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Capitis pecus. Ir. Ceind&nUi ^ Bold, fiui&om, fro-
ward. Ceanncipe [al. Cin..tir 1 q d. The headland:
a Coiintrey in Scotland, fo called becaufe it's a fore-
land or promontory . Ceannfhiunn, r^f Kw^-Ofrer.
Ir. Ci'i\to,Arag: Ceapbach, iJ<jg^f</. Sc jCeapb
[ce3)7:,..t)h] Contribution or Siihfidy f CeajicaiU ' . •
\iiot CtapcnaiU] Aholfter. Ir. Ceapcall, A hoof.
Ceapicuji,y4graw. Ceajinach, Fifforious: alfifour-
' are Ir. Ccpn&huiichc ■. 1. Ceapn&huaij-, A
prize. Ir. Ccap,-.ucaa •.■ A skiret. Ir. Ceaj-am, 7b
Crucify Sc C<.a) lach • .■ The courfe Wool of the legs,
tail and hinder part Ir Ce„tha)i|mrahach, A boat
with four oars Cci)c.ui-^\\\va, To expoftulate. Cea-
hpap •. Four men. Ir. t Cei&e, Farchche ■.• A
green. Ir. tCei?c, rukch .A Tulach is acompad
Jbrt of H'U, larger and fomewhat plainer on the top,
&c. Ir. <Zz\n-.- kcQ^\\\ In forreign parts. Ceipo-
can ; Cjiann ccipocan, Water elder. Ceipc, A rag ;
<»«</ Ccipteach •.• Ragged ir. Cci)- •. A loathing or
■want of appetite. Ir. Cci)-, a Sow, the Dtmtnutives
■whereof are Ceilin and Cei(c6g. Ir. Ccjipbhach, A
Gamejier at Dice, Cards, &c Sc, Ir. Ceu&5hin,7%e
frjl begotten. Sc. Cnn, Long, tedious . Arcianliom
ro bFaicim, I long to fee. ir. Clajij; ■.• r. Ciapdg,
A chafer Ir. ClU •.• d. Church-yard. Ir. Ciocpaj',
Hunger i a Canine Appetite. Sc Ir alfo the pica or
longing of Women. Sc. Cinn '.• a niaidh a cinn, HeW-
long Ir. Cinnre •.• Decreed, appointed, alfo cloje,
covetuou!, ftingy. Ir. f Ciocaji&tia, Of a Canine Ap-
petite ; Hungry as a dog. Ir. ■.• For
hook read \\. ok. Cionnzo.,Guilt,fi:. Cionncashath,
The being accejfary or guilty, ^z. Ir.Sc. ClJ)i)ibhai?h ■.•
Do elm jijibhath a cho)ip, His body was become black
Ir. Cxo-'i^.'a.., Importunate. iCvyA.- Nurfe -wages.
Ir. Cirh, Afiower. Plur. Ceacha. Ir. Ciyteanach,
Akitchin. Ciuil Vid. Ceol : A&hbhap ciuil L. adh-
bha.Sc Ir. Cvi\-\2L-.- Merchantable. Chb, The mouth CUb^i]Kfmuihn, A mill-clapper. Clabach,
The Sea Jl.wre. Sc Ir. Clajiiaipe, A coward. Sc
CUsun ■.• A lid, as of aTankard, a Box., &c. j Clai-
Bhe ■.• Tochailc, To dig. Sc. Ir. Claigcheach, A
Sleeple. Ir. Clai)-, A furrow Sc. Ir. Clampaji, A
quarrel. Sc. Ir. f Clanncap , &c •.■ Was buried
t Cleach •.' A long rod or wattle. Ir. f Cliamh;ch . ■
<\jxsh. a Wolf. Ir. Cliacii, A hurdle of wattles.
Kliach fhoipp&he, A harrovj. Cliachoj, A hur-
dle q. d. W. a clwyd clwy&oj; Cluaui, Fajlure. Sc.
A retire?nent. Ir. q. Cluain Ijiaipb, Clonard, A place
fo called on the Boinn. Cnaimh):hiach, A rook. Ir
q. It Jljould feem rather a raven. Cnnmh, Amagot.
Ir. [-Coach, Ruarhap-.- y^w/f«r/>a)-y»/>.lr. Rliy-
thyr in Welfli fignifies a violent attack., a fierce onfet.
