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naturally suggests itself ; if the organs of i be the
reverse of those of e, then upon natural principles
i ought to be expressive of objeets the reverse of e.
But it has been said, that e points upwards ; i
therefore ought to point downwards. Nature, the
dame of harmony — Nature, ever true to herself,
concedes the point, and cheerfully offers proof,
viz., ^sal, or losal, low, down, downwards, mean,
grovelUng. Tlr-iosal, the low-country ; èoc'ar,
the bottom, foundation, netherpart; Zochdarach,
an inferior, underling ; iar, the west, where the
sun goes down, " Chaidh a ghrian sls," the sun
went down. I, a woman, in opposition to E, a
man, from her inferiority materially and mentally ;
whence ish, she, and esh, he, &c.
Language is indeed " a mighty maze, but not
without a plan."
" 'S truagh an diugh nach beo an fheoghainn,
Gun ann ach an ceò do'n bhuidhinn !"
Of the Character L.
Power, Al, El, II, 01; or, La^ Le, Li, Lo^
We have shown this sign under the word Lèo'n,
to have been the offspring of that noble animal,
and, therefore, to be considered sometimes sacred.
Its hieroglyphic is, of course, a lion; and that

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