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Blasda, a. (Ir. blasda. Jim. blashaat, taste.) Savoury;
sweet, tasteful ; seasoned. Biadh blasda, saioiiiy meat.—
iVfii-. Geii. Blasda le salami, .seasoned uith salt.
Blasdaciid, s. f. {from bias) Sweetness, savouriness ;
Blasmhoihe, com. and sup. of blasmhor. More or most sweet.
BLAS.MiioiRE.-.ciiD.s.y. Savouriness, sweetness, tastefulness.
Blasmhoiread, eid, s. w. Increase in savouriness or sweet-
ness. A dol am blasmhoiread, grouiiig more and more
Blasmhor, (7. Savourv, tasty ; sweet; tasteful. Co7n. and
tup. blasrahoire, more ur most saiouri/.
Blas-phog, -phòig-, ,«. /'. A sweet kiss.
BlAth, blailh, i. {II'.oIaw. 7;-. bladh. £«f|'. blow. Germ.
blat, a leaf. Dun. blad.) A blossom, a flower; bloom,
blow ; fruit, efiects, consequence ; rareli/, a form or manner,
praise. Fuidli Ian bhlàth, in full blossom. — Stew. Gen.
Thig e macli mar bhlàlh, he comes forth like a floicer. —
Steiv. Job.
Blàth, o. Warm ; warm-hearted ; tender, pleasant; rarelij,
white, clean. Smuainte blàth a steach, -t^urm (tender or
pleasant) thoughts icithin.— Oss. Cathula. Cha n'eil neach
blàth, no one is warm. — Steiti. Hag. Gu bog blàth, snug
and warm ; is blath anail na màlhar, narm is the mother's
breath.— G. P.
Blàthach, aich, v. m. (Ir. id. Scutch, bladach.) Butter-
milk. Deoch bhlathaich, a drink of buttermilk.
Blàthachadii, aidh, s. in. A warming, a fomenting, che-
rishing ; a hatching.
Blàtiiachadii, (a), pr. part, of blathaich.
Blathaich, r. (7. Warm, foment, cherish ; hatch; flower as
a plant ; po'ish, smooth. Pr. act. bhlathaich ; fut. af. a.
blathaichidh, shall warm. Bhlathaich a chridhe, his heart
■warmed. — Oss. Cathula. Mur do bhlathaicheadh e, ;/' he
uas not warmed. — Stew. Job.
Blathaichte, p. part, of blathaich. Warmed, fomented,
cherished ; hatched.
Blath as, ais, s. m. Warmth, heat; kindness. Thig tlùs
is blàthas, mildness and warmth shall come. — Macint.
Blàthas na gieine, the heat of the sun. — Ull.
Blàth-chridheacii, a. Tender-hearted, affectionate.
Blàtii-fhleasgaidii, s. A garland or wreath of flowers. —
Stew. Acts.
t Blàth-leig, s. f. A pumice-stone. — Ir. id.
Blàtii-obair, -oibre, s. Embroidered work.
t Bleach D, s. f. Milk; kiiie. — Ir. id. Corn, and W. blith.
Written also bliochd.
Bleachdair, i-. m. A soothing, flattering fellow. K. pi.
BLEACHDAiREACnD, s.f. Flattery, soothing, cajoling.
Bleaghainn, v. a. See Bleoghaix\.
+ Bleasghanach, a. Emulgent.— 6'^auJ.
Bleath, r. (7. Grind, make meal, pulverize. P/c^ n. bhleath,
ground; fit. aff. a. blealhaidh, shall grind. Written also
bleth ; which see.
Bleath, Bleathadh, aidh, 4-.;«. Grinding; pulverizing.
Luchd bleath, grinders, millers. — Stew. Ecc.
Bleath ACH, a. Grinding, that grindeth.
BLEATH-GiiLUXAcn, (J. In-knced, knock-kneed.
t Bleathmhok, a. Fruitful. — .S7/«a-. Cum. and sup. bleath-
Bleid, s. f. Larceny; cajoling, wheedling; solicitation,
impertinence, envy, spite. Ir. bleid.
Bleid'ear, ir, *. »(. See Bleideire.
Bleideil, a. {from bleid.) Impertinent, teazing, trouble-
some ; pilfering,; invidious, spiteful. Fear dubh
dan, fear ban bleideil, a black man is bold, a fair man imper-
tinent. — G. P.
