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books \rliicli, were they printed in hell, by the light of the
never-dying flame, could not be more damning to their souls;
and -what -would we be the wiser ? Do they not attend chapel ?
They do, and we are thankful for that. They come within
sound of the eternal tidings of salvation to satisfy the mother,
and who knows but that God will be merciful unto them ? Are
we sure, though, that the means of grace are not a burden to
them ? What interest do they take in subjects Biblical ? Do
they not consider them ' dry ? ' O, that we could be certain
they have lost one hour's sleep— only one— thinking of those
things which are to determine their everlasting weKare! Thou
shapely, handsome, tender girl — best of all workers for a
bazaar— 0, that we might be certain thy heart doth flutter and
palpitate as fast over thy great matter as it did over the trash
in that penny dreadful we saw thee buy the other day ! Is
there not some coldness, some distance that ought not to be
kept, between officers of the church and the young men and
maidens at least nominally under their charge, but of whom,
in very many cases, the only thing we know is that they come
to chapel ? I am aware the difiiculty lies in bridging that
distance without scaring their souls and driving them farther
away, without appearing meddlesome and without setting up
a kind of confessional. I know also, well enough, that the fact
that I myself have been guilty of the things referred to, all the
while that I kept my church membership, is no reason for
thinking others guilty in the same fashion. But who were my
companions in depravity, pray? I am bound to tell the truth :
chui-ch members, like myself. I am pleased to think their
numbers were small. Were I to print this history, I would
address a few simple questions to the consciences of our
church youths; as for example the following:— " John Jones
— or whatever your name is— leaving God out of the question,
would you wish your mother to know how many chapters of
the Bible you read from one Sunday to another ? How often
do you pray, and what sort of prayer do you use ? Have you
any objection to her knowing the places you frequent after
shutting shop or leaving the ofiice? When with your com-
panions, which do you think she would know you by— your
voice or your words? From what she heard you say, would she

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