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'apais, s.f. A carpet.
'aplach, aich, s. rn. A repository for small things. — Mac-
far. Voc.
'aplaicii, s.f. A v.'allet ; a repository of small things.
'aponta, a. See Tapanta.
'ar, prep. (Sax. thwyr.) Beyond, over, across, athwart ;
on tne other side.
'ÀR, V. a. and n. Go ; send ; come ; descend ; hefali ;
prepare. Pret. a. th;\r ; fiit. ajf. tàraidh. lul-oidhche
tar o'n speur do sholus, star ofniijht, send thy light from
: the skies. — Oss. Daryo. Thar e niach, he ivent out. —
Stew. Gen. Na taradh neul air Carraigthura, let not a
I cloud descend on Carricthura. — Oss. Carricth. Gus an
: tar dhomh has is uaigh, till death and the ijrave be my
lot. — Mac Lach.
'ÀR, s. m. A belly. See TArr.
'ar, a. Active, quick, clever. — Shaw.
'araciiair, s.f. An auger, a gimblet.
'arachd, s. /. Activity; going, coming.
'ÀRAIDH, fut. aff. of tar.
"Aran, ain, s. m. An apparition; the apparition of an un-
i christened child. A'', pi. tàrain.
'aranacii, o. Spectral.
'arang, aing, s. /. A nail. — Stew. Is. N. pi. taraingean
' or tairngean.
'arbh, tairbh, s. m. A bull. N. pi. tairbh. Mòran tharbh,
■ many bulls. — Sm. Tarbh uisge, o sea-bull or coiu ; tarbh
■ tana, a parish bull i croicionn tairbh, a bull's hide ; Arm.
crochen taru.
Phen. thor, a bull. Chald. Syr. Sam. tor and taur.
I Heb. thora and tor. Ai-ab. taur and tauro. Runic, tarfTur.
, Gr. TOi;§(3;. Lat. taurus. Span, and Manx, tarv. It. toro.
, Arm. taru. Corn. tarv. Ir. tarbh.
i'arbhach, a. (Ir. id.) Like a bull ; also, profitable, fruit-
ful, productive ; pithy, substantial ; effectual. Am faod
duine a bhi tarbhach '. can a man be profitable ? — Stew.
Job. Cainnt tharbhach, pithy language. — Mac Lach.
Buille tarbhach, an effectual or decisive blow. — Macfar.
Com. and sup. tarbhaiche.
ARBHACiiD, s.f. (/r. tarbhacht.) Gain, profit; fruitful-
ness ; productiveness.
ARBiiAicH, V. n. (Ir. id.) Gain, profit ; grow gainful ;
grow fruitful ; reap gain, profit, or advantage. Pret.
tharbhaich ; fut. aff. tarbhaichiJh.
ARBHAicnEAD, cid, s. ??!. Fruitfulness ; improvement or
advancement in fruitfulness. A dol an tarbhaichead,
growing more and more fruitful.
Tarbiiaidh, s.f. Hinderance; an impediment; misfortune.
ARBiiAN, ain, s. ?«. {; dim. of ta.ihh. A little bull ;
a young bull.
'ARBHAXTA, a. (Ir. id.) ; from tarbh. Like a bull ; fierce,
stern, boorish ; bull-faced.
ARBHAS, ais, s. m. (Ir. id.) A surfeit.
au-biieiu, ?;. a. ( Transfer; carryover.
ARBii-TANA, s. m. (tarbh-tain.) Ir. id. A parish bull, a
bull which is the property of a district.
Tar-ciionair, s./. ( A ferry.
AKcuis, s. /. Contempt, reproach, scorn, despite. Dean
tarcuis, reproach or despise ; an dean thu tarcuis ? wilt thou
despise? — Steio. Rom. Luchd tarcuis, spiteful people. — Id.
ARCuisEACH, a. Contemptuous, reproachful, scornful, de-
spiteful. Gu tarcuiseach, reproachfully. Com. and sup.
