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NuBrPEROCJS, adj. Neulacli, a' toirt neul.
NuBiLATE, V. a. Neulaich, dorchaich.
Nubile, adj. lon-phosda, ion-phòsaidh, aig aois pes-
NuBiLous, adj. Neulach, neulmhor, dubharach.
Nuciferous, adj. Cnòtliach, cnòthar.
Nucleus, s. Eitean, buillsgean, cridhe.
NuDATioN, s. Lomadh, rusgadh.
Nude, ad/. Lom, rùisgte, lomnochd.
Nudity, s. See Nakedness.
Nugatory, adj. Faoin, diomhain, baoth, suarach,
gun fhiù.
Nuisance, s. Cùis-sgreat, deisdinn gairistinn, 'trust-
aireachd, salchar.
Null, v. a. Cuir as, cuir as do, cuir gu neo-ni, dean
Null, adj. Neo-nitheach gun fheum, neo-stàthach,
falami), diomhain.
Nullify, v. a. See Null, v.
Nullity, s. 1. Want of force, or efficacy : neo-
thairbhe, neo-eifeachd. 2. want of existence :
Numb, adj. Fuair-rag, rag le fuadid, meilichte.
Numb, v. a. Meilich, marbh le fuachd.
NuMBEDNESs, s. Fuar-raige, marbh-fhuachd, meil-
Number, v. a. Air, àireamh, àireamhaich, cunnt,
dean suas.
Number,*. 1. The species of quantity by which it
is computed how many : àireamh, cunntas, uimhir.
2. many, more than one: àireamh, mòran. 3.
harmony : fonn, seirm. 4. poetry : rannachd,
Numberer, s. Fear-àireamh, uibhreachan, fear-
Numberless, axij. Do-àireamh, gun àireamh.
NuMBLES, s. Greallach feidh.
Numbness, s. See Numbedness.
Numerable, adj. So-àireamh.
Numeral, adj. Aireamhach, àireamhail.
NuMERALLY, odv. See Numeral.
Numerate, v. a. See Enumerate.
Numeration, s. Àireamhachadh, cunntadh, àir^
Numerator, s. Uibhreachan, uibhriche, fear-air-
Numerical, adj. Aireamhach, àireamhail.
Numerically, adv. See Numerical.
Numerist, s. Fear-àireamh, uibhriche, fear-cunnt-
Numerosity, *. Lionmhorachd, iomadachd.
Numerous, adj. Lionmhor, iomadaidh, iomadach.
Numerously, adv. See Numerous.
Numerousness, «. Lionmhorachd, iomadachd.
Nummary, ) adj. Airgiodach, a bhuineas do dli
Nummular, \ airgiod.
NuMPs, s. Baoghair, baoglilan, gurraiceach.
Numskull, «. 1. A dullard, a blockhead: tamhas?
burraidh, amadan, bumailear. 2. the head, in
burlesque : cnuac, ploc, spuaic.
Nun, s. Cailleach dhubh, ban-naomh phàpanach
te aonarach. '
Nuncio, s. Teachdaire, fear-fiaidheachd.
Nuncupate, v. a. Glaodh gu folluiseach, cuiros àrd
Nuncupative, 1 adj. A chuireasan ceill gu foUuis-
NuNcuPATORY,/ each.
Nundinal, 1 ,. -,,., ,
NuNDiNARY,]""'^- Feiltach, margail.
Nunnery, s. Tigh chailleacha dubha, cill.
Nuptial, adj. A bhuineas do phosadh.
Nuptials, s. Pòsadh, banais.
Nurse,*. 1. Of another's child : ban-altrum, bean-
altruim. 2. of a sick person : ban-altrum, bean-
eiridnidh. 3. who breeds, educates, or protects :
niuime, ban-oide. 4. in contempt : cailleach. s!
the state of being nursed : altrum.
Nurse, v. a. 1. A child, or any other young: alf-
ruim, àraich, tog. 2. a child not one's own : alt-
ruim, macail. 3. feed, maintain: àraich, beath-
aich, tog. 4. the sick : eiridinn, altruim. 5. pam-
per, foment, encourage : tog, brosnuich, misnich.
Nurser, s. Altrumaiche, fear-altruim.
Nursery, s. 1. The act or office of nursing: alt-
rum, eiridneadh, macaladh, altruraas. 2. of young
trees : lios og clirann, craobh lios, 3. where
young children are nursed : seòmar altumais,
seomar cloinne.
Nursling, s. Dalta, ban-dalta.
Nurture, *. 1. Food, diet : biadh. Ion, teachd-an-
tir. 2. education, institution : àrach, oilean, foeh-
lum. °
Nurture, v. a. Tog, àraich, tog suas, foghlulm,
teagaisg, ionnsuich.
Nustle, v. a. Eiridinn, tataidh.
Nut, s. Cnò, cnùth.
Nut, v. a. Tionail cnothan.
Nutiiook, s. Cromag chnò.
Nutshell, s. Slige chnotha, plaosg.
Nutriment, s. Beathachadh, Ion, àrach, teachd-an-
tir, biadh.
Nutrimental, adj. Beathachail, biadhach, biadli-
ar, arachail.
Nutrition, s. See Nutriment.
Nutritious,) ,• o xt .
Nutritive, j ""J' °^^ Nutrimental.
Nuzzle, v. a. Altruim, eiridinn, macail, tog.
Nymph,*. 1. Of the woods, meadows.
ban-dia choilltean, no, uisgeachan.
or waters:
in poetry :
tiigli, ainnir, rlbhinn, maighdean, cailii
mnà, gruagach.
Nymphish, adj. Ainnireach, òigheil, rìbhinneach,
Nymphlike, ì ,. „ ^^
Nymphly, J °^J' S^e Nymphish.

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