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> ^t^UsA^LAoL (h^L^ .
tedryfynt, n, circle, assembly
tedrysedd, n, abundance, superfluity
tedrywan, tedrywant, tedrywedd, fedry-
wydd, n, trail, scent
feducher, ad, till evening {hyd ucher)
edwi, V, to fade, to wither, to decay
fedwica, v, to hawk, to peddle; to extort
tedwicwr, wyr, n, hawker, pedlar; ex-
>edwin, a, fading, withering: n, decay
edwino, v, to fade, to wither, to decay
edyn, ednod, n, winged one
edyn, np, wings (late)
fedyrn, np, distinguished ones
teddain, v, to move, to flow: n, move-
ment : a, moving, flowing
teddain, n, sojourner
teddestr, n. See eddystr
teddewid, // & «/= addewid
eddi, np, thrums; fringe (Num. xv. 38)
teddigafael, i;=eiddigafael
teddyl, n, intention, purpose, design ;
teddyl, n, people, race, clan
teddyllter, «, adultery; wantonness
teddyrn, ad, in phrase yn eddyrn, for
ever (Lat. in aeternum)
teddystr, jeddestr, n, horse, steed.
teddystrawd, horses, stud of horses
teddyw, tethyw, v, he has gone
ef, efe (for efo), pn, he, him; it. ef-
allai, feallai, perhaps
teiangel, etc. See efengyl
tefangelystor, n, evangelist
tefain, a, moving, on the move (eddain)
efengyl -au, nf, gospel
efengylaidd, tefengylol, a, evangelical;
t\ angelistic
efengyleiddiad, n, evangelization
efengyleiddio, v, to evangelize (world,
country, etc.)
efengyies -au, nf, female evangelist
efengylu, v, to evangelize; to preach
the fiospel
efengylwr, wyr, ti, evangelist; gospeller
efengylydd -ion, n, evangelist
efelychiad -au, n, imitation
efelychiadol, a, imitative
efelychu, v, to resemble; to imitate
ef elychwr, wyr, n, imitator
tefelly, ad, in that way; so; thus
teflenwi, v, to fill, to fulfil, to acco-m-
efnuch, eunuch -laid, n, eunuch
fefnyn -nau, n, minute particle, atom
fefnys, np, enemies, foes
efo, pn, he, him; it
efo, pr, with (the preceding)
tefory, aíí=yfory
efr -au, en (efryn, n), tare, darnel
tEfrai, H & a, Hebrew
tefrais, a, corpulent; big
tefras, n, plumpness: a, plump
tefrefu, tefreu, v, to low; to bleat
tEfrewysion, np, the Hebrews
tefrllid -au, n, merit, desert
tEfroeg, nf, Hebrew
efryd -iau -ion, n, study, meditation
efrydfa -oedd, feydd, nf, study
efrydgar, a, studious
efrydiaeth -au, nf, study
efrydu, v, to meditate, to study
efrydydd -ion, efryd wyr, n, student
efrydd -ion, a, maimed, disabled, crip-
efryddu, v, to maim, to disable, to
tefryddwst, nf, palsy
tefwr, n, hedge, shelter
efwr, ewr, efyrllys, n, cow-parsnip
efydd, n, bronze; copper; brass
tefyddaid, a, brass, brazen ■
tefyddawl, a, of brass or bronze
efydden -nau, nf, efyddyn -nau, n, ' cop-
per ' ; cauldron
tefyll, np, apple-trees
efyntau, pn, emphat. of yntau
efyrllys, n. See efwr
tefyrnig, nf, yearling goat
effaith, eifeithiau, nf, eôect
teffeiriad, laid, w=ofleiriad
effeithio, v, to eftect, to affect
effeithiol, a, eflectual, effective, efficient
effeithioli, v, to render effectual
effeithiolrwydd, n, efficacy, efficiency
tefferen, );/=offeren
eflro, a, awake; vigilant
teflroi, V, to rouse, to wake; to awake
effros, en, the euphrasy
egfaen, n & c.;, haw, hawthorn berry;
egin -au, np (-yn, n), germs, shoots,
blades, sprouts
teginhad, n, sprouting, germination
egino, i^, to germinate, to shoot, to
eginol, a, germinant, shooting
teglan, nf, brink

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