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Tlacud-aium, s. 711. (/r. id.) A market-place.
Tlaciidau, a. See Tlachdmiiou.
+ Tlaciid-biiailc, s. m. (Ir. id.) A market-town.
Tlaciid-biieiut, s./. ( Geography.
t Ti.ACHD-niioo, s. "i. { A quagmire, a quicksand.
t Tlaciid-bhi' rii, s. m. (/r. id.) A booth or tent at a fair,
TLAriiD-KOLAS, ais, s. 7«. Geography, geographical know-
Tlaciid-giirabiiachd, s./. { Geography.
Tlachd-giirabiiaiche, s.f. A geographer.
Tlachdmhouie, com. and sup. of tlachdmhor.
Tlachdmiioirkacud, s. /. Handsomeness, comeliness,
Tlachdmiiou, a. (/)'. tlachdmhiir.) Handsome; goodly;
conielv ; becoming ; jilcasant. Leanabh tlachdndior, a
goodly child.—Stew. Ex. Tlachdmhor do dhuine, bccomiiKj
in a man. — Stew. Ecc.
Tlachd-sgriobuadii, aidh, s. m. Geography.
TLACHD-SGRiOBHAin, s. m. A geographer.
Tlachd-sheist, s./. ( A strawberry.
Tlaciid-shvuii, s. to. A strawberry.
TLACiiD-riioMiiAtsF.ACii, o. Geometrical; of, or belonging
to, geometry.
Tlachd-thomhas, ais, s. ni. {Ir. id.) Geometry.
Tlachd-tiiomhasaiu, s. m. A geometrician.
Tlaim. SeeTLÀM.
Ti.AiTiiE, com. and sup. of tlath. See Tlà.
Tlàm, tlàim, s. m. A handful, as of wool. Tlàm do chloimh
nan caorach, a handfid of wool. — Macint.
TlAm, v. a. {Ir. id.) Teaze or pluck, as wool; handle.
Prei. a. thlàm ; fti.t. (iff. tlàmaidh, shall tcaze.
Tlàmach, a. Teazing or plucking.
Tlàmadii, aidh, s. m. The process of plucking or of teazing,
as of wool. Co-thlamadh, a mwÌKf/. ,
Tlamadh, (a), pr. part, of tlàm. Teazing, plucking;
TlXs, s. m. {Ir. id.) A merry trick.
+ Tlàs, s. wi. {Ir. id.) Cattle ; a fair.
Tlàs, tlàis, s. m. Mildness, softness, mellowness, tenderness ;
smoothness ; tranquillity. Tionndadh ascaoin na sine gu
tlàs, turn the inclemenvij of the blast to mildness. — Macfar.
TlAth, a. Sec Tlà.
Tlasacii, aich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A fair.
Tlà-thaislicii, v. a. Bedew ; moisten.
Tlathas. See Tlàs.
Tli, s. ?«. ( Colour; feature.
Tliociid, s. OT. { A beginning.
Tliociidan, aiu, s. J». { Hoarseness.
T1.10CHDANAC11, a. Hoarse; causing hoarseness.
Tlu, Tlugii, s. m. { A pair of tongs.
Tlùs, tlùis, s. m. Kindness, compassion, mildness ; a lie ;
cattle. Fheara bu mhor tlfis is baigh, ye heroes noted for
compassion mid mercy. — Oss. Cathula. Thig tlùs is blàtlias,
mildness and warmth shall. — Macint. Tlùs nan spcur, the
kindness of the skies. — Macfar.
Tli'sacii, aich, s. m. A dissembler, a liar.
Tlùsail, a. (tlus-amhuil.) Kind, compassionate, tender,
mild; false. Gu tlùsail, A/nd/y.
Tlùsaii.eaciiii, s. f. Kindness, compassion, Icnderness,
TlOtsaiii, s. m. A kind, compassionatoauim.
TlÙ8aiueaciii),s./. Kindness, compassionatcnc-s, tenderness.
