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Fif.iiE.vDAiR, s. m. A weaver, a pUiiter, a twister. Sp;\l
figheadair, a weaver's shiUtlc. — Stew. Job. N. pi. fighea-
FiGHEADAiUF.ACiin, s.f. The oceupation or trade of a
weaver. Ris an t'higlieadaireaclul, at t/ic tvcaviiuj trade.
FiGHEis, s.f. {Ir. id.) A lance; a spear. — Shaw.
FiGHiL, s.f. (Ir. id.) A prayer. — Shaiv.
FiGUTE, p. part, of figh. Woven, twisted, twined, wreathed.
Slabhruidhean fightc, wreathed churns. — Stew. Ex.
FIgis, s.f. {Lat. ficus.) A fig-, a fig-tree. Cranu-figis. a
FiLEAD, eid, s. m. .\ fillet. — Shaw.
FiLEADACH, a. Filleted.
Fil.EANTA, a. {from tìlidh.) Melodious, tiniefiil. — Macinf.
Also, poetical ; elocpient.
FiLEAXTACiii), s.f. Melodio\isness, tunefulness; eloquence.
FiLEAii, eir, s. in. A spruce fellow ; a crafty man.
FiLEiL, a. (filidii-amhuil.) Poetical, poetic, bardic.
FiLiDii, s. m. (Ir. id.) A poet or bard; a minstrel ; an
inferior bard ; a warbler ; a songster ; a philosopher. Fi-
lidh nam bliadhna nar dcigh, the bards of after years. —
Oss. Duthniia. Filidh bhinn nan coillte, the melodious
warblers of the wood. — Oss. Truth.
FiLiDiiEACH, a. Poetical; rhyming; tuneful. Gu filidheach,
FiLiDHEACiiD, s.y. Poetry; rhyming; tunefulness.
Fill, s.f. A collop ; a steak. A', pi. fillean, steaks. Fillean
saille, collops of salt. — Stew. Job.
Fill, s.y. A fold, a plait. A', p/. fiUtean. Le filltean teine,
with folds of fire. — Slew. Ezek.
Fill, v. a. Fold, plait, double; imply. Pre<. a. dh'fhill,
folded; fut. aff. a. fillidh, shall or ivill plait. Fillidh
tu iad, thou shalt fold them. — Stew. Heb. Air am filleadh
anns a chèiie,/oWerf together. — Stew. Nah.
Goth, fildan. Ang. Sax. faldan. Ir. fill. Germ, fald
ayid faltan.
Filleadh, idh, s. m. (Jr. id.) A folding, a plaiting; a
fold, a plait; a cloth. Beagan fillidh, a little folding . —
Steic. Pro.
Filleadh, (a), pr. part, of fill. Folding, plaiting, doubling;
FiLLEAG.eig, s.f, dim. of fill. ( A little fold or plait;
a shawl; a wrapper; a doublet; a scarf; a covering.
N. pi. fiUeagan.
Filleagach, a. Having folds or plaits.
Fillean, ein, s. m. A species of worm that breeds in the
head and neck of some of the Hebrideans, frequently
causing imposthumous and painful swellings.
FiLLEAU, fut. of fill. Shall be folded.
Fillidh, geii. sing, of filleadh. Of a fold or plait.
Fillidh, /if?, aff. a. of fill. Shall fold or plait.
Fillte, p. part, of fill. (//■. id.) Folded, plaited, doubled;
implied ; deceitful. Tri fillte, threefold.
tFiMii, s.f. ( Drink; potion; wine.
Fi.MEAXACH, aich, s. »!. (/r. fimineach.) A hypocrite; also,
FiMEAKACHD, S.f. (Ir. fimineachd.) Hypocrisy.
t Fin, a. Fine. Hence finealta.
Gr. ?i««yos and ifxitvog, clear. Arm. fin. Fr. fin. It. and
Span. fine. Eng. fine. Germ, fcin, excellent.
Fixe, s. /. ( A tribe, a clan, a nation, a family,
kindred ; a soldier. Gach fine gairmidh e, he will call
every tribe. — Sm. Gu fhine fein gach treun, every hero to
his own nation. — Oss. Tem. A^ pi. fineachan.
