-
choly accident happened at Jlfracomhe -. A
(hip culled the London, from St. Kitt's,
hiving on board a corfuli^raHle number of
blacks, (French pnionsrs,) was driven ot»
the rocks, near the entrance of the pier,
during a violent g^le of wind, by winch
about fifty of the prifpners vvere drowned ;
thofe who got on Ihore exhibited a n oft
wretched fpeiflacle ; and the fccne alto-
gether vas too Ihockir.g for defcnption.
Thp wind was blowing diredlly fair (or the
hai hour.
Lincoln, OS). 10. OrdC' s have been given
for the immediate erfcdtioa of fui naces f 1 r
heating red-hot balls, along the coai^, at
Ifahor,, Qhdfn, and IklLwd.

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