Bleideire, s. m. A pilferer; a beggar; a teazing peti-
tioner ; an impertinent fellow. A'. /)/. bleideireaii. Urram
a bhleidire do 'n stràcair, the compliments of the impertinent
and the troublesome ; — said of those who scold each other
scurrilousli/. — G. P.
Bleideireachd, s. f. Begging; begrgary, solicitation;
thievishness. Bleideireachd mholaidh, the beggary of
praise. — Old Poem.
t Bleidh, s.f. A cup, a goblet. — Ir. id.
t Blein, s.f A harbour for boats. — Shaxc.
Bleoghain'n, Bleotiiaixn, v. a. Milk. Pret. a. bhleogh-
ain or bhleothainn ; fat. af. a. bleoghainnidh or bleoth-
aiunidh, shall milk.
Bleoghaxx, Bleothann, ainn, s. A milking. Aig a
bleoghann, at the milking ; sto bleothainn, a milk pail.
Bleoghaxs, Bleothaxn, (a), pr. part, of bleoghainn.
Milking. A bleoghann a chruidh, milking the cows.
Bletii, s. a grinding, making of meal, pulverizing.
Bleth, v. a. {Ir. bleith, grind. Fr. ble, corn.) Grind;
pulverize; powder; make meal. P;-t'/. a. bhleth, ground;
fut. aff. a. blethidh, shall grind. Bha e a bleth, he vat
grinding. — Stew. Jud.
Bleth-ghlunach, a. Knock-kneed. Balaoch bleth-
ghlunach, a knock-kneed fellow.
Bletiite, /). part, of bleth. Ground. Gran blethte, ground
corn. — Stew. Sam. ref.
Bliadhxa, s. f. Ayear; the space of a year. (Cor/i.blidhan.
-1/tfH,r. blien. r/r7«. blizenu. /r. bliaghain.) JV^. /7/. bliadh-
naichean and bliadhnan. Bliadhna leura, leap i/ear ; an
ceann bUadhna, //; a year's time; at the end of a year, —
Stew. K. rcf. Eadar so is ceann bliadhna, within a year ;
o bhliadhna na tiom so, this time last year ; a bhliadhn' ur,
the new year. Bliadhn' a Phrioxnsa, the common name
among the Gael for the year 1745; literally, the Prince's
Year. Bliadhna Chuilodair, the year ofCulloden, or 1746,
Am bliadhna, this vrar.
I htlieve it is O'Brien who will h.ive it that blindhnn is A
corruption of heil-un, meaning a circle of Bel or of the sun ;
an opinion which explains the composition of the word in a
very iiinple and ingenious manner.
Bliadiixa, (am), adv. This year.
Bliadhxach, aich, s. m. A yearling. Leanaidh bliadhnach
ris na sràbhan, leanjlesh cleaves to straw. — G. P. — applied
to worthless people who adhere to one another. N. pi.
Bliadhnail, a. (bliadhna-amhuil.) Yearly, annual. Ir. bli-
■ aghan-amhail.
Bliadhxa-chàin, s.f. An annuity.
Blian, blein, s. m. {Ir. bleun.) The flank, the groin.
Laimh ris a bhiian, near the jlank. — Stew. Lev.
t Blimh, Blinn, j.y^ Spittle; the frothofadeadbody. — 5Aau.
Blinceax, ein, i. »n. A torch ; a blink.
Bliochax', ain, s. m. Yellow marsh anthericum. — Shaw.
Bliochd, «. /. (Cor«. and /r. blith. Yr. bleachd.) Milk;
milkiness ; the profit arising from selling milk.
Bliochdach, a. {from bliochd.) Milky; lacteal; milk-
producing, giving plenty of milk. Chinn an spreidh gu
bliochdach, tlie cattle became teeming with milk. — Macint.
An coire bliochdach, the milk-producing dell. — Macdon.
Bliochdar, Bliochdmhok, a. Milky, teeming with milk.
Blioxach, aich, s. m. Lean flesh. — Macint. Also a slow
inactive person. A', pi. blionaiehean.
t Bliosax, ain, 4. m. An artichoke. N. pi. bliosain.
t Blob, fl. Thick-lipped; blubber-lipped.
Blobachd, s.f. The deformity of blubber lips,
t Blobaran, ain, «.m. A stutterer; a blubber-lipped person.

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