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llR-riiAs, V. n. Sprovit, bud, or shoot; grow afresh.
Pret. a. dh' ùr-f has ; ftit. aff. ur-f hàsaidh. Ur-f hàsaidh
si, it will grow again. — Steiu. Job.
Ua-riiASACii,a. Casting sprouts or buds; producing sprouts,
buds, or slioots.
IJR-iiiiAiunEACiiAS, ais, s.m. {Ir. id.) Great rejoicing;
Urghais, s./. {Ir. id.) Exchange; alteration.
Ur-giiorm, a. Freshly green. Ag ionaltiadh fhasach ur-
g'horm, grazing on the freshly viridjield. — Macfar.
Urgra, s. 7H. {Ir. id.) A battle ; a loss.
Urla,s. ?«. A Hoor. More frequently written j<r/ar ; which
Urla, urladh, aidh, s. m. {Ir. id.) A front or forehead ; a
visage or countenance ; an aspect ; a bottom ; a place lying
low amon<r hills; a lock of hair; the breast. Air urla
ghleann, in the bottom of the valleys. — Oss. Fing. M' urla
'g eiridh ard, rny breast rising high. — Oss. Lodin.
Ur-labhairt, s.f. {Ir. ur-labhair.) Graceful speaking,
rhetoric, eloquence, oratory.
Uu-LABiiAiRTEACii, a. Eloquent; rhetorical; oratorical.
— Macfar. Vac.
Ur-labiiairteaciid, s./. Elocution; rhetoric; oratory.
UR-LAnirAiRTEAR, cir, s.m. An orator, a rhetorician; a
graceful speaker.
Ur-labhrach, a. Eloquent, rhetorical.
Ur-labhradh, aidh, s.m. Eloquence, rhetoric; graceful
utterance. Anns gach ur-labhradh, in all utterance. — ■
Slew. Rom. Cor.
Uklacii, a. Having long hair; having ringlets or curls.
Cas-urlach, curled. — Macdoii.
Urladii. Sec Urla.
Urlaicii, v. a. Hate, detest. Dh' urlaich i ris, she detests
+ Urlaidh, s.f. A skirmish.
Urlaim, s.f. Readiness, preparation. — Macfar. Voc.
Urlaimii, n. {Ir. urlamh.) Neat, trim, tidy; ready-
handed ; quick in reading. — Macfar. Voc.
Urlaimii, s./. {Ir. id.) Readiness; preparation.
Urlamaicii, v. a. Prepare, make ready. — Macfar. Voc.
Urlamiias, ais, s. m. { Possession; captivity.
UrlAn, o. {Ir. id.) Very full.
Urlans, ainn, s. m. {Ir. id.) .\ stafl'.
Urlar, air, s. vi. (uir-lar.) Ir. id. A Hoor; a groundfloor;
a pavement; the ground; the earth; a Hoor of earth or
clay; a low place or bottom among hills. Uriar-arbhair,
o corn-floor. — Stew. Hos. Urlar-bualaidh, a threshing-
floor. — Id. Urlar chlach, o pavement of stones. — Stew. 2 K.
Urlar bhord, o deal-floor.
Urlaraciiadh, aidh, s. m. The act of flooring, or laying a
Urlaraicii,1'. o. Lay a floor; floor. Pret. a. dh' urlaraich,
floored; fit. aff. a. urlaraichidh, shall floor. P. -part, ur-
laraichte,^oo;t'rf, having a floor.
Urlaraiciie, s. VI. One who lays a floor; one who mines
or prepares clay or earth for a flour.
Urlaraiciite. See Urlauaicii.
Uhlatacii, aich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A tumbler, a stage-player.
Uhlataidh, s.f. {Ir. id.) Agility.
Urloisc.each, a. Fervent, keen, zealous ; causing or pro-
moting zeal. — Macfar. Voc.
Urlosgadii, aidh, s. m. Fervour, zeal, keenness.
I R-LUACiiAiK, -luachrach, s. /. {Ir. id.) (jreen rushes,
young rushes. — Macfar. Voc.
