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CuireoChash, A requital. Sc Cuichc, A deep moift
place Ir. Cul, &c . — compoij^h 1. iompoigli.
Culai&h AiKPionn, A Surplice. Culbhoc & — bho-
chabhaii, A -weather-goat . Ir. Culchainim, To hack
Ute Culchai-coip ■.• 1. Culchamnrcoiji, A back-
biter. Culog, Oue that riJes behind another. Cum,
The middle or tpj/?. Ir. Cuma bliuir. That is nothing
to you, Sec. Cumaincflch, Communion Ir. Cunul,
The price of three Corps: "huj; me r]ii cufnail aip,
It cojf me nine Corps. Ir. Cumaiin, Mutual fi-iendjhip.
Ir. Cumaoin, 0^/'5'»/""' I""- Cumhi, Lamentation,
mourning. It. A mournful fong Sc. Cumhtach oi|),
A golden cover. Ciinih]m-^, A Jipeet apple-tree. Cun-
n]y:Lzhich,Agreed i/pori It. Cunuil : Cui)iim a njjcu-
mill ap, To upbraid one, to objeff. Ir. Cup-Oh, y}n
ol>ftacle,&:c. Na cuiji cupa&h ap )-piopa& De, ^ench
not the Spirit. Sc. f Cupcai)- •.• AbuU-riJh Cup-
pach, Abog A rr\Qin differs from a ci}ii\iKh in that
it is drier. Cu)i)"on, A /earned Man. Ir. Cu)paip,
An objeSl i a mark to Jhoot at Sc. CUchbhaiji [&
Carhbhaip] The Injh name of St.Cuthbert. L'uchup-
lan •.• An Earth-nut or pig-nut. Ir. Uail, Delay.,
re^it, Sc. Da choi)-, Afoot, [going] on foot. Da-
tabh •• Nil !?.i!rabh, Not a jot. Ir. Daimh, Kindred,
Conftnguinity. Sc. Daijhc&h, Great odds. Dail Vid.
D.'.I. Dail chicha, A pitch'd' battle, h. Daiidie,
After. Ir. Daimh ■.• t Diatrhaimh, Voluntarily:
Dumh i>hcoif\, Againjf his will Ir. Dumh, A gang,
acompany.h. Diimh\ich ■ .Potefit in relations Dai-
peaHi •■ Bo ap baipea&h, A Cow that's a bullmg.
Daicean, A Vofler Father .■ Sc. Ir. Alfo a Tutor Ir.
Dal ufed -with proper names; as Dal ajiaibhe, The
Family defended from Dal araidh, &c. Dal, An Af-
fembly. Cnoc na ^ala, A hill in Kintire where
meetings were anciently held. Sc. Alfo Achaiji tab,
The Bride-Groom's man. Danaip ' .' Property a Dane
Ir. Daoibh, Vid. Duibh. Daol, &c. De hoc In-
fedto V. Colg. p. 7?. c. 3. f Dainarnh •.• A Foffer
Father h. Dap •" Dap horn, Ifippofc. Dach&am,
ToDebate.Sz. Deab.Sc. Dcub. Ir ATooth. Deap-
Tjaim, To pierce Sc. D-af, The right, dexter. Sc Ir
beoin : Na sheoin, Voluntarily ; na aimhfch:oin,
By confrraint Sc. f Deup^he, )aj;bliail •.• To quit or
leave. Sc. Dei&huhb, Godlinefs , Religion. Dca-
^hoijl&eachrhe, Well order'd. D.aijnaiDhc, A Re-
bel, an out-law Dc^phh.- Alfo a Churn, h. Deaji-
yn-h.- To awake. Deochcall, GrK<^f;»g Deiigne-.
