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Cluas, cluais, s./. (Ir. id.) Gladness, joy.
Cluas liatii, s.f. A certain medicinal herb.
Cludag, aig, s./. {fr. id.) Concealment; a store.
CxAMHAG, aig, s.f. A maggot.
Cnapain, s. m. {Ir. id.) A louse.
Ckocair, s. m. {Ir. id.) A crabbed little fellow.
CocHLACH, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) Hair-lace.
CocHLACii, a. {Ir. id.) Braided. Ciabhan cochlach, braided
t Cod, s. vt. {Ir. id.) A part, a piece. Now written cuid.
CoDAUSN'ACHD, s.f. {Ir. id.) Contrariety.
CoGAiRSEACH, ich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A whisperer.
CoGAR, air, s. OT. {Ir. id.) An insurrection ; a conspiracy.
CoiDHEis, a. {Ir. id.) Commodious, convenient.
CoiLT, coilte, s.f. {Ir. id.) A heifer.
CoiMHEAS, s. VI. Coolness, indifference; equality; com-
CoiMiiNEAS, eiSj s. m. Neighbourhood.
CoixDREACii, s. wi. {Ir. id.) Impediment, restriction ; mis-
chief; instruction ; direction.
CoiREACH, ich, s. m. {from coir.) Ir. id. A guilty person.
CoiREAN coiLicii, s. m. Wild campion ; lychnis dioica.
CoisEANTACH, aich, s. 7ÌI. A protector.
CoiSREACii, ich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A feast.
CoLACH, CoLLACH, a. { Inccstuous ; sinful, wickcd.
t CoMACH, aich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A tax, a toll.
CoMHAUBAS, ais, s. m. {Ir. id.) Succession.
CoMH-ciiòsACii, a. (Ir. id.) Concave.
CoMH-FiiLANNAS, ais, s. til. Consanguinity.
CoMPAN, ain, s. ra. {Ir. id.) See Companach.
t CoNAiR, s.f. {Ir. id.) A haven, a crown.
Conga, s. m. {Ir. id.) The antlers of a buck.
CoNGART, airt, s. VI. {Ir. id.) Command.
CoNGBHALACii, a. (Ir. id.) Tenacious.
CoNGBiiALAS, ais, s. m. (Ir. id.) A stay, a help, support.
CoNTRAiLL, s.f. (Ir. id.) Opposition.
CÒRAiciiEAN, n. pi. of coir; which see.
CoRAiciiEAS, eis, s. m. (from coir.) Ir. id. Surety, pro-
CoRCAN, ain, s. w. (Ir. id.) A small boat.
CoRCRAN, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A small ])ot.
CoRMACii, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) A brewer.
CoRPACii, aich, s. m. Ground under which tiicre is decayed
CoRPAN, ain, s. m. (dim. of corp.) A little body; a miser-
able body ; a corpuscle.
CoRTiiAcuD, s.f. Lassitude.
CosAR, air, s. vi. (Ir. id.) A coat, a mantle.
CosNACii, aich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A defendant.
CosRACii, s. m. (Ir. id.) Fetters.
CoTHARACii, aich, s. m. Water scorpion-grass.
Creabiiaidii, a. Frail, not stout.
Ckeasacii, aich, s. 7n. (Ir. id.) Spear. A^. pi. creasaichean.
Cueasan, ain, s. m. Faith.
Creatiiair, s. nj. ( An extortioner. A^ ;)/. creath-
Crinea.m, eini, s. m. A fall.
Crim'amii, eimh, s.f. Fate, destiny.
Criodair, s. m. ( A fondler. A', yj/. criodairean.
Crislean, s. pi. Sinews.
CnoiLiGir, s./. Pain, infirmity.
Choiteacii, a. Gibbous.
Crosag, aig, s. f. A small cross; a small cup; perver .
Crotal coille, s. m. Lungwort; ihe miiscus puliiwnar <
of botanists.
CuoTAN, ain, s. in. Purple, dyer's lichen,
t Cruach, a. (Ir. id.) Red.
Cruacii luachair, s. m. (Ir. id.) Dwarf club-rush ; ■
scirpus cespitosus of botanists.
Cruadiiaig, s.f. Distress; necessity.
Cruadiiaii,, s. /. (Ir. id.) Danger; hardship; inl-
Cruadiialaciid, s.f. (Ir. id.) Hardness, niggardlim ,
Cruadhalta, a. (Ir. id.) Hard, niggardly, inhuman.
Cruadhchradii, aidh, s. m. Austerity.
Cruiuiasg, aisg, s./. ( A crimson colour.
Crubheoin, s. Td. The herb birdsfoot ; the trifolium oi <-
thopodioides of botanists.
Crubh-leomiiaixn', s. m. Common lady's-mantle ; coran \
vervain ; the alchemilla vulgaris of botanists.
Crucacii, aich, s. m. (Ir. id.) .\ heap.
Cruinneach, ich, s./. ( Dew; mist; fog.
Cruinneagax, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) A mass, a heap.
Cruinnean, ein, s. m. (Ir. id.) A tuft.
Cròisgean, ein, s. m. ( A jug, a small pitcher
Crùistean, ein, s. m. (Ir. id.) A little lamp or cruse.
Cruiteaciian, ain, s. m. A dwarf, a hunchback.
Crusgadh, aidh, s. m. (Ir. id.) A box, a small coffer. I
CuAiRSGiATii, -sgeith, s.f (Ir. id.) A crooked target'
t Cuaitii, s.y. ( The country.
CuAJT, ain, s. m. ( Deceit; a multitude.
CuARAG, aig, s.f. (Ir. id.) A knapsack.
CuAKTACH, a. (Ir. id.) Current.
Cuideag, eig, s./. ( A spider.
t CuiG, s.f. A counsel, an advice; a secret, a mystery.'
Ci'ii.EANN TRÀG1IA, s. m. (Ir. id.) Sea-holly; the eryngiH
niaritimum of botanists. I
CùiL-FiiioNN, n. (Ir. id.) Fair-haired. \
Ciii.i.K, s./. Black cloth; a quill. I
Ciii.LsKAN, ein, s. m. (Ir. id.) The quilt or tick ofi
CiriMllAS, ais, s. ?H. ( The list of cloth.
CuiMiiEALTA, o. Bruising.
CuiMREACH, ich, s. Jn. ( An assistant. i
CuixEAi, MiifiRE, «. /«. Great white mullen ; hag's tap';
lady's fox-gloves; cow's lung-wort; the i-crhascnm thapa
of botanists.
Ci'iVEAS, eis, s. m. (Ir. id.) Rest, quiet. i
CuiNNEAG MHiGiiE, S.f. (Ir. id.) Wild uugclica; p
angelica sylvesiris of botanists. i
CiiN'SEAR, eir, s. m. A poniard.
Cuiiur.ACi, eig, s./. A hive. N. pi. cuÌ
Ciiui'i, AN, ein, s. m. A crupper.
CuiiiiM.AU, eir, »■. m. A carper.
CuLAiR, s./. ( The throat ; a palate ; chops.
CuMAii.T, s./. ( A touching ; a wiping.
tCuMAL, ail, s. m. (Ir. id.) Three cows; the vahu ♦f
three cows.
Ci'NGANrACii, a. (Ir. id.) Helpful.
Ci'N(;ANTAni, 4. Hi. ( A helper, an assistant.
CiiNNADii; more properly co«H«rf/t ; which see.
t CuR, s. m. (Ir. id.) Present time; fatigue; surety, plec
CuRAiD, s. TO. ( A curate. !

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