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aluays ; as,bilh-bhuan, neihistiiig ; bith-dheanamh, oluavs
BlTii-BiiEO, a. Everliving; perennial; evergreen; everlasting.
BiTii-BiiniATiiRACii, a. Talkative, garrulous. — Stc-w. Pro.
BiTH-EHiiic.ii, s. Essence, life-blood.
BiTH-Biu'AX, fl. Everlasting, eternal; perpetual. Eisd Athair
Bhith-bliuan ! Hetir, O I-Acrluxllinj; I'ut Iter ! — Mac l.ach.
BiTii-BiirANTACiii), s. /'. Eternity; perpetuity. O bhitli-
bhuantaolid, gu bith-bhuantaclid, from nirlcis/iiig to cnr-
la.iting. — Stew. I's.
BiTH-ciiURAM, aim, v. OT. Anxiety; continual care.
BiTii-ciiURAMACH, II. Extremely careful.
BiTH-ciiRAOiBii, .V. Gum; the sap or substance of a tree.
BiTn-DiiEANAMii, s. A continual acting.
BtTH-DUEANTA, (7. Frequent, continual.
BiTH-DiiEANTA9, ais, .«. ill. Frequency, coinmonness ; com-
mon occurrence. Am bitli-dheantas,/}r(/H('«;/)/, cuiitinuai/j/.
+ BiTiiE, a. Female ; of, or belonging to, the female sex.
BiTHEADn, s., sing, and pi. impcr. of bi. Let be. Bitheadli e,
let him be.
BiTHiDii, flit. aff. (I. of bi. Shall or will be.
BiTH-LARiiAiRT, s. f. Talkativcness ; continued talking,
BiTHRE, s.f Lifetime.
BiTii-siiioR, a. Everlasting, eternal,
t BiùiDii, s. m. A hero ; a champion.
BiUTiiAS, ais, .!. m. A good or bad report; reputation.
fame. — Steu\ Is. rcf
t Blà, s. m. A town, a village; also piety, devotion; a
green field ; a cry, a shout; the fruit of the womb ; praise.
+ BlA, a. Yellow; health; safe; well; warm,
t Blachd, s.f. Word.
Blad, blaid, s. m. A mouth; a dirty mouth; a foul or
abusive mouth.
BLADACii,a. (//owblad.) Garrulous; abusive, foul-mouthed.
Com. and sup. bladaiclie.
Bladair, s. ill. {from blad.) Ir. bladaire. Lot. blatero.
A flatterer, a sycophant ; also one of the followers of a
Highland chieftain. N. pi. bladairean.
Bladaireaciid, s. f Flattery, sycophancy.— /r. id.
t Bladii, o. Smooth; soft. — Slurd:.
Bi.ADii, s. A blossom, a flower; a garland, foliage ; renown,
fame; meaning; essence. Chaochail do shnuadh mar
bhlùdh, tini btiiiiti/ litis xanisltcd like a Jhmer. — Death of
Carril. Am bladh buidlie, tlic i/cllow /toner. — Old Poem.
Daraig is guirme bladh, an oak of the greenest Joiiage.
7/-. bladh. Dan.\,\M\,aleaf Oerm. h\at, a leaf //'. blaw.
Bi.ADiiACii, rt. Blossomy, flowery ; like a garland.
Bi.ÀDiiAcir, aich,«.m. (Sfo/c//, bladach.) Buttermilk. Deocli
bhlàdhaich, a draught of buttermilk.
+ Bi.ADiiACiiD, s. f A siTiashing, a crumbling or breaking
to pieces. — //•. id.
BLAUii-i.rAiiUAiu, s. m. The contents of a book. — Shaw.
Br.ADii-i.EAsc.AiDii, .V. TO. A garland, or wreath of flowers.
Written also bladh JUasguidh.
Bi.ADii-smuiii, s. ni. Elixir.
Bi-AD-suRONACii. Flat-nosed. Com. and. vH;).blad-shrònaiche.
Bi.AD-sPAGACii, a. Flat-soled.
BlUuiacii, aich, t. m. Buttermilk. Written also bhulhach.
Blàoiiacii, (7. Effectual; famous, renowned. Com. and ii/p.
t Blacìii, r. n. (gh silent.) Puff, blow. Ildiee Eng. blow,
and Scotch, blaw.
