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A POEM. 149
they afTuage her pain with their fong, and bid the ghofts of fwans
convey her foul to the airy lake of the clouds. Its place is above
the mountains of Morven.
" Bend," fhe faid, " from your clouds, ye fathers of Dargo; bend,
and carry him to the place of your reft. And ye maids ofTrenmor's
airy land, prepare the bright robe of mifl for my love. O Dargo,
•why have I loved, why was I beloved fo much! Our fouls were
one; our hearts grew together, and how can I furvive when they
are now divided ? — We were two flowers that grew in the cleft of
the rock; and our dewy heads, amidft fun-beams, fmiled. The
flowers were two ; but their root was one. The virgins of Cona faw
them, and turned away their foot ; ' They are lonely,' they faid,
* but lovely.' The deer, in his courfe, leaped over them ; and the
roe forbore to crop them. But the wild boar, relentlefs, came. He
tore up the one with his deadly tufk. The other bends over it his
drooping head ; and the beauty of both, like the dry herb before
the fun, is decayed.
" My fun on Morven now is fet, and the darknefs of death dwells
around me. My fun flione, how bright! in the morning; its
beams it fhed around me, in all its fmiling beauty. But ere even-
ing it is fet, to rife no more ; and leaves me in one cold, eternal,
night. Alas, my Dargo! Why art thou fo foon fet? Why is thy
late-fmiling face o'ercafl with fo thick a cloud ? Why is thy warm
heart fo foon grown cold, and thy tongue of mufic grown fo mute !—
Thy hand, which fo lately fhook the fpear in the battle's front, there
lies cold and ftiff: and thy foot, this morning the foremoft in the
fatal chace, there lies, dead as the earth it trod. From afar, o'er
feas, and hills, and dales, have I followed till this day, my love !

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