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NÀISTINN, -E, s. f. Care, wariness, attention, vigi-
lance : cura, circumspectio, attentio, vigilantia.
R. M'D. 153.
NÀISTINNEACH, -EicHE, adj. (Nàistinn), Careful,
wary, attentive, vigilant : cautus, attentus, vigi-
lans. C. S.
Naitheas, -eis, -an, «. m. Harm, injury, mischief:
malum, injuria, damnum. MSS.
Naitheasach, -aiche, adj. (Naitheas), Harmful,
mischievous, injurious : malus, injurians, damno-
sus. MSS.
Nall, adv. id. et " A nail." To this side, towards
us, from the other side : hue, ad hanc partem, er-
ga nos, ab altero latere.
" Air uchd na tuinne dh' eirich mo chlann,
" A iiall a dh' fhios Aa tràgha." S.D.\ò\.
On the bosom of the wave, arose my children,
hither to the shore. Super sinum fluctus surgebant
mei infantes hue ad littus. " Nall 's a nunn." C.
S. Hither and thither : hue et illuc.
• Nallod, adj. et adv. MSS. Vide Allod.
Nam, conj. (i. e. Na, et Am, part, expl.) If: si.
" Nam biodh mo chliu-sa cho maireann."
S.D. 18.
If my fame were as lasting. Si esset mea fama
tarn durans. Used before verbs beginning with a
labial. Id. q. Nan, cory.
Nam, ffen. pi. of art. An, q. vide.
" Bha ghnùis mar ghrian 's a' gheamhradh,
" Is doinionn nam beann 'g a còmhdach."
S. D. 97.
His countenance was as the sun in winter, when
the storm of the mountains covers it. Fuit ejus vul-
tus instar solis hieme, et nebula (illorum) montium
celante ilium.
'Nam, cmitr. for Ann am, i. e. Ann, prep, et Am, q.
'Nam, contr. for Ann mo, vel Ann am. Vide Ann,
et Mo, et Am, poss. pron.
Nàmh,-àimh,-aimhdean,«.ot. Poet. Vide Namhaid.
NÀMHACH, -AicH, s. m. S. D. 152. Vide Namhaid.
NÀMHADACH, -aiche, odj. (Namhaid). C. S. Vide
NÀMHACHAIL, -E, odj. (Nàmhach), Hostile, like an
enemy : hostilis, hosti similis. C. S.
NÀMHACHAS, -ais, s. m. (Nàmhach), Enmity, hosti-
lity : inimicitia, hostilitas. C S.
NAMHAID, NAIMHDEAN, s. m. An enemy : hostis.
" An namhaid chum gu 'n coisgeadh tu,
" 'S an dioghaltach mi-cheart."
Kirk. Salm. viii. 2.
That thou mightest restrain (quench) the enemy,
and the unjust avenger. Ut hostera cohiberes
(restingues), et ultorem iniquum.
NÀMHAIDEACH, -EICHE, adj. MSS. et C. S. Vide
NÀMHAIDEALACHD, s.f. irid. (Nàmhaideil). MSS.
Vide Nainihdeas.
NÀMHAIDEAS, -EIS, s. m. (Namhaid). MSS. Vide.
NÀMHAIDEIL, -E, adj. (Nàmhaid). MSS. Vide
Vol. I.
!1 NAO
Ì^Aìf, gen. pi. of art. An, q. vide. " Agus bithidh
gram aca dhiubh fein air son nan olc a chuir iad
an gniomh." Esec. vi. 9. And they shall loathe
themselves for the evils they have committed. Et
fastidio erit illis de ipsis, propter mala quse fece-
Nan, conj. If: si.
" Theirgeadh mo dheoir nan tuirinn gach àn-
radh." S.D. 12.
My tears would fail, if I bewailed every misfortune.
Deficerent mea; lachrymae, si plorarem omnia ad-
versa. Used before verbs beginning with a vowel
or lingual. Id. q. Nam, conj.
'Nan, m«<r. for Annan, i. e. Ann, prep, et An, poss.
prrni. q. vide.
" Deanadh clann Shioin gàirdeachas
" 'N an Righ air feadh gach re "
Boss. Salm. cxlix. 2.
Let the children of Sion rejoice in their king
through every age {lit. each moon). Gaudeant
fHii Sionis (faciant laetitiam) in ipsorum rege per
orane seculum (lit. per quamque lunam).
'Nann, contr. for An ann, i. e. An corj. interrog. et
Ann, prep. Is it? estne? « Nann mar sin?" C.S.
Is it so ? Estne sic ? " N ann mar sin a dh' àithn
mi dhuibh ?" C. S. Is it thus that I commanded
you ? Estne sic, quod praeceperam vobis ?
» Naochad, adj. (Naoi), Ninety : nonaginta. Voc.
• Naochadamh, adj. The ninetieth : nonagesimus.
Sh. et MSS.
Naoi, adj. Nine: novem. " Thàinig iad gu h-
lerusalem an ceann naoi mios agus fichead la."
2 Sam. xxiv. 8. They came to Jerusalem at
the end of nine months and twenty days. Ve-
nerunt ad Hierosolymam novem mensibus viginti
diebus exactis. Wei. Naw. Arm. Nae. Com.
Naou. Swed. Nijo. Dan. Ni. Gr. Evrea. Pers.
Naoi-deug, adj. (Naoi, et Deug), Nineteen : no-
yemdecim. C. S. " Dh' iondraineadh de sheirbh-
isich Dhaibhidh naoi fir dheug agus Asahel."
2 Sam. ii. 30. There lacked of David's servants
nineteen men, and Asahel. Desiderati sunt e ser-
vis Davidis novemdecim viri et Asael.
Naoidheachan, -ain, -an, s. m. A little child, an
infant, a babe : infans. A. M'D. 201. Id. q.
Naoidhean, -ein, -an, s. m. (Nuadh, et Aon), An
infant, babe, suckling : infans, puerulus.
" Tha mhaduin, a ghaoil, fad as,
" Gabh fois le caidrearah do naoidhein."
S. D. 64.
The morning, love, is far distant ; rest with thine
infant. Aurora, dilecta, procul abest, requiesce
una cum [lit. cum vicinitate) tuo infante.
Naoidheanach, -aiche, adj. (Naoidhean), Child-
ish, child-like : infantilis, puerilis. C. S.
NAOIDHEANACr^ ' '^ . - ,^t . ,.
tia. Voc. 8.
), ind. \ s. m. et/. (Naoidhean), In-
-Ais, / fancy, ' ' " ' ' "
, childhood : infan-

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