Thorns; Deil?;niach, Thorny. Ir. Deiliij-, A grudge
out of Covet oufrefs. Ir. f Dcilll&pi)- ■ -They feparate
fromhim. Ir. Dcipean&hach •.■ alfo late. ir. t Deip-
f;he-' To quit or leave. Ir. Dei)"ceapr Laighi.itt,
The County of IVexford. Ir. Deirlieamhap v The
number tett. Ir. Deoin : Dombheom, 0/ my own ac
cord: Do bhcoinDe, God willing. Ir. Deonca)-, 1
Deoncachd, IVtl/ingnefs. It. Dcoj).ii&h, Afurety that
withdraws himfelf ; a rebel. Ir. Dtojuibhe .' alfo a
firanger. Ir. f De)xbuiC)hne •.• aljo a Troop or Com
panylr. Yi\bV[ .' From you ; alfo of them. Dibhipc.
I Dibipu. Ir. Dibpim, To ^«w;y7.'. Ir Sc. Dimhe.-
Protedwn.lT. Dir\,Tofuck: Cioch na jxpine maip5
\ioy Cin, Mo be to him that fucks the breafi of the
Shrine. Ir- f Dine C0)ach, The firft. Ir. f Dinm-
hiach'.' Idle. Ir. | Diobh &h •.• An inheritance, h.
t Dio&hnath, j-apash •.• To fat is fy. Ir. * Diophu-
lamj^-.- Intolerable. If. rDiolancaj-, Foruication.Sc.
Diombuan, Frail, perijhabh Sc Dio^hamn, Copious,
not fcant. Ir. Dioj^hbhail ■.• lj>fs, damage. Ir fDio-
hna -." Contemptuous Ir. Sc Diomlcoip, 1. Dimil-
oip ■.' DiomiMch, jra»r(?» Sc. Proud, [t. Dionj;-
ihulra.- Pfr/^f? Sc. Dioz.- Of thee. Diupnam •.■
To gulp, or fjjal/ow drink greedily. Ir. Dlomhaim
j;oiri5him> •• Koill)ij;hin. Dobhapchu, The King-
the account whereof, though attefled by fame perfon yet
lining, is at prefent omitted bccaufe feeviingly incredible.
Dobti3p)hoihheach, A pitcher, a bucket. Ir. Dol)
h^liz, Mifihief Ir. Dobhi, BoiJleroiu.Sc. f Doch-
ca •.■ Documents Ir | Do ibh (or f oibh j fromtkexi
fr. tDoicli, Dua-h •.■ I. I.iiarn. l3oiT;hcaoh • To
St'ig. Sc. Doincc •.• Al(o a fmall black infed Ir.
Doipb-. Alfo hard or difficult, [r. r>ui\\c r A grove
of Oaks. It. Do\]ui]\zh», Ungovernable. Sc | Doi-
chip •■• Deform'd , alfo ugly. Ir. DoiCl, Singed.
D»l •■• Aljb a fort of fijhmg net. Ir. Q. f Doluoh,
ba)-hul.nnT5 •.• intolerable. Ir. f Dolpa ■ .■ Hefitancy,
flownefs. Ir. Domblaj- .■ Gall: alfoinfrfidU. Domh-
?;hna)-, A patrimony, an inheritance [r. f Don, ap-
\on-.tko.h. tDojiaibh.- hitricate.U. ^ DopaiDh,
At variance. Dojin .• Properly a fift. ir I)/iJi-
?;hion •.• A black thorn, or floe. Ir. Dpao) roil, Ob-
jcene Sc f Dpcan-comhic ■.■ >4 /ff . Comhp.,c,W
fight } Dpejp, To climb. Sc. Djieapuijieathb, climb-
ing or fcaling a wall. Ir. f Dpcchach •. ■ Fair, beauti-
ful. Ir. D|icim : A Diicnn, Comparing with. Ir
Dpumim, To c/zW Yi\v.\m\\iC, A ladder . Dpich-
icin, A rivet for clinching nails. Sc. Dpwhmhi)-.
iicach, Faint-hearted, dejpairing. Sc. Djiochmhuanrc,
/// bred. JDpoman, The elder tree Sc D)ioml.aoi-
ne.ich, 1. Diomhaoineacli. Dpuichbin mo.ia&h, A
fort of herb ufed in colouring hair Ir. Djuiirll, om-
m\wo,Fool!jh: a foolijh IVmnan Ir. q. Diul, Jt/pA/
or plie of a cord. Sec Sc. Dubh, Ink Ir. Sc Di'iD ■.•
A Tingling in the ear. Ir. Dual, To whom of kin it be"
longeth.h. Du&oj^, A meafure of liquids cojitaining
a dram, commonly made of horn. Ir. X^\.\\\, An ele-
tnent: Na ceiCi>pt& Suile, The four Elements Ir.
