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eglur, a, bright, clear; plain, evident; fegrygi, n, hoarseness
obvious, manifest; lucid; brilliantt; fegryn, h, trembling, tremor; fear: a,
splendidt, famoust, renowned! trembling
egluradwy, a, demonstrable, explicable tegwal -au, n, cot, hut
eglurdeb, eglurder, n, clearness, bright- egwan, a, weak, feeble, faint, drooping
ness; perspicuity, lucidity; bril- fegwanaeth, nf, fegwander, u, feeble-
liancet, splendourf
eglureb -au, «/, illustration
ness, debility, imbecility
tegweddi, îau, nj, dowry
eglurhad -au, n, explanation, demon- fegweryd, n, equerry
stration, manifestation fegweryd, «/>, equerries, horsemen, body-
eglurhadaeth, nf, exegesis; exposition guard
eglurhaol, egluriadol, a, explanatory egwyd -ydd, ;;/, fetlock ; fetter (2 Sam.
eglurhau, v, to explain, to expound, to iii. 34)
make manifest (John iii. 21) ; to tegwydled, n, small of the leg
lightf, to shinet egwyddor -ion -au, nf, alphabet; rudi-
egluro, V, to manifest, to explain ; to ment ; principle
light upt; to cleart, to clarifyt egwyddori, v, to instruct; to ground,
teglurwch, n, clearness, brightness, to initiate
brilliance, splendour egwyddorol, a, alphabetical; of princi-
eglurwr, eglurydd, wyr, n, expositor, pie, high-principled
fegluryn, «=eglurwr
teglwg, í7= eglur
eglwys -i -ydd t-au, nf, church
eglwysa, v, to church
eglwysaidd, a, church-like, churchy
eglwyseg, nf, ecclesiology
egwyddorwas, weision, n, apprentice
egwyddorwr, wyr, w, teacher, catechist
egwyl -ion, nf, lull, respite; opportunity,
feng, )(. See heng
engan, nf= eingion (dial)
tenghrafl -au -oedd, n/=enghraiflt
eglwysig, 0, (of a) church, ecclesiastical.j enghraiftt, enghreifftiau, nf, example
Gŵr eghrysjg, clergyman, ecclesiastic '' inctanr-P
feglwysol, a, ecclesiastical
eglwyswr, wyr, feglwysydd -ion.
churchman ; clergymanf
eglwyswraig, wragedd,
Eglwysyddiaeth, nf, churchism, Angl
oglyn, ", the golden saxifrage
tenghreifîtio, v, to reprove, to rebuke
enghreifftiol, a, exemplary
tengi, V, to bring forth, to deliver
nf, church- tengir, fengiriol, a, terrible, frightful
jengiroliaeth, nf, frightfulness
englyn -ion, n, a Welsh alliterative
stanza of four lines
tenglynio, i'=englynu
egni, îon, n, effort, exertion, might, englynu, v, to compose englynion
energy. A'i holl egni, with all his englynwr, wyr, /i, composer of aMg/ynion
might engraifft, nf. See enghraifft
egnlad -au, n, exertion fengur, a= engir
egnîo, V, to endeavour, to make an effort engyl, np, angels : s. angel
egnîol, a, vigorous, forcible, strenuous, fengyl -ion, n, angel
tegor, V, to open : n, opening
jegored, &c. = agored, &c.
tengyn, n, outcast, wretch
tengyriol, i7 = engiriol, anguriol
fengyrrith, tengyrth, a, awful, direful
egr, a, sharp, tart; sour; severe; fierce, fehaer, a, conspicuous,
tegrid -au, n, oxide
tegriflt, n, griffin, griffon
ehangder, eangderau, n, breadth, ampli-
tude, immensity; space, expanse
ehangiad, n, amplifying; enlargement
egroes, np (-en, nf), berries of the dog- ehangu, v, to enlarge, to extend
rose, hips
egru, V, tc grow stale or acid
tegryd, n & i( = egryn
ehangydd, n, enlarger (Deut. xxxiii. 20)
tehalaeth, «=ehelaeth
tehalaethder, H=ehelaethder
^ (V^JUiOU'.

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