&C. t Cobhchach, Buaohach •.■ It's the name of di-
vers of the Ir'iPo Kings and anfujers to the Latin Vi-
dtonrlus. t Ci'bchach ■.■ A creditor. Coij^e, A Pro-
vince, it's properly only a Fifth ; and "was ufed for a
Province becaufe Ireland was divided into Five Parts.
Ir Coilka&h, Ahog.Dclc. Coilmhia)-, Avjooden
diJl.K Ir. fCoimiDhe, Dabhach •.• Akeeve. Coim-
■dhefiod. Ir. Coimh&he, poet. The Trinity ; q. d, Lac
condii. Sc. Coimhcabach •.■ Wary, Vigilant. Coim-
hea)-, Acomparifon Coimheutj '.• aljo even or equally
match'd, &c. Ir.' Co\m\\mQd.\\zi]-, A comparifon. S..
Co\m\\me2,], Comparifon. Sc. r CoinDealgjTagra ■.■
Crituifmg. Sc Agra, Expoflulatmg, &c. Ir. f Coin-
Dhpeach ••• Coinohpeach ojic, A mifchief on thee
Coinealbhai-e •.• Excommunicated It Jhould feem by
this -word that of old there was a cuftome of exttngvijh-
ing a Candle in pajfwg that Sentence. Sc. Bccaule that
at that Semcive, a Candle was extinguilli'd in Wa-
ter. Jr. Coinf,hio\ .■ alfi a qualification. Sc. Coinle
[PI Coinleach] Suible. Cvmm, A meetifig or af-
fembly Sc. Coinjitachca, Ails or Orders relating to
hunting.U. ^Co\\^c,Q<j\mY\yie, As plain as. Coipm,
ale,&i.. Vid.Colgan. p.a^ Coij-Jim, Toftillor
quiet i to quell or allay. Sc. Colieabui&h , A hed-
flead.Sc. Com, T/fce Body; Tinne.->)- cuim, The blou-
dy Flux. Fa cuim, XJnder Covert or Prateiiion. Qz-
mifach, ^^/(?. t Comhaille, &c ■.' Greatnefs with
child, a big Belly, Comhaijicc, ^^uarter or mercy.
Ir. Q,c>m\ii.\-iai.,ASucceffour.'$>c.\x. Vid. Colg.Trad.
Thaumacurg. p. 293.693. col. i. Comhshalca, ./^
fofter brother. Ir. Comphujicach, Comfort. Sc. Ir.
Comhnuij;him •.• Fan as chomhnuigh, Stand fliU.
Comhj-aighi&h, Peace amojigB yoti-.- Refi, quiet. Ir.
Conach, Profterity Ir. Conail : Bui&heConail,&c.
A plague in Ireland An 1664-. Bed. Hilt. & Fiah
4-5). Conduaia ■.• Embroidery, Sculpture, &c. Ir.
Conga, an Abbey of Ca?ions Regular in the County of
Mayo. Ir. C6)i, A ftate, ctrcuKJiance or conditio?i.
ir. Sc Cojiom [Sc. Comi)i] Mhuipc, y^fet of Beads,
a Rofary. Ir. Sc Copj), Odd. Ir. aljo a pit of water.
Id. Cojip 5h)iiaii, A heron. Sc.^ CofgpaLh ■.• alfo
Fiflorious. ir C;o)m'nuileach& ■.•'alfo likenefs or re-
femblance. Coyn-Mvn.J'o purchafe,S)lc. Sc. fCorhabh,
Caonihna'.- Prote&ion Ir. Cpabhabh •.• Dexio//ow,
Ciiaibhthiaoh, Mortification. Ir. Cjiamh muicijjh
fiibh. Harts tongue. iZ]nmpn '.' The cramp. Cpann-
T^ail ■." Lattices before the Altar, for fcparating the
Laity from the Clergy Ir. Cjuubh '. ii>clo Tree &
bufhAx. C.\upa.'.^ Contracliofi. It. Cpachjlach, .^^
pla/l.iy bog, fiarce pa/fable, [r. Cjicachblopjach '. One
that has fiars 071 the legs Ir. Cjicamhnual, Tlfef »o//?
of People a Caroufing. ^Cj^ay, AChriJlian. jCpcaf,
Comhan, A Jl.rine. Cpeacap, A Creator. Cpts,
Why, wherefore. Cpcbh •.• A fort of Copper. Ir. Ljll-
neamh,&c. 1. Cloch nacine^mhna, The fatal Jlone.
