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BÒID, BoiDE, s. f. A vow, an oatli, a solemn promise; also
the surname Boyd ; llic Isle of Bute. N. pi. boidcan,
rou'i. Bliòidich thu bold, thou a xo\i\ — Sttic. (Un.
Naisg am bòidean, liind their onths. — Mac Lach. Bold a
cliiaraig ris na fearaibh, is boid nam feara uile ri ciaraig,
like the swarthi/ maid who the men, as s/ie hud been
fures'iiorn by them. — G. P.
BòiDEACii, a. Pertaining to avow; like avow; tolerable,
well. — Shaw. Also one surnamed Boyd.
BòiDEACiiAN, ainn, s. m. A bodkin.
BÒIDEAN, of boid.
t BoiDH, a. Neat, tidy, trim, spruce. — S/iaw.
t BoiDUE, a. Yellow. Now written /»u»M(- ; which see.
BÒIDHEAC1I, { from boidh. Asp. form, bhoidheach.) Pretty,
beautiful, fair, iiandsome, comely. Is bòidheach ;un fas,
btaiileoiis is their grouth.— Ull. Oiglieana bòidheach, slan
leibh, i/e pntti/ maidens, farexieU. — Old Song. Cha dean
a glilòir bhoidheach an t-amadan sàthach, A'ne words Jill
not a fool's hellj/. — G. 1'.
BoiDliicnn, s. /". Beauty, prettiness, comeliness, hand-
someness. Mar AiUtheas na bhòidhiche, like Ailltheus in
his beaut)/.— Oss. Fin. and Lor.
BÒ1DI11CHE, com. and sup. of bòidheach. More or most
pretty. Asp. form, bhoidhiche. Is i bu bhòidiche learn,
/ deemed [her] it the prettiest. — DIaeint.
BòiDHiciiEAD, eid, s. m. Beauty, increase in beauty.
Bòidhichead mios Mhaigh, the beaiiti/ of the month of Mai/.
— Macdon. A dol am bòidhichead, growing more and
mure beautiful.
BòiDiiu'iiEAs, eis, J. m. Beauty, comeliness. Cha 'n e
'mheud a bhoidhicheas, bulk is not beauty. — G. P.
BÒIDICII, r. Promise solemnly, vow, swear. Pret. a. bhò-
idich, vowed; fut. aff. a. boidichidh, shall row.
BoiGE, com. and .lup. of bog. More or most efTeminate.
Written also buige. See Boo.
BoiCE, s.f. Softness, efleminacy.
+ BoiGii, s.f A teat or udder. — Ir. id. N. pi. boighcan.
BÒ1GIIEAC1I, a. See Bòidiieacii.
t BoiGKEAN, ein, s. m. A bulrush; also flummery; any thing
BoioREANACii, a. Aboiuidlng in bulrushes ; like a bulrush ;
also a place where bulrushes grow ; like flummery ; flabby.
BoiLE, s.f. Issue, result, consequence, success. Written
more frequently buile.
BoiLE, s. f. Madness, rage, passion, fury. (7r. buile.
Lat. bills.) Boile nan cath, the rage of battles. — Oss. Gaul.
I'ear na boile, the passionate man. — Stew. Pro. ref Air
blioile, mad. Buile chath, rage for battle; tha 'm boile
ort, >iou arc mad.
Boile, (air), «f/i-. Mad, raging, distracted.
BoiLEACii, a. (/row boile.) Apt to fly into a rage, furious;
also altogether, complete.
BoiI.G, (oftrner builg), gen. sing, of bolg.
BÒII.ICI1, s.f Idle talk; vain boasting, blustering. Is
bcag orm do bhòilich, / heed not i/our idle talk. — Old Song.
Cha mhailhinn duit do blioilich, / would not pardon thy
blustering. — Id.
t BoiLLUiNN, s. /'. A ring, a circle. — Ir. id.
Boii.i.soE, «. A gleam ; a glare, flash, cftulgence, glitter.
Boillsge faoin a mhàilc, the languid gleam of his helmet. —
Oss. Com. Fo bhoillsge an lath, in the effulgence of day.
— Oss. Tern.
BoiLLSG, Boii.sG, r. Gleam, shine, flash, glitter. Pret. a.
bhoillsg, shone.