Blac:iiair, s. m. A blast; a blustering wind ; a blusterer,
a boaster. N. pi. blaghairean.
Blaghaireaciid, s. /. Blustering; boasting; bravado.
Blagiiantacii, a. Boastful ; blustering. Com. and sup.
blaghantaiche, more or most boastful.
Blagiimii ANACii, aich, s. m. A blustering fellow,
t Blai, .v. /'. The womb. — Ir. id.
Blaidii. See Bloidii.
Blais, r. a. (Ir. blais.) Taste; sip; relish; try by expe-
rience. Pret. bhlais, tasted ; fiit. af. a. blaisidh, shall or
u-ill taste.
Blaisidh, fut. aff. a. of blais. Shall or will taste.
Blàiteachadh, aidh, s. in. A warming, a hatching.
BlAiteacii ADii, (a), pr. part, of blaitich. Warming, hatch-
ing. A blàiteachadh nan ubha bhreachda, hatching the
spotted egg ,v. — jSIacfar.
t Blaith, r. a. Sm.oolh, polish, level. Pret. bhiaith.
Blaithe, com. and sup. of blàth. W^armer, softer, smoother;
warmest, softest, smoothest. Nighean bu bhlàithe sùil,
a maid of softest ei/e. — Old Legend.
Blaitiiean, ein, s. in. (dim. of blàth.) A little blossom.
Blaitji-fhleasgaidii, *. «(. A garland or wreath of flowers.
Blaitii-leac, lie, s. f. A polished flag, a smooth stone.
Blaitich, r. a. Warm, foment, hatch, cherish. Pret. a.
bhlàitich; fut. aff. a. biàitichidli.
Blanag, aig, 4'. /". Fat, tallow. More frequently written
Blanagach, a. See Blonac ACii.
t Blanda, ft. Gentle, mild, flattering. Lat. blanda.
/;•. blanda.
Blandar, air, s. m. Flattery, cajoling; blarney.
t Blaoc, blaoic, s. m. A whale,
t Blaodii, blaoidh, s. m. A shout, a loud calling; a breath.
— -Shaw.
Blaodiiag, aig, s.f. A noisy female.
Blaodii-euv, s. in. A bird-call. — Shazc.
t Blaodiirach, H. {Ir. id.) Clamorous, noisy. — Shan.
f Blaor, blaoir, s. m. A cry, a shout. — Ir. id.
Blàr, blàir, s. m. A plain, a field, a plain field; ground;
floor; spot; a green. As plain fields were chosen for en-
gagements, blur came to signify a battle, a field of battle.
N. pi. blàran and blair, plains ; dat. pi. blàraibh, plains.
Sgcudaichcar na blair, /lie plains shall be adorned. — Maefar.
Reith a bhiair, the plain of battle. — l\Iac Lach. Fraoch nam
blàr, the rage of battle. — Oss. Cathula. Cuir blàr, /(VA/ ;
air a bhlàr, on the flour. — Stew. Gen. On bhlàr gu 'bhàrr,
from the ground to its top.
BlAr, a. White-faced; having a white forehead ; more fre-
quently applied to black cattle and horses with white
foreheads. Each blàr, a white-faced horse. Arm. blawr,
white. Corn, blawr.
Blarag, aig, s. f {dim. of blar.) A white spot on the face
of cattle ; also a white-faced cow. An gobhal na bh\raig,
between the legs of the while-faced cow. — Old Song.
N. pi. blaragan.
BlAran, {(//;;/. of blar.) Mhich.
BlAran, {dim. of blar.) A little plain, a little green ; a
small spot.
Blas, blais, .V. ni. {Ir. If. Corn, and .Inn. bias ) Taste ;
savour; Havour; experience. Bias na meal air do phogan,
the taste of hiinei/ on tin/ kisses. — Mac Co. Air bhlas nam
fioguis, tasted tike figs.— Old Song.
BlAs, blais, .V. 7H. Co«/;-. of bh\thas. Warmth. See BlAthas.
BLASACitn, 4'. f. {from bias.) A tasting.
Blasad, (a), /)/•. part, of bias. Tasting. Gun am blasad,
without tasting them. — Oss. Gaul.
Blas-biieum, gen. -bheim, s. m. Blasphemy. — Macd.
Blas-biieumach, a. Blasphemous; prone to blaspheme.

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