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Chemists & Druggists — continued.
Lawson Andrew. 65 Perth road
Lindsay B. Mel. 140 Albert street & 41
Dens road
McHardy Alexander, 9 Cowgate
McKinnon D. J. 121 Hawkhill
McMillan & Robertson, 181 Blackness road
& 177 Hawkhill
Mason James Braik F.C.S. 266 Perth road
Mitchell P. 36a, West port
Peebles Thomas S. 103 High street, Lochee
Bamsay William C. 39 Cieghorn street
Beoch Alexander T. 47 Scouringburn
Boss Alexander H. 13 Strathmartine road
Bussell David & Son, 111 Nethergate
Bussell John W. 135 [ts T ethergate
Sime William, 146 Lochee road
Smith Bobert, 149 Blackness road
Stephen Charles, 46 Wellgate
Strachan Bobert Giuld, 46 Albert street
Swan William, 111 Victoria road
Taylor James Bussel, 21a, Strathmartine rd
Thomson Bros. 49 Commercial street & 139
High street, Lochee
Thomson John Hutcheson, 102 High st.
Walker Alexander Calder, 126 Hilltown
Williamson J. 167 Albert street
Young Charles, 46 & 150 Ann street
Chimney Sweepers.
Bowen John, 111 Logie street
Clark Jule, 1 Ure street
Dye Charles, 34 Murraygate
Dye George, 15 Hilltown
Dye James, 8 Victoria street
Dye William, 107 Albert street
Dye William, 25 Nethergate
Henderson Peter, 33 Strathmartine road
Houston Alexander, 298 Hawkhill
Laing Peter, 17 Logie street, Lochee
Leggat John J. 3 East Henderson's wynd
McKenzie Charles, 16 Main street
Mill John, 16 Annfield street
Ney William, 42 Caldrum street
Tasker James, 129 Blackscroft
China, Glass & Earthenware Mers.
Craig George Balfour, 28 & 30 West port
Frain William & Son, Frain's buildings, 11
to 21 Castle street
China, Glass & Earthenware Dlrs.
Bonar Miss Lily, 125 Albert street
Brown Mrs. James, 121 Princes street
Brown Thomas, 64 South road, Lochee
Christie Adam, 16 Bank street, Lochee
Christie Thos. B. 38 High street, Lochee
Collins Mrs. Bridget, 105 South rd. Lochee
Craig Geortre B.2S West port & 69 Perth rd
Dawson Thomas, 45 Arbroath road
Train William & Son (see also china &
glass merchants), Frain's buildings, 11
to 21 Castle street
Gilchrist George, 60 King street
Gray Mrs. Mary, 16 Derby street
Hill George, 148 Hitrh street, Lochee
Howie George, 250 Hawkhill
Johnston James & Son, 33 Ann street
Kay Mrs. Catherine. 95 Hilltown
Lowden Mrs. Jane, 28 Bosebank street
McBurney William, 41 Murraygate & 12, 14
& 16 Whitehall street
Macdonald John, 50 Blackscroft
McLaugiilan Matthew, 43 Eeform street
McLean Mrs. James, 3 Greenmarket
Macleod Mrs. Alexander, 91 Hawkhill
Martin James, 24 Logie street, Lochee
Milne Charles, 167 Princes street
Bchbie Mrs. Jessie, 15 Victoria street
Samson John. 170 Ann street
Scott Peter H. & Son, 5 & 7 Arbroath rd
Shepherd David. 206 Hawkhill & 42 King et
Sime Thomas, 20 Bank street, Lochee
Steele John Anderson, 73 Strathmartine rd
Tosh Mrs. Mary Har, 216 Overgate
Winter George,* 313 Hilltown
Chocolate Manufacturers.
See Cocoa & Chocolate Manufacturers.
Cigar Merchant.
Speedie Peter, 1 Castle street
Civil Engineers.
See Engineers — Civil.
See Dyers & Cleaners.
Clock Makers.
See Watch & Clock Makers.
Cloth Manufacturer.
Bruce Graham, Begent works, Milnes
East wynd
Clothes Brokers & Dealers.
