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Air fleibhte nan earba ciara
Do cheum cha robh riabh air deire.
Duifg, is a ghrian ag eiridh ;
Duifg, is na h eildean a' mofgla ;
Crath, ighean Dhumoir do chiabhan,
Gu feilg nan fliabh bidh ar n imeachd.
— Och I tha 'n oigh air ionndrain !"
Mar fhead na gaoithe gu cluais Dhumoir,
Thainig guth nan oighean brònach j
Bu tuirfeach Dumor fan lò fin,
Ach bu tuirfich' gu mòr Ronan.
Chruinnich an ath-òiche na clò,
Chunnacas mar cheo an tràigh ;
Gu tofdach tiamhaidh fhuair finn an cala,
'S an òiche.gar falach na dui'bhrat.
Doilleir gun f hafga bho fnin ^
Bha ar cor fan tir chein,
Bha foliris na hòich' air uairibh
Ag amharc triiaillidh ro chirbe neul.
Bu dòbhidh an dreach dearg ;
'S bu toic fgalartaich ar con ;
Chluinnte cuideachd taibhfe tiamhaidU
Ag amharG ro chiar-cheo na h òiclie.
Shuidh Ronan air lie dhòinich,
'S a fgia air geig chòfaich thairis,
(Chluinnte na hiallaibh fead na gaoithe)
'S mife r'a thaobh le * dan Athar ;
* It was pStt of the office of -the Bardf thus to compofe
the foul of their Chief x.o fleep, by their harp and midnight
When fleep was coy, the Bards in waiting there,
Cheer'd the lone midnight with the mufe's lore;
Compofing mufic, bade his dreams be fair.
And mufic lends new gladnefs to the morning air.
Cajih iflndohnce.
P)'thagoras applied raufic to the fame purpofe; " Pytha-
goras ut animum fuum femper divinitate imbueret, priuf-
quam fe femno daret, et cum eflet expergitus cantare con-
fueverat : — perturbationcs animi lyrl componebat."
Jambl. vit. Pyth. &c.
The mufic of the harp, when well played, was beUeved,
like David's lyre, to be powerful enough to charm the evit
fpirit himfelf. So fays even a Bifliop f Grofthead.)
Next hys chamber, befyde his ftudy ;
Hys harper's chamber was fiiil by :
The virtue of the harp, through (T<ill and right,
Will deftr)-e thefend^i migl*.

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