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Blaithe, bla-è, deg. of blath, warm, affec-
tionate, kind ; ni 's blaithe, more warm,
more affectionate.
Blaithteachadh, blàèt3'.tyach-i!, n. m. a
warming ; feeling affection for ; p. warm-
ing. B.
Blaithtich, blaèt'-tycch, v. warm, heat
Blanndaidh, blannd'e, a. stale as milk.
Blanndar, blannd'-ur, n. /. dissimula-
Blaom, blàom, v. n. stare with the great-
est surprise, as when taken unawares,
Blaomadh, blaom'-X, p. a wonderful
stare ; p. staring, starting ; foolish ex-
citement. H.
B1.AOMAIR, blaom'-ur", n. m. a fellow that
stares like a fool ; a fellow easily fright-
ened ; nonsensical talk. H. S.
Blaomaiheachd, blàora'-ur'-àchg, n. f. a
habit of staring foolishly ; starting.
Blaomannach, blàom'-ann-àch, a. incon-
stant, variable, talking inconsistently.
Blar, blar, n. /. a battle, engagement ;
battle-field ; a cheud b/Mr a chuir iad,
the first battle they fought; a' dol sios
do'n bhlàr, going down to the battlefield j
fraoch nam blar, the rage of battle, 0- ;
ground, plain ; a muigh air a bhlàr, out
on the ground ; na shineadh air a' bhlar,
stretched on the ground; chaidh e feadh
a bfUàir, it spilled on the ground ; sgead-
achair na blair, the plains shall be cover-
ed or clothed; rèith a bhlàir, the plain
of battle, M. L. ; thoir am blar ort, a-
way! go about your business ; blàrmò-
na or mòine, a peat-moss ; blar gealaeh-
aidh, a bleach field; a cow with a white
spot on the face ; cuir a sligh a' bhlàr,
put in the cmv with the white face; a
white spot in the face, as a cow, a horse,
&c. a white face; tha blar na h-aodann,
she has a white spot on her face ; a. white-
faced, having a white spot in the face ;
an t-each blar, the white-faced horse.
Blas, bllass, 71. m. taste, savour, relish;
a particle, the least part ; am bheil bias
air gealagan uibhe, is there any taste in
the white of an egg ? Job ; cia milis leam'
bias do bhriathrau, ni's milse tha iad
na mil do m' bheul, how sweet are thy
words unto my taste .' yea, sweeter than
honey to my mouth, P. 119-li)3 ; is dona
am bias a th' air, it ftas a very bad taste ;
cha 'n* eil bias deth an so, there is not
a bit or a particle of it here; tha bias
na meal air do phògan, the taste of honey
is on thy kisses; do bheul a.u bhlas an
t-siucair, thy lips are at sweet as sugar.
3LASAD, bllàss'-ud', n. m. taste, a tasting ;
gun am blasad, without tasting them. 0.
Blasadb, blas'-i, p. tasting; n. tn, the act
of tasting.
Blasardaich, bllàss'-ard'-èch, n.f. smack-
ing the lips, tasting with relish.
Blasoa, blasd''-à, a. delicious, sweet, sa-
voury, tasteful ; agreeable ; eloquent ;
agus dean domh biadh blasda, and make
unto me savoury meat ; briathran blasda,
agieeable or eloquent words, or talk. B.
Blasdachd, bllassd"-àchg, n.f. delicious-
ness, sweetness, savouriness, agreeable -
Blas.mhor, blàss'-\air, a. See Blasda.
Blaspbog, blàss'-ffog, n.f. a sweet kiss.
Blath, bllhà', n. f. bloom, blossom ; flow-
ers ; ged nach d' thoir an crann-fige
uaith blath; ged nach fas air an fhion-
ain cinneas, &c. ; gidheadh ni mise gaird-
eachas aims an Tighearna ; ni mi aoibh-
neas ann Dia mo shlainte, although the
fig-tree shall not blossom; neither shall
fruit be in the vine; yet I will rejoice in
the Lord, I mil Joy in the God of my sal-
vation, Hab. iii, 17 ; folan bhldth, infuU
bloom ; thig e mach mar bhlàth, he shall
come forth as a flower. Job ; consequence ;
effects ; bithidh a bhldth ort, the conse-
quence or effects will be seen in your case ; is
lÈir a bhhith ort, the consequences are ob^
vious in your case ; a. affectionate, ten-
der, warm ; is blath anail na mathar, af-
fectionate is the breath of a mother ; tha
e gìè bhldth, he is affectionate enough.
Blathach, bllhà'-ach, a. n. f. butter-
Blathaich, blhà'-èch, v. warm.
Blath AS, blha-us, or blà' -as, n. m. warmth,
kindliness, affectionate disposition.
Blathmhaiseach, blhà'-vhàsh-ach, a. in
the bloom of youth.
Blathobair, blhà'-òb-èr', n. /. embroi-
dery ; blàthoibrich, embroider. H. S.
Bleachdair, blèchg'ur', n. m. a flattering
Bleathghluineach, bla2'-ghlùèn.ach, a.
in-kneed, knock-kneed.
Bleid, blaj, n.f. a. importunity, sly kind
of impertinent begging.
Bleideil, bllaj'-al, a. intrusive, begging in
a sly way, troublesome.
Bleidir, bllàj'-èr t). beg in a genteel way,
tease, importune, trouble.
Bleidire, bllaj'-èr-à, n. m. genteel beggar,
a mean obtrusive fellow.
Bleidireachd, blaj'-èr'-àchg, n.f. impor-
tunity ; genteel begging.
Bleith, bllha, V. grind ; n. /. grinding ;
gabh na ciacha muilinn agus bleith min,
take the millstones andgrind meal ; fuaim
na bleith, the sound of grinding. B,
Bleithte, bllha'-tya, p. ground.

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