Barber Bobert, 162 Overgate
Binnie Mrs. Mary, 6 Walton street
Campbell William (secondhand), 230 Overgt
Coyle John (secondhand), 12a, Commercial
itreet, Maxwelltown
Dolan John, 9 Temple lane
Donaldson Mrs. Mary A. 79 Logie street
Fagan Peter. 86 Overgate
Gilmartin Miss Matilda, 13 Hilltown
Maguire John, 56 North William street
Miller William (secondhand), 5 Glamis st
O'Brien Frank (secondhand), 200 Overgate
O'Connell Mrs. Mary, 7 Temple lane
Rosen Isaac, 55 Hilltown & 3, 5, 7 & 9
Powrie place
Smith James, 16 Temple lane
Adams J. D. & Co. 42 Eeform street
Baxter John, 74 High street, Lochee
Bell William & Son, 10 High street
Cash Clothing Co. 20, 22 & 24 Hawkhill
Civil Service Clothing Co. 26 West port
Davis Bobert, 2 Welieate
Ferguson Alexander, 6 King street
Fleming Bros. 1 Bain square
Fleming Brothers, 14 to 18 Cowgate
Fraser James, 153 & 155 High st. Lochee
Greenwood James, 204 Overgate
Hepworth J. & Son Ltd. 64 Murraygate
Hershberg M. & Co. 157 Overgate
Hutchen William, 6 High street
Jamieson John & Co. 2 High street
Lancett Thomas, 39 Reform street
Lawson's Ltd. Whitehall crescent
Lesslie Findlay, 132-134 Hilltown
Lowrie Joseph Player, 293 Hilltown
McEwan T. &â–  Sons, 100 High st. Lochee
McGill James Bros. 5 & 7 Victoria road
Maule David. 11 Barrack street
Melville House, 29 High street
Mitchell Alexander, 100 Nethergate
Mitchell Andrew, 191^ Hilltown
Morton James, 76 & 78 Commercial street
Mudie Mrs. Elizabeth, 36 Hawkhill
Neish James L. & Sons,129 to 133 Hilltown
Nicoll James, 30 Murraygate
O'Brien Frank, 397, 199 & 200 Overgate
Phillips Mver, 152 Overgate
Potter John, 26 Castle street
Ramsay Alexander, 34 Princes street
Roberts & Co. 5 & 7 West port
Robertson James, 23 & 25 Reform street
Rowbottom George H. 150 Murraygate
Smail Adam, Strathtay house, Reform street
Smith Brothers, 7 & 9 Murravgate
Smith James Petrie & Sons, 78 & 79 High st
Smith Thomas, 51 Beform street
Spence J. D. 97 to 101 Hilltown
Stewart C. 157 High street, Lochee
Stewart Thomas, 8 West port
Strachan Thomas & Son, 181 Princes street
Tullis John & Son, 45 Beform street
Watson John, 79 Overgate
White M. &. M. 4 Bain square
Whyte & Phillip, 1 Pitkerro road
Young Peter M. 20 Overgate
Angus Chess & Whist (J. Lawrence, sec.)
10 Shore terrace
Burns (Sir John Leng M.P. hon. president;
E. Dobson, treas. & librarian ; James
Binny, see. ; John Purves, curator), 36
Comedy (.T. H. B. Rorie C.A. sec), 33
Albert square
Dundee Athletic (Alex. Gow, sec), 67
Dundee Canine (Forbes Grant, sec), 3
Barrack street
Dundee Chess (W. N. Walker, pres. ; E. E.
Corrie, hon. sec), Whitehall crescent
Dundee Corinthian Boating (Wm. Gauldie,
sec); boat sheds, Esplanade
Dundee & E. Scotland Photo. 47 High st
Dundee Football (William Wallace, sec),
67 Murraygate
Dundee Liberal (Peter Anderson, sec), 51
Reform street
Dundee Union (John J. H. Henry, sec ;
F. Mitchell, steward), 11 Murraygate
Eastern (Alexander Mackay C.A. sec),
Albert square
New Club (X. H. B. Eorie C.A. treasurer
& secretary), 29 Commercial street
University (James Allison, M.A., LL.B.
sec), 104 Nethergate
Western (D. S.Pryde,sec.),l New Inn entry
Coach Builders.
Braid William & Co. 77 Annfield road
Cuthbert Thomas & Son, Ward road
Low Brothers, King street & Whitton 6t.
King's road
Milne Alexander B. 152 Nethergate
Swinton Thomas & Son, 17 Small's wynd
Coach Painters.
