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3i6 FIN AN and L O R M A:
children ! Such was thy ftatelinefs, O Althos ! and fuch thy
beauty, O Migul !'
" They heard the voice of their father, on the ifle to which
they were borne, by the oak, on the wing of ftreams. They heard
it, and fprang to his arms with joy. — The face of the aged again
was bright; and gladnefs returned to Lubar."
" Thy children, O Murno," added the voice of age*, ". are, like
thofe of Turloch, only loft for a feafon. They are only gone be-
fore thee on their own ftream to the land of the happy. There
thou {halt foon behold them lovely, lifting their young heads in the
midft of heroes. Already, their courfe is in the fair mifts that
wander on the face of the moon ; when fhe looks pale through
clouds, and mines in the ftream of Alva. Let, therefore, the grief
of Uran be forgot, for there he will find his Lorma. Let the tear
of the red eye of Murno be wiped off, for there he will find his
The grief of the mourners calmed by degrees. Uran was like
a tree, which, though the ftorm is laid, ftill fhakes its waving head :
and the bofom of Murno ftill heaved above the figh ; like waves
which tofs themfelves, at times, after the winds have retired.
C A T H-
* The original of this paflage is beau- inconfiderabk variations whxh they may
tiful, and deferves here a place. The meet with,
tranflation may appear fomewhat fuller in Is amhui! fin air an fruthai' fein
r , n- • Dh'imich, re feal, clanna Muirne;
one or two of the espreflions, owing, ,,-,_... ' , , „
r ° Acn gheibhear lad ann Innie nan Trcun,
here and in fome other places, either to Mar iurain aoibhin , s aM doire uaine-
the abruptnefs of the original, or to the Chesna chitear an caoin-clmuh
admilfion of an epithet Or idea fomewhat A' fnamh doilieir feach GealaeFi na h oidhchr,
,.«- i n' i - ..l. J*-* Tra fhealias i nuas fni' fmal
differently exprefled in other editions.
Air Alra nan ceime ciuine.
Such as will take the trouble of compa- Caif Vr ^ mata do bhron,
ring any of the other Calic paffages with Sua biotlh do dlieoirs', a Mhuimc, co fnitheach;
the Engliili, will pleafe extend this remark s S= ch a0I \ air a ftend-Arnth fein,
.» , r • .„ , r r Ann deigh's a chairdean ag im'caclid.
to them alfo: it will account for a few b 6

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