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I7q6.] Inter efnng Nevjs from the Contlnnzt^ and the Country. 059
Valry nniler Count Meei feldr, has advanced
into the Margraviate yf Baden, and has
met with much fiiccefs. They have fur-
prized and difperfed the corps wliich
the enemy had left in that country, have
made a number of prifoneiv, and t.iken or
cleftroyed a quantity of bagijage and ara-
nuiniuon. Accounts are received of the
operations of Gen. La Tour down to the
14th inft. by which it appears that Gen.
Morean qni'ted his pofition on the isft
bankof ihe Yier on the lothand iu!i in;1.
Gen. La Tour followed liim clofdy, and
was on the nth at Pfnffenhoven. As
Gen. Moreau feemed to direft his march
lowanis Ntuhurs, where it was fu]>pofed
he would repafs the Danube, Gen. Naa-
dorli-' croJfed the river below that, in
order to watch his motions, and on the
14th engaged a fcrious affair with his rear
guuard, m which the Auftriaos took one
piece of cannon, and upwards of a thou-
find prifoners.
Rob. Anstruther.
SEVERAL of the woollen manufaflories
in tlie town of Abbevila and Amiens, in
Fiance, have been recently purchafcd by
Englilh and American adventurers. Ac
theie manfaflories, the wo )ls of Kent and
Rullia found fo ready and fo advanced a
milker. The manufa£turers therefore, of
this kingdom ihould watch with a jeaious
eye this infant fpeculation.
In a queftion that has much agitated the
minds of the publick the fotlownig may be
worthy of notice. Upon his extenfive
pL'.ntation at T/elatvny in 'Javiaka, for at
leaft thefe twelve years part, fuch lias
been the judicious and humane treatment
of hisfjmily.that there has not been a pur-
ch.ife of a fmgle flave 5 nay, the rtock of
his working Negroes has been npon the
A Dublin paper contains a proclamation,
bearing date Nov. 6, by wliich it appears,
Chat treafonable allociations exift in the
counties of Antrim, Diwtie, Tyrone, Lon-
doHiieiry, and Armagh.
Country News.
Septzo. This being the day fixed for
confecrating the colours of tlie South Hol-
land fquadion of gentlemen and yeooieii
cavalry, it was held at Spalding as a high
feftival. The trumpets founded by fcvcn
in the morning, and before ten o'cl.ick
the Spalding tro:ip was formed in the
market-place, and inarched off to meet
the Sutton and Holbeach troops. About
1 1 the whole fquadro:;, headed by both
CLiptains, and attended by every officer,
m de their appearance. The ruiging of
liills, and alternate fonndings of the trum-
pets and pieces of martial mufic by the
bands which preceded them, rendered the
fcene truly interefting. We underftand
f^veral evolutions were intended to have
btan praStifed ; but by this time the mar-
ket-pl..ce b«came fo crowded, not only
by lilt; populace, but alfo b/ the town and
n.-it'.hbouring gentlemen, that it prec uded
eveiy pulfibility of an attempt with fatety.
The windows alfo, from the grcund-flours
to the auics, wei e fiiled with all the beauty,
elfgarice, and fathion, of this country,
Joitui-i S^rope, Efq. the fenior ofHcer, as
Capt. L'ommand.'int, having plated hun-
le>t bet.ire the Wliite-Hart g^tte-way,
the fqiiadron pp.ffed in revitnv three
times before him in double files, the
officers (,.lii:ing him each time as t ey
palfed; after which they f.rmeJ facing;
the White Hart, and the flanks wheeling
inwards formed three fides of a hollow
fquare, the two cornets and two adjutants
detached befjie the tioops m the centre.
On the appearance- of the colours the
bands played 'God fave the King;' and
the Right Hon. Lady George Sutton ad-
vancing, drelTed in the comity uniform,
with a fuperb royal iLindard of royal
purple, witn a deep gold frirgs, and the
arms richly jilt, prefented it to the Com-
mandant, who was on foot in front of the
fquadroii, and in a neat fpeech requefted
tneir acceptance of it, as a token of her
Ladythip's refpedl to a corps whofe loyally
and attaciimeut to their Kmg and country
was fo confpicuous. Capt. Scrope imme-
diately, with great energy, and very au-
dibly, m tfie name of himfelf, officers,
and whole fquadion, returned her Lady-
Ihip thanks; and, after declaring tliey would
partwiiii their iMt drop of blood, rather
than the banner thus prefented them fhould '
fall into the hands of their enemies, with
great propriety, fortheiremulation, alluded
to the uiiifoim they wore being fimiLir
to that of the noble and warlike Chief fi>
nearly allied to hsr Lady fhip, who humbled
the pride of France on the m-morable
plains of Minden. The fquadron i.-nmedi-
ately gave her Ladyfnip three luizxas. The
ftandard was then prefjiited to the fenicr
adjutant (Piefgrave), th? cornets Poller and
Read, with Adj. Shearcroft, receiving the
other banners ; when the Rev. Di . Jolin-
fon came forward in his gown and callock,
and, after laying his iia '.ds on each (i eid iit
an hori2ont:il pollure for the purp'.fe), and
amid the mo(t profound fileiice, pro-
nounced the words of confeoratioti. Thij
imprcffive and folenin manner in which
this was delivered, and which took' op
fome time, was reveientidly felt by alt
prefenc. In an inilant, by a from
the recciving-ofTicer, the c.d.iurs wsreele-
v.ited, the band playing, ' Briton?, flrike
Home j' when the Comm:indant again ad-
drelTed them on Uie occufion in a very
aniinnv.d fo.iceh; rdyiujj oa'their knowa

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