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1 jr)6.'\ Ititereftlng Netvsfrorn v'aricin Taris of the Couniry, 6qC
him in another rlice and lire's ss captain ;
anil finallv fi^neJ tiis aiteftation is niagif-
trate. Of all thefe ingenious acf^s of hif,
and Mr. FdwHnis's emf>lovini; hinn, ami
givinc;. currency to liis impofitibns, the
jury found them both guiky.
At the fnrae affiz-s, ^an ind'^tment was
"firieS, which reflcMs no r-nr.ll de^res of
dtfcieoit on the perfm indifled, Theoohi-
lus Bridge^;, a button-Tir-ki-r, of Tsmp'e-
ftreet, St Georje's fields, was indifted for
the murther of his appren'ice, Elizabeth
Monk, in y.inuary, t-95. The deceafed
was one of feven apprentices, a^l taken
from the Afyhim ; r.i>d, by the evidence of
three of the furviving apprentices, it ap-
peared t'mt Bridges wns a very p>ffionate
and fsvere man, and liad frequently beat
Sad kicked the dectared ; and that ilie
rfied after an ilhiefs of fome i;ontimiance,
(faiifed, as t!-.ey conceived, by fn; h ill
fifage ; together -.vith fpare diet and h^rd
work. A Airgeon was called; hut who,
K'avint; fecn ilie deceafed only a few hc.nrs
before her death, and being told fhe w;!5
ill of a confiimption, avid merely iiavii>«f
felt her prlf°, as he perceived fhe was
very hear deaLh, could not fpsak to any
ji'tciiinftance to ci imir.are Bnd8;es. He
thfrefore acquitted; but detained, ' to be
ftied on another very feiious charge.
Shmi:J!}:i'y, July 27. Yeilerday was
tried at the alTizes, heie, by a rnnft
rcfpedl.iblo fpecial jury, before the Ho-
nourable Mr. [urtice Meath, a caufe againft
the Bp. of Bangor ; the Rev. Dr. Owen ;
the Rev. Mr. Roberts, Archdeacon of
Merioneth ; the Rev. Mr. Wdliams ; and
Mr. Tl-'.otnas Jones ; for unliwfully dif-
liirbing Mr. Samuel Grindtey, in the Re-
giftrar's Office at Bangor on the 8th of
January lafi. It appeired, that in 1791,
Mr. OrindWy, an attorney, hail, by means
ef the Bilhop, beinc: appointed Oeputy-
Regillrar of the Con.'fiftorial Court of liis
Diocefe, his Lordiliiji's nephew beinr; the
Principal Regiftrar ; that, on the d'th of
January lalt, whilil the ofiice^ was flmt,
the Bifti.ip feiit for the key of it ; whicli
was refufed, by order of Mr- Crindley;
that on the 7th of January, by his Lord-
Ihip's order, the lock of the office was
taken orf and a nei* one put on, the key
of which was delivered to the Bifhop,
who the fame day informed Mr. Grindley
thereof. That, on the 8th of January,
Mr. Grindley, with a blackfmith and four
other peTfons,brok'J open the oflice. That
the defendants, being alarmed at this, went
to the office U'larnied Caficr Mr. Grindley
had taken poflrefHon of it) and expoftulated
with him, and were excited to fliew fome
marks of anf;er at tins violent conduft ; for
he W.1S armed witli pifirols and had forced
one perion down the Itcps and th.rcatened
to ffcoot another. It alfo appeared that the
Biibop fcut fiir i raagiftrate ; aiid his Loii-
fhip and the otHT doft^ndants foon after-
na:ds depanet!, laa-Hn^ Mr. Grindley ia
thr office. A pamphlet was produced ia
Cot'in to Mr. Grindtey, containing foms
co-ifidential letters from the Bilhop tahim
during the time he had been his Lorddiip's
agent; which letiers Mr. Grindley owned
he liad delivered into ihe hands of a Mr.
Williims of Treffos. The defcnd.ant's
ounfel faid, titey !iad many witneffes ; but
tliat their cafe rtood fo clear, even on the
plaintitFs evidence, they did not think ie
neceil.sry to call a ilngle witnefs on the part
of the tkfendancs ; and the jury immedi-
ately, without leaving the court, acquitted
all the defendants. Mr. Adam- from Lon-
don, as leading counfel for the plaintiff",
h id a fee of 300I. guineas; and Mr. Erikins
the like for the defend.ints.
Bath, July 27. His Royal Highnefs th«
Prince of VVales arrived at York-houfa, iii
this city, on Wediiefday evening la^, on a
vific to his royal brotlier. The niixt morn-
ing his Royal Highnefs perambulated the
citv, vifitedths abbey-church, pump-ro-'m,
public room":, baths, &c. At' eleven
o'clock the Corporati'in waited on the
Pi 'ncc, in their robes of office, preceded
by tise mace-bearers, Sec. and, being intnv
duced to his Royal Highnefs, Mr.' Alder-
man Hot ton (the Mayor being abfent from
h ime) delivered the foUoxing concife ad-
drefs : " May it pleafe your Highnefs
to accept the (incere coiigr.:tVil3tii)ns of
the corporation of Bath, on your arrival
in city. Such gi-aclous renewals of tlie
honours conferred by your Royal Ancef-
try demand th- teftimony oF our zealoiis
a(fd>5lion, and the continued affurnncs of our
fteidfaft fidelity.'' The Prince received
the gentlemen of the Corporation v.-ith that
aft.ibilitv .-?n .! nn'it^-iefs fqr which Ills Royal
H:r'- :''-d!tlir,guiaied;lh.iriked
thr I, ; -^f their attentif/'l ; ex-
P't;:., ..._,.,. ;,.;.• 5. cation at the elegnncfe
of t'ne city, aoi: tiis beauty of its environs ;
lament'^d that his fiay wo-ald now only be
very O-jort, but hoped to m,-ike it his refi-
dence for fome weeks in the enfuiiig au-
tumn. Tlis roy.fl brotliers were at Sid-
ney-gardens in theeveniiig; where, ao:-
withftauding the falling diowers, near
4000 perfons were preietit. A box \V2S
fitted up f.,r tlieir Hlghneffes, who were
much ple.ifed with Mr. Gale's attention,
and alfo with the. fi^e-works, ilh::nina-
ti'jns, &c. On Frid ly the Prince
left Bath, aiulcai'eil, en p.iljur.t, at tlie
magnificent feat of the Marquis of Bath
a' Longieaf, ncir Frome ; proceeding
through 3hnftefbary, Blandford, &c. to
Mr. Churchill's feat at Heabury, Dorfct,
which he inten^'ed leaving fj as to r^ach
Brighton the fame day. The actlamations
of t.he multitude, at every lilace !iis Roykl
Highnefs paffed through, feem'sJ to have
be«ii i-'eceived vVith pleafare; as tJie rrini'e

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