BoiLl.sGEAcii, a. Glitlori.ig, gleaming, shining.
BoiLi.SGEAUii, (a), 7;r. /«;;-r. of boillsg. Shining, gleaming,
glittering. A boillsgcadh air sliabh, shining on the mountain.
— Oss. Fing. Mala nan scorr a boiUsgeadh, the brow of
the rocks glittering. — Oss. Temo.
t BoTLsGEAN, cin, s. m. The middle, midst; also a moun-
tain. — Shaw.
t BoiLSGEAN, r. a. Make round and bulging. — Shawi.
BoiN, gen. of bo ; which see.
t BoiNEADH, idh, 4-. m. A running issue, a scrofulous sore;
a sprouting or budding. v
BoiNF.ANTA, a. Mild, gentle; handsome. — Macint. Also
stout, firm, of good bottom.
BoiN r.ANTACiiD, s.f Milducss, gentleness; also stoutness,
firmness ; handsomeness.
BoiNEiD, s.f. {i.e. beann-eididh.) Ir. boneid. A bonnet.
jV". pi. boineidean. Ni thu boineidcan, thou shall maht
bonnets. — Stew. Exod. Boineid an losgainn, paddock-stool.
BoiNF,iD-AN-i,osG AiNN', s. f. A paddock-stool ; brown
BoiNNK, s. f. A drop of any liquid. Boinne fala, a drop of
blood. — Mucfar. Boinne uisge, a drop of water.
BoiNNEAG, eig, «./^ A cake. (/;■. boineog. Sio^cA, bannock.)
N. pi. boinneagan, cakes.
BoiNNEALACH, aicli, s. in. {from boinne.) A dropping of
t BoiR, s. m. An elephant.
BoiRBE. See Buirbe.
BoiRBEACiiD, s.f. (Jrom borb.) Written also buirbeachd ;
which see.
BoHicnE, i.y". An elk; a buffalo. — Ir. id.
t BoittCiiRiADH, s.f A kind of fat clay. — Ir. id.
t Bo I RE, s.f. A hole. Scotch, boir.
BoiREAL, eil, s. f. {from boir.) A small auger, a wimble.
j\'. pi. boirealan. Toll boireil, aii auger-hole.
BoiREANN, BoiRioxN, a. Female, feminine. Leomhan
boirionn, a lioness. Cha 'n eil firioiin na boirionn ann,
there is neither male nor female. — Stew. Gal. Urr firionn
boirionn, an hermaphrodite.
BoiuEANNAcii, BoiRioNNACii, aich, s. f. A female.
Boirionnach eireachdail, u handsome female. Hence Gr.
■!rt,iffor vaU, and Lat. purus.
Bois, gen. sing, of bos.
BoiscEAL, ill, «. ?«. A savage man or woman.
BoiscEiL, a. Wild, savage, untamed. Thog thu oirnne
gu bheil sinn boisceii, thou hast reported of vs that we art
savage. — Old Poem.
BoisEACiiD, s./. {from bos) Palmistry.
BoisEAG, eig, s.f. A box or spank in the ear; a slap with
the palm of the hand ; also a little palm.
t BoisEiD, s.f. A belt, a girdle. N. pi. boiseidean.
BdisG, V. n. Shine, gleam, flash, dart. Pret. a. bhoisg,
shone; fut. aff. a. boisgidli, shall or will gleam. Air auam
bhoisg platha, a rail shone on his soul. — Oss. Derm.
B()is(iE, s.f. A beam of light, a gleam ; a flash, a flamf.
Mar blioisge fuaimncach droighinn, like the noisy Jlamr of
thorns. — .Sm. Boisge dealanaich, ajlaslt of lightning.
BoisGEACii, a. {from boisge.) Gleaming; flashing, flaming;
radiant, luminous.
BoisoEALACiii), .v./. Radiance; a gleaming; a flashing.
BoisoEANTA, a. {from boisge.) Shining, radiant, luminout;
dazzling, flashing, brilliant.
BoisoEiL, a. (boisg-amhuil.) Shining, luminous, radiant,
dazzling, flashing. Co boisgcil ri or, shining like gold. —
Oss. Croma.
BÒIT, s.f. The Isle of Bute.
BoiTEACii, a. Of Bute; also a native or an inhabitant of
the Isle of Bute.

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