McFarlane Andrew & Son, 5 Park lane?
Coach Proprietors.
See Cab & Coach Proprietors.
Coal Agents.
See Agents — Coal.
Coal Dealers.
Allan Joseph & Son, 15 Baltic street
Allan John R. 4 Crescent lane
Anderson Robert J. 11 Annfield street
Balbirnie Davidson, Small's wynd
Blackwood John, 46 Cotton road
Brough Peter, Park place, Lochee
Burke William, 7 St. Mary's street
Cameron John, 22 Church st. Maxwelltown
Carlin Hugh, Dempster street
Christie George, 3 Thistle street
Clark David, 51 Strathmartine road
Coupar James, 4 Castle lane
Cuthbert William, Park wynd
Donaldson David, 33 Bosebank street
Farrell Edward, 10 Jamaica street
Fenton John, 32 Union street, Charles street
Fraser Alan, 16 Charles street
Fraser Donald, 56 Gellatly street
George David, Peddie street
Guild John, 50 City road
Hanna William, 38 Lochee road
Hays Thomas, 94 Scouringburn
High William, 60 Dudhope street
Howe James, 5£ Whorter bank, Lochee
Husband William, 12 & 14 Bellfield lane
Imrie David B. Perrie street, Lochee
Johnstone John, 22 Dudhope street
Kelly Matthew, 5 Scott street
King James, 27 Dura street
Knowles David, 60 Caldrum street
Lawrence G. & Son, 14 Watson's lane
Lawrence John, Ryehill lane
Lawson Peter, 16 Peddie street
Leggat John J. 3 East Henderson's wynfl
Lindsay George, 31 Wellington street
Lindsay William, 19 Elizabeth street
Lowden William, 16 Scouringburn
Mabe Henry, 7 Lowden's alley
McCabe John, Gardners lane
M'Donald Hugh, 85 Wilkie's lane
McLaren J. & J. M. 1 Hill street
McLaren David, 6 Ellen street
Malone Michael, St. Ann street, Lochee
Maxwell James, 49 Forebank road
Milne Bros. 20 Tannadice street
Morris Bobert, 21 Kinnaird street
Mosgrove Thomas, 68 Bosebank street
Peattie David, 50 Crescent lane
Reid Alexander, Whitton street
Robertson William, 17 Clark street
Rollo David, 43 Scouringburn
Rollo David, 12 Session street
Sandeman James, 8 James street
Scobbie C. 23 Polepark road
Sconlly John, 27 Benvie road
Small John Lorimer, 8 St. Boques lane
Smith & Drum, West Hendersons wynd
Smith William Alexander, 242 Lochee road!
Stark Andrew & Co. 8 Campbell st. Lochee
Stewart Mrs. Catherine. 35 Kincardine st
Stewart Francis. 55a, Watson street
Swan Robert, 15 Kidd street
Thompson John. 179 Blackness road
Valentine Wra. 8 South Church st. Lochee
Walker George, 16 Cherryfield lane
Wallace Robert, 31 Millers wynd
Wilkie William, 103 Hilltown
Wooler James & Andrew, 33 Camperdown
street & Railway station, Lochee
Young John, 12 Balfour street
Coal Merchants.
Allan Joseph & Sons, 15 Baltic street & 60
Foundry lane
Allan Joseph, 111 Black's croft
Allan Bobert M. 29 Dura 6treet
Alloa Coal Co. Lim. (The), 65 Trades lane
Brough Peter, Railway wharf, Lochee
Brown & Tyrie, 22 Barrack street & N.B.
Brown John, South Ward road
Brown Bobert, Maryfield station
Carron Co. 4 India buildings
Colville Thomas, Maryfield goods station
Dixon William Limited(DonaId Macdonald,
manager), 24 Teaman shore
Duff John S. & Co. 76 High street & South
Ward road
Duff Alexander, Teaman shore
Dundee & District Co-operative Coal Supply
Association Limited (William Allan, sec),
13 South Union street
Edwards George, Fairmuir station
Ferguson & Davidson, Ferry road
Grav Charles, 40 Candle lane
Hood James S. & Co. 12 Whitehall crest
Inglis J. T. & Sons, 33 Dock street
Ireland, Bruce & Co. 134a, Nethergate
Ireland David & Son, Dock street
Lamb John & Co. 70 & 72 Logie st. Lochee

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