Ir. Cpimchepr, Second milking. Ir. C)lioch ■.■ is
properly the Confines of a Countrey. Sc. Ir. Alfi.^ So
chuai&h j'e a ccpich, He was prefer'd. f Cjiiomh-
bhan • . • Alfo the name of fever al Kings in Ire!a?td.
Cpiojlath ■.■ A girding ef the Loitis. Cjioan .■ Q.
wh. Corredion. Ir. Cpoch, Saffron Ir Ciiochajib
(^ Crochaibad, ^^/>r. Sc. Cjiobh •.■ Cattle, Cows.
Ir. Cpoicne ■-• 1. Cjioichean, A skin. Cpon, Swar-
tloy.\x. iZ\\ox\'\\A\\xx\., Alfo to correal. Q\\o-i.-i.\\,The
buz, of a Fly or other In fed. Ir. Cjioj'aim uj)C,
or cuipim ciioij" opuibh, I forbid you Ir. Cjioj-a-
nachc "." A fort of Verfe Cporaca ^ Cpocach
majia, A Curlew. Ir. CpocaJ, The rind of a kernel.
Ir. Cpuabail, HardflAp. Sc Cpuabhchuifcach •.
Alfo hardy or patient of difficulties. \x. Cpuaibhre :
Apan chpuaibhce cloch, Bread made of Corn parch' d
with hot Jiones.U. Cyi\ib'i.n,ACrab-fJl3.Sc. Cpubh .•
1. Cpiib, A hoof. Ir. Cjiubi na )"aona. Dwarf moun-
tain bramble. Q]\\Xb\\, Milking. Ix. Cjiuicipe . ■ ^
harper. Ir. Cpuma, Half a quarter of a yard Ir.
Cjiuman, A fort of hook' d Inflrument ufed by chi-
rurgeons. (Z\vaZ, Aharp.\x. Cpucha>;habh ■.• Prco/".
Alfo Creation. Ir. Cuail, An impediment of Mar-
riage. Ir. Ciiain, A litter of whelps. Sc. Cuaine, Id.
Ir. Cijan r. cuan, \_as if written Quan] A bay, a har-
bour. Vid. Colgcn. Vit. SS. Hib. p. %^i. Not i. Ir.
The Ocean. Sc. Cuajiogi, Brogues of untan?t'd lea-
ther, Peroncs Ir. Cuajicaighim, To furround. Sc.
Cuaj' • . • The hollow of a Tree., or a hollow place in the
Ground ; alfo a cavity i?t bread, cheefe, &c. Ciaj 05,
Honey combs found in hollow Trees, &c. Ir. f Cubec,
A quib, a feoff or mock. Cubhaibh, Becoming, de-
cent : Dap mo chubhalbh, Upon my honour. Cubhal,
A Religious habit .\x . Cuchcaiji, ^/t;r<:^/». Ir fCu-
bam an cyleibhe •.■ An erupt 1071 on the fide pf a
Mountain. Alfo a fault in hair, whe7t J^lit and wi-
ther'd. Cuibeamhail : Dume chuideamhail, An in-
truder. Ir. Cilil, A fly •.• 1. cut.. Ir A ccuil, In a
private place Id. Cuil jiarhain, 2'/;^ Tbirw o/Colrain,
q.d. Ferny corner. Id. Cullc, A reed, f Culliaj'ca .'
Hafle rods . \x ■ Cuilzezch, A bake-houje.lx. Cuim,
Entertainment. Sc Vide Com. Fa na chumi ".• Un-
der his cover. Ir Cuimlipcanil '. ' Eating together. Ir.
Cuimibe, A fet or appoi7ited time . Cuina)- •. 1. Ciu-
naj- Ir. Cuinj;cach ■.• Alfopairs, couples Ir. Cuinn,
A 7ia7ne of a Ki7ig in Ireland, render' d Quinius in
Latin. Cuinnj;:;callan, Stable. Sc. Cuipc is but the
Ablative of C<.iyiC i A whitle: q. wh. a childsfwathe.
Sc. Cuijicip ••• A Courtier. Cuij", I. Cuij". ir.

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