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animal amount of 2oo,oool. and canvas or sail-cloth,
which was lately the chief manufacture, the de-
mand for that article being greatly increased in
time of war : besides these, a considerable quantity
of sack-cloth and cotton bagging is annually made
for exportation. Several cotton works have been
attempted, but have not been successful.
The ancient name of Dundee was Alectum or
Akc, but is said to have been changed at the time
of the foundation of St. Mary's church by the Earl
of Huntingdon, to Dondie, a contraction of donum
Dei, expressive of his gratitude for his miraculous
escape j others ascribe it to Dun Tay, ** the hill of
Tay ;" but etymologies of names are at best unsa-
tisfactory, and seldom useful. Though it was only
erected into a royal borough by King "William, it
apprears to have enjoyed many immunities and pTivi-
leges previous to the reign of that prince : but, as
all the records and evidences of its ancient rights
were either destroyed, or carried off by Edward I,
of England, application was made to Robert Bruce,
after he had obtained free possession of his kingdom,
that these rights should be recognised. In conse-
quence of this application, Robert appointed two
commissioners for recognising the rights of the bur-
gesses of Dundee, by a charter dated at Aber-
brothock the 22d day of June, in the 20th year of
liis reign. The commissioners accordingly repaired
to Dundee, and having examined witnesses, found
full and complete evidence, " that the burgesses of
Dundee enjoyed in times of former kings the same
privileges with those of any other most favoured and
distinguished town in Scotland." On this recogni-
tion. King Robert gave to the town an infeftment
and charter, granting ** to the burgesses, their heirs
and succesgors for ever, all the liberties and rights'

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