Tlusau, a. See Tlusmiiou. j
Tlusmhoire, com. and sup. of tlùsmhor. '
Tlusmiioireachd, s. /. Kindness, compassionatenes-
mildness. •
Tlùsmhor, a. Kind, compassionate, mild, tender. G
tlusmhor baigheil, kindly and compassionately. — Macfar. '
Tnù, Tnùth, tnùtha, s. m. {Ir. id.) Envy, malic
grudge; avarice; indignation; zeal, bigotry; fire; longing
Am tianuis tnutha, before envy. — Stew. Pro. Do mho
chridhc gun tniith, thy great heart without malice. — Oi'
Tnuth. See Tni).
TxÙTHACii, a. {from tnuth.) Ir. id. Envious, malicioii
jealous ; also, substantively, an envious person, a jealo
person, a rival.
Tnutiiadii, aidh, s. TO. { A conflict.
TNÙTiiAii,/or tnuthmhor.
Tnuthmiiou, o. Envious, malicious, jealous. Gu tnùt
mhor, enviously. Com. and sup. tnùthmhoire.
t Tob, s. m. {Ir. id.) Surprise.
Tobac, s. in. Tobacco.
t ToBAN, ain, s. w. { A hood or cowl.
Tobau, air, s. m. A well, a spring, or fountain. Beul
tobair, the mouth of the well— Stew. Gen. N. pi. tc;
raichean and tobra'iche. Tobraiche na beatha, the fov^
tains [issues] of life.— Stew. Pro. ref. 1
ToBAR-BAisTiDii, s. TO. A font, a baptistry. I
ToBAR-vioR-uisGE, s. TO. A spring-wcll, a living sprinl
a perennial spring. '
T0BAR-TÀ1UNE, s. TO. A draw-welt.
ToBii, s. TO. A rope or cable; a hoe. Tobh cartach, aca
rope; tobh corcaich, a hempen rope : aflined to tobh 1'
the Du. towe; Dan. too; Eng. tow.
t^ ToBiiACii, aich, s. TO. {Ir. id.) A wresting ; a compellin.
t ToRiiAL^ii, «. { Sudden, surprising.
ToBiiT, TouuTA, s. A rower's bench ; a clod ; a turf, j
Tobraiche, Tobraichean, n. pi. of tobar. |
ToCADii, aidh, s. to. Prosperity. |
TocH,TocHA,s.m. {Ir. id.) The hough; a fit of crying ;lo>
TocH, u. a. Hamstring, hough. Pret. a. thoch, ìuimstriì;
fut. aff. a. tochaidh, shall hamstring. i
ToCHACii, a. Houghed ; of, or belonging to, the hough. ,
TociiADii, aidh, s. TO. The act of hamstringing.
TociiAii., s./. A mine, a quarry ; a digging.
TociiAii., v. a. {Ir. id.) Dig, delve; mine, quarry. Pret'.
thochail, dug; fut. aff. tochailidh, simll dig. ThocH
iad slochd, they dug a pit.—Sm. P. part, tochailte, d .
delved, quarried.
TociiAiij.KACii, a. Rooting out, extirpating; digg" ;
substantively, one who digs.
TocnAiLi.EACii, ich, a. {Ir. id.) Mineral. |
TociiAiLLicuE, s. TO. {fro>n tochaill.) A miner; a pionf.
TociiAn.TE,p.par<. of tochail. (/r. tochalta.) SeeTocH'j-
TociiAiLTEAU, eir, s. TO. A miner, a quavricr. ,
TociiAiR, I', a. Invite ; wind up, as yarn.
TociiAi.AicuE, s. TO. A miner, a digger, a delver.
+ Tocir AH, air, s. to. (//•. id.) A causeway, a pavement n
crowd. CO
TociiAH, air, s. to. A dowry or marriage portion, bee «o
TociiAii, V. a. Give a dowry or marriage portion.
TociiAKACn, a. Having a laige dowry.
TocuARAis. See Tacharais.

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