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Axnir, the daughter of Moran, having been loved by two intimate friends, Gaul
and Garno, refolved to get rid of the laft by a ftratagem. — In the difguife of a
ftranger, fhe brought him a challenge from Duaran, who, (he alleged, was his rival,
and whofe prowefs (he thought he would not choofe to encounter. But being dis-
appointed in this, and refolved to get rid of Garno at any rate, fhe delivers the
fame meflage to Gaul, confident that his fuperior valour would give him the vic-
tory — The two friends met in the night, and fell by mutual wounds. The ifiue
of her plot affected Annir fo much, that fhe could not long furvive it. — The poem
opens with fome reflections fuggefted by the fcene where they were all buried,
and concludes with their funeral fong.
I Hear the murmur of the brook ; I hear its fall over the rock.
Lead me, fon of youth, to that oak which fpreads its branches
over the ftream. At its foot, three gray ftones lift through wi-
thered grafs their heads, and meet the falling leaves. There fleep
the friends of Oman. The murmuring ftream they hear not : the
ruftling leaves they heed not. In the chamber of their reft, the
fteps of our approach will not difturb them.
E e Many
* In the diftridt of Lorn in Argyle- addreffed, is fuppofed to be the fame with
fhire, there is a lake which is now called the/on of Alpin, fo often mentioned in
Loch-avich, but anciently Loch-luina, or fome other ancient poems. Tradition
Lochluana. Near it was -probably the relates many ftories of him ; among
fcene of this poem. Many places in its others, that he took down in writing all
neighbourhood are ftill denominated from the poems of Oflian as they had been re-
Oflian's heroes. peated to him by that old and venerable
The fin of youth, to whom this piece is bard.

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