I'r-miieanoan, ain, s. m. A young branch ; a twig. Ur-
mhcangan nan cam, the young branches of the roeAs.i-
Macfar. i
Urmhoireaciid, s. f Freshness, greenness, juicinc
newness. '.
Ur.mhor, a. Fresh, green ; juicy ; flourishing ; rece'..
Com. and sup. ùrmhoire, more or inost green. i
UuNUiGii, s./. (7r. urnaighe.) A prayer, a petition. J.
tean urnuigh 'g ad leanachd, a thousand prayers folloica
thee. — Macfar. Urnuigh an Tighcarna, the Lord's prav;
dean urnuigh, pray; ri urnuigh, praxjing ; ag urnui^j
Urr. See Ur.
Urra, Urradii, aidh, s.m. A person; a child; abei';
power; strength; a good author; authority; a defencat
at law ; a chieftain ; adjectively, able, capable. Iji
'chuireas leam, a person who will aid me. — Sm. Chi'n
nrradh iad a thogail, they cannot lift him. — Oss. D<n,
Is urradh dhorah, / am able.
Urrach, aich, s. m. A pull or haul ; a pulling.
Urraciidag. See Urachdag.
Urrad, a. and s. As much, as many; so much, so miy.
Na h-urrad cheannais oirnne, so much superiority oveiit.
— Macfar. Written also iuVearf ; which see. !
Urrag, aig, s.y. A little child ; written also «ra(/. ,
Urrail, a. Confident, self-sufficient ; bold, inipudent.j>r-
ward. — Macfar. Voc. \
Urraim, gen. sing, of urram. {
Urrainn, s.f. and a. { An author, authciy;
ability, ])Ower ; a stay, a support. Sgeul gun urrai', o
tale without an author ; na bi ad urrainn anns a bliig,
be not the author of a lie. — Old Didactic Poem. Cl'n
urrainn duit eiridh, yoii cannot rise. j
Urualaciid, s.f. Confidence, self-sufficiency; bolc^,
impudence. ■
Urram, aim, s. TO. { Respect, honour; deferee;
worship; significance, signification. Beartas agus u un,
riches and honour. — Stew. Pro. A toirt urraim, tHng
honour. — Stew. Jud. |
Uruamach, a. { Honourable; noble; honcjry;
reverend, worshipful; worthy, respected, distingujed.
Bha e na b' urramaiche, he was more honourable.— '.tvi.
Gen. Tha 'ainm urramach, iiis name is reverend. 'Sm.
Ball urramach, an honorary member. j .
Urramaciid, s.f. { Honourableness ; iioblipss; ^
respectfulness; homage; submission; the state ofCing
reverend. (
Uuramaich, v. a. (/r. urramaigh.) Respect, bono t re-
vere ; worship, adore. Pret. a. dh' urranuiich, cespW;
fut. aff. urramaichidh.
Urramaiche, com. and sup. of urramach ; which see.
Urramaiciite, p. part, of urramaich. Respected, hon reil.
Urranta, a. Bold, daring, dauntless ; powerful ; ca^blt;
confident in one's own strength or capacity. Fir »»"'•
nach urranta, high-spirited and powerful men. — Ml (■(>■
and Macdon. Ciu h-urranta, boldly.
Uhrantaciii), s.y. Boldness, dauntlessness, con6dtj* '"
one's own strength or capacity. — Macfar. Voc. I
Uruas, ais, s. m. {Ir. urrudhas.) Security, surety j*8f-
rant; bail; caution; one who becomes bail for ai^her;
a bondsman, a bondswoman. Ma Iha thu 'n urras, ; y""
arc in surety. — Slew. Pro. Thiid mise an urras r il''
shon, / shall go bail for you; theid mise an urra )rt,
will warrant you.
Urrasacii, n. {Ir. urrudhasach.) Recjuiring bail r i"''
curity ; also, bold, daring, self-confident.
Urrasaciii), s.f. The practice of becoming bail ;ns:ii-

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