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Dabhar, air, s. OT. (Ir. id.) A bucket; a pitcher.
Daigear, eir, s. m. (Ir. id.) A dagger, a poniard.
Daoineas, eis, s. m. (Ir. id.) Manliness.
Daorchl.^n V, s.y. (Ir. id.) Slaves; servants; plebeians.
D.iosGAR, air, s. m. (Ir. id.) Refuse ; remainder.
Daosgar, a. (Ir. id.) Unteachable.
Darsax, ain, s. m. A murmur.
Dartach, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) A two-year-old bull.
h Deach, a. Profitable.
Deachlach, a. (Ir. id.) Hard, difficult.
Deacrach, a. See Deacair.
Deacracud, s./. (Ir. id.) Difficulty; hardship.
Deann, s. m. (Ir. id.) A gibe ; mist.
Jearach, aich, s. m. Destruction, pillage.
)earg, a. (Ir. id.) Bitter, severe ; intense, inveterate.
)eatachax, ain, s. m. A chimney.
)eil, deile, s./. (Ir. id.) A cow's udder.
)eilin, s.y. (Ir. id.) A trespass.
Deirbh, s.f. (Ir. id.) A chum.
)iASAiR, V. a. Glean. Pret. a. dhiasair, gleaned ; fut. aff.
lÌDHiOL, s. m. (Ir. id.) Arrears.
iiLGifEAN, s. m. (Ir. id.) Affection ; suppression.
'iLSE, s.f. (Ir. id.) A sea-plant.
'IMHEAS, s. m. (Ir. id.) Great honour, high esteem ;
scarcity of fruit.
isiHEASACH, a. (Ir. id.) Proud ; contemptuous ; servile.
IMHIXN, DiMHiNEACHD, s./. (Ir. id.) Provision ; cau-
tion ; heed ; confidence.
IMHXIDHEACH, (i. (Ir. id.) Sad. Gu dimhnidheach, sudl>/.
IMHOLTAIR, s. m. (Ir. id.) A slanderer.
IMREAS, eis, s.f. (Ir. id.) Want, necessity.
ixEACH, ich, s. 7>i. (Ir. id.) A salutary draught.
iXEfDACH, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) A frock.
DiifGE, s.f. (Ir. id.) Thunder.
iSGiR, s. m. A pavior's rammer.
DiNiMH, s./. (Ir. id.) Weakness; diminution.
ixsEADH, idh, s. m. (Ir. id.) Contempt.
tOBHALACH, 0. (Ir. id.) Robbed, spoiled ; ablative.
lOBHALACHD, S.f. Ablation.
:0BHALADH, aidh, 4\ m. (Ir. id.) Damaging; annoying.
OBHAR, air, s. m. Disrespect; omission.
OBHLACH, a. (Ir. id.) Prodigal. Com. and sup. diobh-
OBiiLACHD, S.f. (Ir. id.) Prodigality.
OEHLAS, ais, s. m. (Ir. id.) Prodigality.
OCHRACH, a. (Ir. id.) Diligent, zealous.
OGAN, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) Grief.
OGAR, a. Eager, intent, vehement.
OGH.iOTH, aoithe, s./. (Ir. id.) A blast in corn.
•OGHART, airt, s. TO. (Ir. id.) A decollation.
OGHLAis, s./. (^ Abuse, defamation.
OGHLus, uis, s. TO. Darkucss.
iOGHRAS, ais, s. m. Zeal, uprightness.
DioLAixEACH, ich, s. m. (Ir. id.) A bachelor.
DioLGAD, aid, s. TO. Forgiveness; remission.
DioLMHAOix, s. /. (Ir. id.) Alimony.
DioLTAiR, «. TO. (Ir. id.) A seller.
DioLUJTTA, a. (Ir. id.) Valiant; hospitable, generous. Gu
diolunta, generoiisb; .
DiOMiiRAN, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A mystery.
DioxIiRE, s.f. (Ir. id.) Shamelessness.
DioxAiREACH, a. (Ir. id.) Shameless.
DioxASACir, a. (Ir. id.) Ardent. Com. and sup. dionasaiche.
Gu diona-sach, ardent hj.
DioNCHARN, -chuirn, s. TO. A fort.
DioNGHAiR, s.y. A tribute; a benevolent succour.
DiONOGLACHAS, ais, s. TO. Hcroism.
t DioRMACH, a. (Ir. id.) Unfit to walk.
DiREACiiDAs, ais, s. TO. Gelding.
Dis, a. Incapable of bearing cold ; careful against cold.
DiuGADii, aidh, s. m. Clucking, as of a hen.
DiiliD, s.f. (Ir. id.) Pain; sorrow.
DiuRNACH, aich, s. TO. (Ir. id.) One who drinks or swills.
Dleachd, s.f. (Ir. id.) A toll, a right, a due.
Dleachdair, s. to. (Ir. id.) A lawgiver,
t Dlomh, s. to. (Ir. id.) Refusal.
Dlug, dluig, s.y. (Ir. id.) Avarice; penury.
Do-BHUiDHEACHAS, ais, s. TO. Ingratitude, unthankfulness.
DOCHRAIDH, s.f. Lust.
DociiRAiD, s.f. (Ir. id.) Servitude.
Do-DHEANTAS, ais, s. TO. Impracticability.
Do-DiiuisE, s. ;«. A bad man, a rogue. i\^ p^. do-dhaoine.
DoGHALTAS, ais, s. TO. (Ir. id.) Revenge.
Do-GHLEusADii, o. (Ir. id.) Untuneable.
DoGHNASACH, a. (Ir. id.) Ill-favoured.
DÒID-GHEAL, a. White-handed.
DoiGHEiL, «. (doigh-amhuil.) Decent; well-appointed.
DoiGHLEUG, eig, s.f. A touchstone.
DoiREANTA, a. Sullen, dogged.
t DoiRiATA, a. (Ir. id.) Lewd.
DÒIRTEAR, eir, s. m. One who spills.
Doit, s. f. (Ir. id.) A grain of an inebriating quaUty that
grows among- corn.
DoiTiiCHEARXAs, ais, s. TO. (Ir. id.) Churlishness, niggard-
liness ; abhorrence.
Do-LAMHACH, a. Not easily handled: also, for da-lamhach,
Do-LAMHAciiD, S.f Ambidexterity.
DoNADAs, ais, s. ?n. (Ir. id.) Evil; miserableness.
DoNN-RUADn, a. Of a bay or chesnut colour.
DoRCAX, ain, s. to. (Ir. id.) A yearling bull-calf
DoRNASG, aisg, s. TO. (Ir. id.) A manacle.
DoRRTHA, o. See Dorracii.
Do-sHEOLADii, a. Innavigable; that cannot be guided or
j directed.
[ Do-SGAOiLTE, a. (Ir. id.) Not easily spread ; indissoluble ;
! inevitable.
' Do-sGATHACH, a. (Ir. id.) Improvident; extravagant. Gu
I do-sgathach, improiidentli/.

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