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Bod, biiicl, s. m. (fr. bod.) Manbrum xirilc ; also a tail.
^^ pi. buid.
BoDACii, aich, s. m. An old man ; a rustic ; a sorry fellow;
a churl ; a mutchkin, a Scotch liquid measure of four gills,
somewhat less than an Eii^jlish pint. N. pi. bodaich, old
men. Chuireadh tu bodaich 2;u beadradh, tlwu scf
old mtn a fondling. — R. Bodach ruadh, a cod ; bodach
nam briogan, a piubrachd, called Bieadalbane'.s March;
trudar bodaich, an ugly fellon-. — Old Song. Sliob bodach
is sgròbaidh e thu, buail bodach is thig e gu d' laimh,
stroke a sorri/ felluu- and he uill scratch i/ou ; strike him, and
he tcill come to your hand. — Cr. P.
BoDACiiAiL, a. (bodach-amhuil.) Clownish, boorish, churlish;
like an old man.
BoDACiiAN, ain, s. m. {dim. of bodach.) A little old man;
a squat voung fellow; in derision, iomad bodachan gnodh,
Vianii a surli/ old man. — Old Song.
BoDACii-RUADH, «. w. A codfish. JV. ^/. bodaich-ruadh.
BoDAG, aig, s.f. {Ir. bodog.) Rage, anger; a short fit of
passion ; a yearling calf, a heifer ; a bawd. —Shaw. N. pi.
BoDAGACH,a. Apt to fly into a passion ; like a heifer; like
a bawd ; wanton,
t BoDAGACiiD, s. f. Rage, anger; rage for copulation;
furor intcrinus ; also a heifer that wants bulling. — Shau:
BoDAlUEACilD, s.f. (from bod.) Scortatio.
BoDAN, ain, .s. 7». (rf/;n. of bod.) ]\Iemhrulum puerile.
t BoDAii, a. Deaf See Bodiiar.
BoD-ciiiiANN, -chrainn, s. /'. A kind of crupper.
BoDiiAG, aig, s.f. The human body; the skin of the human
bodv. Oigh is gloine bodhaiff, a >naid of the fairest skin. —
BoDiiAiR, V. a. Deafen ; stun with noise. Pret. a. bhodhair,
deafened ; fut. aff. a. bodhraidh, 'shall or zcill deafen.
BODIIAR, air, s. jn. Murrain in cattle.
Bodiiar, a. (Ir. bodhar. J^. bydhar. Corn, bothnr.) Deaf;
also a deaf man. Co rinn am bodhar ? who made the deaf!
— Sfev;. Exod. Com. and 6«;;. buidhre, more or most deaf.
BoniiRACii, a. Infected with the murrain. Co bhodhrach,
a diseased coK.
BoDiiRADii, aidh, s. m. A deafening, a stunning with noise.
Tha mi air mo bhodhradh leat, I am stunned u-ith the noise
you make.
Bo Dii RADII, (a), pr. part. Deafening, stunning with noise.
Ag am bhodhradh, deafening me; 'g a bodhradh, deafening
her ; 'g am bodhradh, deafening them.
Bug, Buig, s. m. A marsh, a fen, swampy ground. — Blacd.
Bog, a. (Ir. bog. Corn, and Arm. boucq.) Soft; penetrable;
lender; damp, moist; mellow; sweet or soft sounding;
timid, feminine, effeminate. A ciabh bhog, her soft hair. —
Oss. Temo. Le ribheid bhuig, zcith his softli/-sounding reed.
— Macfar. A Bhealtainn bhog, moist [shoxieri/] Mai/. — /(/.
Fhir bhuig! thou effeminate man! — Alac I.ach. Gu bog
blàth", snug and -warm; cridhe bog, a tender heart. Com.
and sup. buige. Brisidh an teangaidh bhog an cneadh,
the smooth tongue softens anger. — G. P.
Bog, v. a. and n. Dip; steep; bob; wag. Pret. a. hhog,
' dipped; Jut. aff. a. bogaidh, shall dip ; 1 sing. imp. sub. bho-
gainn, / uoh/i/ dip. Bhogainn anns an allt e, i â– would dip
him in the stream. — Old Song.
BoGACH,aich, Ò-. m. A swamp, a quagmire. iV". ;)/. bogaichean.
BoGACiiADii, aidh, s. m. The act of softening, making tender,
or mellow or effeminate ; a softening into tears.
BoGACHADii, (a), pr. part, of bogaich. Softening; making
mellow ; making timid.
