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T A O, s. m. (Ir. id.) The lee-side.
Taobii-siilkwie, s. /. (/r. id.) A bye-path, a foot-path
leading parallel to a highway. A", pi. taobh-shlighean.
Taobh-siiligheach, a. Having bye-roads.
Taobh-siiruth, s. m. An eddying tide, or back-water.
Taobh-tiioir, s. m. A creditor ; a commissary. — Marfar.
TAOBti-TiiROM. {Ir. id.) Pregnant.
Taobh-thruime, s.f. Pregnancy.
Taobh-tir, s. {Ir. id.) The edge of the shore; a district.
Taod, taoid, s. m. {Ir. id.) A rope or cable ; a rope of hair;
a halter. N. pi. taodan. Ar crainn is ar taodan, our sails
and our cables. — Macfar.
Taodacii, n. {Ir. id.) Having ropes or cables ; like a rope ;
of ropes; haltered; stubborn.
Taodachan, ain, s. m. {Ir. id.) A stubborn creature.
T.\0DAN-, ain, s. m. {dim. of taod.) A little rope or cable;
also n. pi. of taod.
Taodh, s. m. {Ir. id.) Woollen yarn.
Taodiiair, s. m. {Ir. id.) An apostate. .ZV. p^. taodhairean,
Taodiiaiueacii, a. Apostatical.
Taodhaireaciid, s.f. Apostasy.
Taog, taoig, s.f. A fit of passion; frenzy.
Taogiiail, v. ■ Frequent, repair to; visit, call on. Prct.
thaoghail; fut. off. taoghiaidh. An sealgair na sicibh cha
taoghail, the hunter shall not frequent the 7noors. — Ull.
Written also taothal.
Taoghaill, gen. sinrj. of taoghall.
Taoghalach, a. Frequenting, visiting; fond of frequenting.
Taoghall, aill, s. »i. A frequenting, a visiting; a visit ; a
game at golf, foot-ball, or shinty. Cuir taoghall, play at
foot-bull; cuir 'thaoghaill, drive home, as afoot-ball.
Taoghan, ain, s. m. A badger. N. pi. taoghain.
Taoghanacii, a. Like a badger; full of badgers; of
Taogiias, ais, s. m. A grave.
Taoghlam, (for taoghlaidh mi.) I shall frequent or visit,
t Taoi, a. {Ir. id.) Ready; silent; mild; substantively,
a birth ; a trope ; a turning.
Taoig, s.f. A fit of passion ; frenzy.
Taoigcach, a. Infuriate, frantic.
Taoighis, s./. A mill-pond.
Taoim, s. (/'■. ».rf.) Water in a ship or lioat, bilge-water —
{Macfar. Voc.) ; a dash of water.
Taoimeach, a. Leaky, not water-tight, as a ship or boat.
Taoinneadii, idh, s. m. A crispation.
Taois, taoise, s. f {Ir. taos.) DoM.;h or Iwivlmi. Taois
ghoirt, sour leaven. — Steiv. Ex. and Lev.
Taoisf.ach, ich, s. m. {Ir. id.) A leader or commander.
Bu lionmhor taoiseach na luidhe, 7nauy a hero was laid
low. — Old Poem. Now written toiseach.
Taoisinn, v. n. Leaven, knead. Fret. a. thaoisinn ; /«^
a/f. taoisnidh. Taoisiuu trl miosairean, leaven three mea-
sures. — Stew. Gen.
Taoisxeach, a. Like leaven or dough; of leaven.
TAOiSNEACiiADir, aidli, s. m. The process of leavening.
Taoisnicii, v. a. (from taois.) Leaven, knead. Pret. a.
ihaoi.snich, leavened; fit. aff. tuoisnichidli, shall leaven;
p. part, laoisnichte.
Taois.niciite, p. part, of taoisnich.
Taolamacii, aich, s. m. A parricide. A', pi. taolamaich.
Taom, taoma, s. m. {Ir. id.) A pouring of any li(|uid, an
overflow, a torrent ; a fit of sickncs.s ; a passion, frenzy ;
water that leaks ihrounh a vessel. A', pi. taoman ; d. pi.
taomailjli. An tail a teachd na taomailih, the food comif
in torrents. — Old Poem. Thainig uisge nu ihaomaibh, r.j
came tn torrents. .
