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696 Inlcrejllng News from various Paris of the Country, [Au(
appeared complacency itfelf. It is highly
to the praife of ihf Du'chefs of Yo'-k, tliat,
indepi-ndeiu of lier numerous pi'' ^te ads
of beneficence, her Royal Highoefs's name
appears as a contributor to neariy all the
public charitable fabfcriptions at prefent
eftablifhed in this countiy. The Duke
of York left us tlus p.iorniiig, much bene-
fited by the ufe of the Bail) waters.
Sundeiland, 'july 30. Ad iron hrit'je
lias been ere<SlcJ acr^fs tlie river W e^r,
%vhich will be of conf:dt*rab!e utility, not
«n1y to ihis town, but a'lfo to tlie ad-
joining counties. It confiftS of one arch,
two liundred and thirty-lix feet in lengtli,
and one hundn^d feet in heislir, fo tiiat
the large flii[!S whicli frequent that port
can fail undtr it with f.ifeiy ; the t.xtent of
the srcli is ne. rly one h.nndred feet longer
than that of any other bridge in Europe.
It was projeciled by Mr. Burdon, one of
the members for ilie cunty of Durham, to
whofe public fpiiit tlie fHCCelles of this
important undertaking is to be entirely
attributed. I'he exi^encf, amoui\tIng to
24 oool- afid upward?, has been coniri-
buttd by Mr. Bindon, except about the
fiiRi of 6000I. wliich was fubfcribed
towanis the undertaking by Mr. A'iil-
banke. the other member for the county
of Durham, Mr. Lambton, and otheis.
It is to be opened on Tuefday, the gtli day
of Aogull next, for the accommodation
of the public, with a grand mafonic pro-
telfion, htten<'ed by the CommifTioners of
the river Wear, m.igiflrates, clcigy, of-
ficers of the navy and army, and the Loyal
Sunderland Volunteers.
Brcnfet, Ktnt, July 3?. Two fervants
®f Mr Slowman being lately ui a garden
near fome bee-liives, they unfor'unate'y
overturned one of the h:ves j the bees
fwarraed with great n.pidity on a child near
ihem, which was (lung in fo dre:!dfol a
manner, in a very ihort period it died.
At Ca7Khidsc and fome othtr places,
fuch has been the fl.iughtcr of dogs, and
fuch the nnifance from thsir putrifying
in expofed fituaiions, that the m.igiftracy
have been cbl'ged to interfere. At Cam-
hrii'ge the hi^h coni\ab'e h'lS buried up-
wards of 400. At Biimingbam, . nd neigli-
bourhood, the number ot Uog^ deftroyed
is computed at 1000.
Dartjord, -^ug. II. This morning,
about 1 1 o'clock, one of the mills about
lielf a mile diftant from the pl..ce blew up
viidi a dreai'ful cxph fion : the inhabita- ts
were fo tei lifted by the ludden cunciiinon,
that, imagining it to bs an eai thijuake,
^licy forfook their dwellings ; an inimenfe
pillar of fmoke, arifing from the prennies,
gppriftd them of the melancholy event.
Nirie perlons, to a c.-r:ainty, liave loft
tlieir lives; tbey were blown to piccej;
'he fli'Hildets and part of a bcnly weic
<lriven over a ftream, vs hith ran near a mill,
at leafl 150 yards; part of a fkuU was
found at a coiilidcrible dillance, a mere
(bell, as clea.i within as without; ot,.e,r
pans were alio picked up a great w^y
from ttis fpot where liie catiulroplie hap-
pened, all of which appeared terribly
fcorched and blai.k : the timbei's of the
building wtrc alio thrown a great vay,
and ft-ver:d large pieces fcattereu upwards
of half a mile ; the trees within its neigh-
bourhood were ilripped of their baik ; not
a veltige of tiic mill is left Handing ; and
the houfes round the villages of Ddrtfijd,
Ciayford, &c. expeiienced its effails, Iv/
thie windows being brokcu ; the father >t
one of the fnflereis left the phxe r.buut
half an hour before the event happehtd,
and one of the perfons loft was going with
a rope into the mill as it blew up. Tiie
caufe of this accaient is not at prefeut
-iVg 17. Two men, employed in whitc-
\va!l'.ing the church at Milton Moivbiay,
uofor unately fslUvith the fcaffuld. One
of them, Kuifnali, died of his bruiCes.
Tunmuth, Aug. 21. Laft night a ri(5t
took pluce here at a leflur::' delivered by
Mr. TlieKvall, on a fnbj; 61 from Roman
Hi(\;i ry. About 8 o'clock a pretty nume-
rous company wete al!cnibled at the roona
ajipointed for the purpofe of delivering the
leiiUiie, when a uuniber of perfons, fnp-
pofed to be from tht; (hips riding in the
road, burft into the room, armed with
cutlaffes and bludgeons, attacked and dif-
perfed the company. The leiiiuier him-
felf made a narrow efcape. The acccniius
of this bnfinefs are, as it may be expedtecl,
very contradidlory ^buf it appears that the
ledurei was evaoing the late fakiiary aii :
and the tari, attending more to the fpirit
than the letter of the law, had deter-
mined to punifh his infolence.
Saturday, June 25.
Richaid Lu.'man, Eleanor H'dghes^
Anne Rhodes, and Mary Baker, were in-
dited for the wilful murder of George
Hcbner, on Sunday May 22, by (iran-
gling him wilhacord tied aioul his neck,
&c. it appeared, in the evidence on the
part of tl:e profeciitioOj that tlie prifoner,
Eleanor Hughes, kept a houfe of ill-fame
in Dean-(iieet, Eaft Sm.thtield; the other
prifoners were inmates of the houfe. May
17, the deceafed, a tailor, Itfi his rcfi-
iitwQz in Madi.'oM flreet about ei,-!-it
oVli ck in the morning, and told his wife
that ht Would be iX home by ten ; but
he never returned. He went on Uiav day
to the houfe t)f the prifoner H'.ighes, and
lo k. up Ins abode t!-:ere tlie reraamder of
the week. He was dcftitute of money at
the time, as in the courfe of the week a
conhdciiable part of his cloath." wcie
fiawncti, Mr?, Hughe;, it appealed, do-

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