FiNEACH,«. In tribes or clans; clannish.
FiN'EACHAN, n. pi. of fine. Tribes, nations, clans; also,
heathens, gentiles. A reir am fineacha, according to their
nations. — Stew. Gen. Thàinig na fineachan, the heathen
came. — Sm.
Fineachas, ais, s. m. ( Kindred; inheritance; a
nation ; law.
FiM ADACii, a. (Ir. id.) Wise, prudent, sagacious, cun-
ning; also, clannish; substantively, a. cAansmnn.
FiNi'.ADAiL, a. National, clannish.
FiNEADALACHD, a. Nationality, clannishness.
Fineadh, idh, s. m. A tribe, a clan, a nation, a family, a
kindred. Aon fhineadh, one tribe. — Stew. 1 K. ref
FÌNEAG, eig, s.f. (Ir. fineog.) A mite; also, a crowberry.
Lan fhineag, y«^/ of mites. — Macint.
FÌNEAGACH, a. (/r. fineogach.) Mity ; full of mites ; full of
FiNEAL, eil, s. m. (Ir. id.) Fennel. Fineal cùbhraidh,
sweet fennel ; fineal sràide, sow fennel. — Shaiv.
Finealta, a. from fin. (Ir. fionnalta, well washed.) Tidy;
fine ; well dressed ; elegant ; brave. Foinneamh finealta,
portly and well dressed. — Macint.
Fixealtachd, s.f. Tidiness; fineness; fondness for dress;
elegance ; bravery.
Fineamhaix, Fineamiiuin, s.f. (Ir. id.) A vine; a
vineyard; a twig ; an osier; any small rod. Fineamhain
fa m' chomhair, a vine opposite to me. — Stew. Gen.
Fineamhuineach, a. (Ir. fineamhnach.) Having vines or
vineyards; full of vineyards ; like a vineyard.
FiNEUN, coin, s. m. (Ir. fineon.) A buzzard,
t FijjEUR, eoir, s. m. (Ir. id.) A stock, a lineage.
FiNicHD, a. (Ir. id.) Jet black.
FiNiCHE, s.y. A jet black. — Shaiu.
FixiD, s.f. An end, close, or conclusion.
Lat. finis. Tent, fiin and fiine. Fr. fin. Corn, fin and
FiNiDEACii, a. Wise, prudent. Gu finideach, wiseZy.
fFiNX, n. ( White; milk. — Shaw.
FiNN-DHioL, V. a. Enslave.
FiNUE, 4'./. ( Attendance; testimony, evidence. —
Shaw. A beautiful woman ; whiteness, fairness,
t Finneal, eil, s. m. (Ir. id.) A shield.
FiNNEUL, eoil, s. 7n. A white cloud.
FiNNEUN, coin, s. m. A buzzard. N. pi. finneoin.
FiNX-GiiEALL, V. a. Profess; promise. — -Shaw.
FiNNGiiEiNTE, s. pi. Norwegians.
t FiNNiDiiEACH, a. ( Vigilant, prudent, cautious.
FixxiDUEACiiD, s. f (Ir. id.) Vigilance, prudence, cau-
FiNN-REic, s.y. Proscription.
FiNN-REic, V. a. Enslave ; proscribe.
FixxsGEUL, sgeoil, s. A romance, a tale, a fiction,
t Fiocii, s. m. ( Land; anger, choler.— .^/lajw.
t FiociiAiL, a. (fioch-amhuil.) Angry, fierce, choleric ;
FiocHAR, a. Angry.
FiocHRADH, aidh, s. m. (Ir. id.) Anger, choler. — Shaw.
FioDADii, aidh, s. ni. Laughter.
FioDH, fiodha, s. m. (Ir. fiodh.) Wood, timber; a tree.
Snaidheadh fiodha, a carving of wood. — Stew. Ex. An
t-sail as an fhiodh, the beam out of the timber. — Stew. Hab.
Nochd e fiodh dha, he shewed him a tree. — Stew. Ex.
Fiodh-ghual, charcoal.

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