BoGADACii, aich, Ò. m. Gesture; a bobbing gesture.
BoGADAicH, s. f. A continued or frequent bobbing. Anns
a bhogadaich, bobbing.
BoGADAN, ain, s. m. A shaking, a bobbing, a wagging. —
Macinf. A fellow who walks with a mincing pace or a
foppish gait, in derision.
BoGADAXAiCH, s. f. A continued shaking, a wagging or
bobbing. 'Sa bhogadanaich, bobbing.
BoGADH, aidh, s. m. The act of steeping or dipping ; a
steeping, a dipping; a bobbing; softness, tenderness,
Bog AICH, r. rt. and «. Soften; make mellow; make effemi-
nate ; soften or melt into tears. Piet. a. bhogaich, softened ;
fut. aff'. a. bogaichidh, shall siften ; fut. pass, bogaichear,
shall be softened ; p. part, bogaichte, softened.
Bogaichear, yu<. prtM. of bogaich. Shall be softened.
Bogaichidh, fut. aff. a. of bogaich. Shall or will soften.
Bogaichte, />. par/, of bogaichte. Softened.
Bog.\n, ain, s. m. An egg in embryo; rarely, bacon. — Shaxv.
Boganach, aich, *•. m. ( from bog.) A soft fellow; a bump-
kin, a booby. iV. pi. boganaich.
Bogaxaciid, i.y". Softness; the behaviour of a bumpkin.
Bogbhuine, s. /I A bulrush. iV^. p/. bog-bhuinnean.
Bogii, v. a. Bend, like a bow; bow. Pret. a. hhogh; fut.
nff. a. boghaidh.
BoGii, BoGHA, s.m. An archer's bow; a bow or bend ; a
vault, an arch. Bogh-saighead, an archer's bow; bogh-
catha, a battle-bow ; bogh-cogaidh, a battle-how; mar bhoglia
air ghleus, like a how on the stretch ; bogh-fidhle, ajiddle-
boxv ; fear-bogha, an archer; fir bhogha, archers. — Stexe..
Gen. Bogha air a gheug, a bend in the branch. — Macdon.
Bogha-frois, a rainbow.
IF.hwuand h\v, a bow. Swcd. hogd, bowed. Germ ho^en,
a bow. Anglo-Sax. boga. Island, bog. Cr. /Bio;. Lot. barb,
bauga. Scotch, boo. £ng. bow. Dan. bue, arch. Tonq. bo,
Bogiiadair, s. m. (from bogha.) An archer, a bowman.
Ir. boghadoir.
Boghadaireachd, s.f Archery.
BoGHAR, a. See Bodhar.
BoGH-BRAOiN, s. m. A raiubow. Bogh-braoin a soillseadh,
u rainbow shining. — Oss. Com.
BoGH-CATH, «. m. A battle-bow. N. pi. boghan-cath.
Boo H-coG AIDH, s. vi. A battlc-bow.
BoGiiA-f ÌDHLE, «. A fiddle-bow.
BoGH-FRAis, BoGH-FROis, s. m. A rainbow. A dhreach
mar bhogh na frois, his form like a rainbow. — Oss. Gaul.
BoG-GHiOGAN, ain, s. m. The plant called sowthistle.
BoGHSDAiR, «. »!. A bolster. N^. p/. boghsdairean.
BoGii-uisGE, s. m. A rainbow.
BoGiiON, uin, s. m. (perhaps bo-dhàn.) An enclosure for
cattle, intended as a security against cattle-lifters.
BoGLACii, aich, s. m. A bog, a slough, a morass. N. pi,
BoG-LUACHAiR, gen. bog-luachrach, s.f. A bulrush.
BoGi.uiBH, s. m. The herb ox-tongue. N. pi. bogluibhean.
BoG-Lus, s. m. The herb ox-tongue. Ir. boglus. K. pi.
BoiCEANACH, aich, s. m. A boy fourteen years of age. — Shaw.
BoiCEANN, inn, s. m. A hide; a skin; a goat's-skin.
N. pi. boiceannan.
BoicNEACHADH, aidh, s. m. A skinning, a belabouring,
thumping, or beating a person ; a thrashing. Fhuair e a
bhoicneachadh, he got his thrashing.
BoiCNiCH, n. a. Skin, belabour, thump, thrash. Pre/. a. bhoic-
nich, thrashed ; fut. aff. a. boicnichidh, shall or will thrash.

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