ARcuisicii, V. a. (from tarcuis.) Despise, contemn, revile,
scorn. Pret. a. tharcuisich ; fut, aff. tarcuisichidh ;
]>■ part, tarcuisichte.
Tareis, prep, (tar and eis, or tar and greis.) After, after-
Tar-fiiradharc, aire, s. vi. A squinting look, a looking
askance ; a leer or ogle.
Tar-fiiradharcacii, a. Having a squint, goggle-eyed;
looking askance ; leering, ogling.
Tahoadii, aidh, s. TO. ( A governing or ruling ; go-
vernment, rule ; an assembly.
Taugaid, s. f. (Sax. targa.) A shield or target. Mile
targaid, a thousand targets. — Stew. Song. Sol.
The target of the Gael was orbed, and made of light wood, with a
single covering of tough leather, or, if thin, with several folds, and
studded with brass, iron, or silver, according to die condition or
means of the wearer.
Targaideacii, a. Like a target ; of a target; armed witli
a shield.
Taugair, v. a. Foretell, bode. Pret. a. thargair; fut. aff.
Targiian, ain, s. m. A noise.
Taugrach, a. Foretelling; prophetic.
Targradh, aidh, s. m. A foreboding, a prediction.
Targraiciie, s. m. A foreboder. N. pi. targraichean,
Tarladii, def. verb, 3 sing, and pi. imper. (Ir. tarla.) Hap-
pen, befall, meet. Tarladh e, let it happen. Nur a thar-
ladh sibh cuideachd, when you 7net togetlier. — Old Song.
Tarladii, aidh, s. m. (Ir. id.) A draught ; a leading in of
corn or hay.
Tarlaid, s.y. A female drudge or slave. iV. ^^. tarlaidean.
Tarlaideacii, a. Drudging, as a female.
Tarlaidii,/ìU. aff. of tarladh. Shall or will befall, or meet.
TArmacii, aich, s. m. A ptarmigan. Tàrmach breac na
beinn, the spotted ptarmigan of the mountain. — Old Song.
This is a rare species of moorfowl, seen on the tops of die highest
Highland hills. The size of the ptarmigan is nearly that of grouse,
and its colour light grey ; but in winter it is perfectly white. It is a
very shy and timid bird ; but when the sportsman comes upon it by
surprise, it is daunted even to stupidity, and has not always die
courage even to fly from danger.
TÀRMACIIAN, ain, s. m. See TArmach.
Tarmadii, aidh, s. m. (Ir. id.) A dwelling.
Tarmaicii, v. n. Dwell, reside, lodge. Pret. tharmaich ;
fut. aff. tarmaichidh. Ann am airnibh tharmaich mo
niosgaid, in my reins my ulcer resides. — Macfar. Ceann
anns an do tharmaich gliocas, a head where wisdofin dwelt.
— Old Poem.
Tarman, ain, s. m. (Ir. id.) See Torman.
TArmanach, aich, s. m. See Tarmachan.
Tarmun, uin, s. m. (Ir. id.) A sanctuary, an asylum. Per-
haps tearmunn.
Tarmunacii, a. Affording a sanctuary or asylum.
Tarnadair, s. m. An innkeeper. A'^. pi. tarnadaireau.
Tarn'adaireacud, s.f. The occupation of an innkeeper.
Tarnaid, s.f. A tavern.
Tarnaidii, (for tarruingidh.) Shall or will draw.
Tarnociid, s./. ( Nakedness; the secret parts.
Tarnocud, a. (Ir. id.) Naked.
Tarp, s. m. A clod ; a lump of earth or clay.
Tarpacii, n. ( Cloddy; bulky; weighty.
Tarpaciid, s.f. (Ir. id.) Bulkiness.
Tarpan, ain, s. wj. A cluster; a crab-fish. A', p/. tarpain.
Tarpan, ain, s. m. (dim. of tarp.) A little clod.
Tarpanach, a. Cloddy.
Tarr, s. m. (Ir. id.) A tail ; an extremity; the lowest part
of the belly. Breac tarr-gheal, a white-bellied trout.—

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