T.ui},!, V. a. {Ir. id. Scotch, loom. Dan. torn.) Pour, ov-
flow ; shed ; empty ; throw water out of any vessel. Prei.
thaom ; fut. aff. taomaidh. Tra thaom na filidh an ci.,
■when the bards poured forth their strains. — Oss. D^rm.
Taomacii, a. Emptying; apt to overflow ; subject to fit
Taomachadii, aidh, s. m. An overflowing, an outpourin
Taomadh, aidh, s. JH. A pouring ; an overflowing; an oi .
flow ; an eftusion ; a flood ; a fit of sickness. Fo tliaomi j
dheoiv, under aft of tears. — Oss. Fing.
Taoma Dii, (a), pr. part, of taom. Pouring, overflowii ;
emptying; laving. Air traigh a taoniadh, pouring on. e
shore. — Oss. Fing.
Taomakii, v. a. Pour out, throw out, empty, as a vesse'ir
cart, of any thing that can be poured out of it ; unhj.
Pret. a. thaomaicii, emptied; fut. aff. a. taomaichidh, «H
empty. Thaomaich iad an saic, they emptied their sack.-
Stew. Gen. Taomaich a chairt, unload the curt.
Tao.maiciite, p. pf(/<. of taomaich. Emptied; unloade'j
Taomair, s. m. A pump; one who works at a pup.
N. pi. taomairean.
Taomaireaciid, s./. Working at a pump. |
Taomax, ain, s. m. {from taom.) A small wooden vesselar
throwing water out of boats ; a vessel to lave with. i|d
seol, gun ramh, gun taoman, without sail or laving disi\-
Old Song. Galih an ladar no 'n taoman, take tiie ladiw
laving dish. — Id. N. pi. taomain. ,
Taom-boile, s./. A fit of frenzy ; a raging passion. i
Tao.m-boileacii, a. Frantic, raging with passion or anfj.
Taoso, v. a. {Ir. id.) Pour; pump, drain, empty; efl|e,
circumfuse. Pret. a. thaosg ; fut. off. taosgaidh. At i-
gadh a dui-neoil air gleanntai', pouring her dark clouain
the valleys. — Oss. A chorruich a taosgadli, his w th
pouring forth. — Mac Lach.
Taosgacii, a. Pouring; overflowing; apt fo overfi'';
Taosgadii, aidh, s. m. {Ir. id.) A pouring; an overflow;;
a pumping, a draining ; an overflow. ^
Taosgaiciie, s. OT. {Ir. id.) One who works at a pum)-
Taosgair, s. to. {Ir. taosgoir.) One who works at a pijp.
N. pi. taosgairean. ,
Taosgaireacud, s./. Pumping; labouring at a pumf 1
Taosgta, taosgte, p. part, of taoisg. (/;■. taosgtha.) Puni (I,
emptied, drained.
Taotiiai.!., aill, s. in. A frequenting, a haunting, a visiti;
a haunt or place of resort ; a game at golf or tiie foot-ill.
Aite taothuill, a jilace of resort. — St(:W. Is. rrf.
Tap, s. m. {Ir. id.) A tuft of wool or <lressed flax fixed ' a
TAPACiin, s. /.; /or tapaidheachd. (Ir. tapaeht.) Cltt-
ness ; alertness ; activity ; manliness. I
TArAnii, aidh, s. 7H. Cleverness; alertness; aitivity; in-
liness ; manhood. Cuimhnicheadh gach aou a tluq Hi.
let each remember his manhood. — Ull.
Tai'A(., alg, s.f .\ slight accident ; a slip.
Tapaidii, n. {Ir. id.) Clever, alert, active ; ma.ily,
feardha ta])aidh, an active manly cbin. — Macdon.[
tapuidh, be clever, be quick.
Tapan, ain, s. m. ; dim. of tap. (//•. id.) A little Ui' of
wool or flax on a dlstaif; a tuft of Max added to a I <er
quantity to make up a deficiency in weight.
Tapa.nta, a. Clever, capable, quick. Ciu la[)anta, clei ly-
Tapau, air, s. m. {Ir. id.) A taper.

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