Duircdj^i •.• Alfo leaves of trees Ir. Duillc • • del
bough. \t. Duiil-acha .■ A book unbound \t. Duil-
lea-hap, A leaf, leaves, h. Djiuichcabh, To joak
through; Do c'hpuiclicabh an pca)-un j-o. This ar<;u-
ment has convinced Sc. Dul z A fijhing with nets.
Ir. t Dul .-. A Satyrifl. Ir. f Dulbhaip •.• £>;/-
courteous. Ir. f Diipjin ' .• To cool in water, as Cattle
do in the heat of weather. | Dur.i]-, A houfe, cot.
Sec. Ir. Duppanra, niorefe Ir. E.aban cr Habap,
Mud, mire, Sc. f Kachracn ■.- Apoft, a foot-boy, Sx.z.
It. Eichb, An Atchievement.Sc . 7 Eachpai)-, lom-
]umh ■.■ Rowing. It. Eacrpocaiji • ■ del. c Eabal,
A Prey or Ipoil.Sc. Eabaiach, Profitable. It. E:b-
habh-.del X Ir. F.-H'^aoiui-.- Lamentation, p/aint.
Ir. Ea^coip -.- Wrong. Ir. Eaj^hnach •. ■ Refentment.
Ir. Eil, Fainting. An redliiis Neal. Sc Ir. Ealaib-
him, To fialk. Sc. Eaira •.■ I. Flocks. \t. Ealaibh-
cheach •.• Alfo a freak, one that fleals or fneans off,
Sc. Edhch, A burden. Sc. Small Cattle ir. Ealcin,
Arazour. Sc. f Eanj;, Afoot-ftep ■.■ hetice ppicninj;
a relaps. Ir. Eanj;ach, A filling net. Sc. A chain ofl
nets J'uch as is ufed for Salmon and Herrings. Ir.
d'Eancoifc ■.' In one bulk. Ir. d'F.anccopc •.■ I.
DeanC)'opc Eapbaim, To rely or depend upon : Eap- 1
baim )iioc, / depend upon thee. E^pchail, Lofs \_of'
Men] Sc. t Eapjhalan-. Noify, clamorous. U Eap-!
pabh , Furniture, Accoutrements either perfonal or \
houjhold. Sc. Wares Ir. Eaj-aonrachb, Difotedjence.
Ir. E^\ZYi,A catarad, or fall of water ; a cafrade ScA
Ir. Eaj-apb ■.• Alfo a play at dice. Ir. Ea|ba b;ia-j
jhab, The Kings evil. Ir. Eajcaji, A fall. Ir. !
• Ea)j;aibh quick, ready at hand. Sc Ea) nabh alfo'.
want of web enough for the loom. Eajonoip paw]
Eaj-oncach g«/Vry. Sc Eajupamach difreffeiiful Sc.
Earparhpach untimely, unfeafonably. EtMo^adimin. ,
of tbhul a cole. Lb jealou/y. kb mba]^ jraloiu. Eibh-
liobh a claim or demand of debt. Elgin, aji eiTin,
hardly, fcarcely. Sc. Eii-bpoice i bpoighe. Eigcial- |
hchb dxlnefs, flupidity. iL\f,tu\ a learn d man FI.
Otter. A fort of Grey-hound-Otter, bred ( at /ome\Ei^\\. Ellb, id q. Elh" <^ Ellib, gen. Elri a hind. I
of the Inhabitants confidently report) at Loch Maik JEipij" an xra, or account of years : Lcabhap ipij- a'
in lois [or Shois] Countrey in the County of Galloway ; I ckronidi. \
* Tanjasap pof an pocail)! bhib pn chomhapcha ap bioch, af Eipionn 50 huilibhcj a^uj- a raib
Ian cpi phunc eaccomhallca a nbiaibh pn, bo chionn nach bhpuil piach&anachb oppa. '■

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