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AiXBHios, 6n'-uv-èss, n. m. ignorance; an
ainbkios duit, unknown to thee, (ain and
AiNBHiosACH, en'-uv-ess-ach, a. ignorant
of ; unknown to.
AiNBHEiL, èn'-val, n.f. impertinence. B.
AiNBHFHiACH, èn'-uv-èach', n. m. a debt.
AiNCHEARD, an. erèn-cbyard, n.J. a witti-
cism, a jest. V.
AlNcHEARDAcn, an'-chyard-ach, a. jocose,
sportive, witty, merry.
AiNCHEiST, an'-chyiisht, n.f. dilemma.
AiNCHis, èn'-chesh, n./. fury, rage. JV.
Al\DEOiN, en'-nyan', compulsion, reluct-
ance ; defiance ; a dh' aindeòin cò their-
eadh e, in defiance of all that would op-
pose it. M. Vs. Motto ; a dheòin na dh'
aindeòin, with, or without one's con-
AiNnEoiSEACH, an'-dyòn'-ach, a. reluc-
AiNDEOiNTEACHD, an'-dvon'-achg, n. f. re-
luctancy ; obstinacy ; unwillingness.
AiNDEiSEAL, an'-dyash-al, a. unprepared.
AiNDREANN, an'-drènn, n. m. fretfulness.
AiNEAMH, èn'-uv,n./. a flaw, blemish, de-
fect, (gaoid.) Bible ; ceilidh seire ain-
eirah, charitij cortceals faults or ble-
AiNE, à'-nyà, n. f. the liver of fish; àin-
ean nam piocach, the liver of coal-fish.
AiNEARTAicH, eii"-art-èch, n.f. yawning.
AiNEAS, èn'-as, n.f. passion, fury. 10.
AiNEASACH, en'-as-ach, a. furious, pas-
AiNEOL, èn'-è51, n. m. unacquaintance ;
ann an tir ra' aineoil, in the country
where I am unacquainted ; a' liol mr'ain-
eol, going where not knmcn ; a stranger ;
cha'n fhaic aiiicol, o'n lear na o'n fha-
sach, a stranger from sea, or wilderness^
will not behold; is from geura bo air a
h-aineol, deep is the low of a cow on
strange pasture. H.
AixEOLACH, en"-eolach, a. ignorant, il-
literate, unintelligent, rude.
AiNEOLAS, en"-Pcil-as, n. m. ignorance ; is
trom an t-ea!ac*h an t-aineolas, ignorance
is a heaxry burden ; boorishness.
AiNFHEOiL, èn'còll, n.f. proud flesh.
AiNGEAL, èng'-al, or èn'-nyal, n. m. an
AiNGEALACH, èng'-al-ach, a. angelic.
AiKGEALAG, èng'-al-ag, n.f angelica. M.
AiNGEALTA, èng'-alt-à, a. perverse, wicked.
AiNCEALTACHD, èng'-a't-achg, n. f. per-
versenesss, wickedness.
AiNGiDH, eng'-o, a. perverse, wicked.
AiNGiDHEAcnn, èng'-è-achg, n. f per-
verseness, wickedness, sin, viciousness.
AiNGLiDH, eng-lè, a. angelic.
AiNicB, àn-èch, n.f. panting. Sk-ye.
AiNiD, 6n'-èj, a. vexing.
AiNLEAG, èn'-lyag, n.f. a swallow, Md. ;
ainleag mhara, a sea-martin.
A'NM, èu'-um, n. m. a name; an t-ainm
gun an tairbhe, the name without the be-
nefit; character; is f hasa deadh ainm a
chall, na chosnadh, it is easier to lose a
good character, than to gain one.
AiNMEACiiADH, en'-um-acb-A, n. m. and p.
naming, appointing, denominating.
AiNMEACHAS, èn'-um-ach-us, n. m. a bare
name ; a nominal thing.
.\IXMEALACHD, èn'-um-all-àchg, n. m. ce-
lebrity, fame, reputation ; notoriety.
.\i.\MEAN.vACH, èu'-um-ann-aeh, n. m. a
nominative, a denominator. D.
AiNMEiL, èn'-um-al, a. namely, celebrated,
renowned ; dh' f has iad sin nan daoine,
ainmeil, those became men of renown. B.
AiNMHiDH, èn'-vhè, n. c. a brute of the
horse species ; a beast.
AiNMHiDHEACHD, èn'-vhè-achg, n. m. bru-
AixMicH, èn'-um-èch, ?;. name; mention,
fix upon ; denominate ; ainmichte, 71am-
ed, &c.
AiNMic, èn'-um-èg, a. rare, scarce, sel-
dom ; Is ainmig a thig e,he seldom comes.
AiNXEAMH. See Annamh.
AiNNEAMHAG, èn'-uuv-ag, n.f. a. phoenix,
.\i\-NEAL, èn'-nyal, n. m. a common fire.
AiNN'EART, èn'-nyert, n.m. force, violence.
AiNNEARTACH, 6n'.nyert-ach, a. oppres-
Ai\NEARTACHD,en'-nyert-achg, n.f. force,
violence, oppression.
AiNNiR, èn'nyèr, n.f. a virgin, (ainfhir.)
AiNNis, en'nyèsh, a. poor, needy. Ps.
AiNNiSEACHD, èn'-nyèsh-achg, n. f. po-
AiXNiuiGH, èn'-nyii, n. m. a sigh. North.
AixsGEAN, «5n'-sken, n.f. fury, rage.
AiNSRiANTA, an-srèànt'-a, a. unbridled, de-
bauched, obstinate. Sh.
AiNTEAS, ann'-tyiis, n. m. inflammation,
great heat, zeal. Bible.
.\iNTEASACH, ann'-tyUs-ach, a. inflamma-
tory, hot, violent
AiXTEisT, ann'-tyiisht, n. m. bad report.
AiNTEisTEANAS, ann'-tyasht-au-us, n. m. s
bad character, false testimony. A.
.'Vlnteisteil, ann'-tyasht-al, a. discredit-
AiNTETH, ann'-tya, a. very hot L-
Mr, ar', pre. upon, on, of, concerning;
iomradh air do ghliocas, the fame of thy
wisdom, B.; air heiim, on a mountain;
air sgath, /or the sake of; air ainm, by
name ; air bheagan, possessing little ; air
an aobhar sin, /or Ma< reason, therefore;
air mo shonsa dheth,/or my part, at far

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