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588 st. Andrew's lhanbryd. ELGINSHIRE.
Laing James, Troves
M'Kessack Alexander, Scarffbanks
Mail Robert, Cotts
Peterkin James, Wester Calcots
Petrie George, Pitairlie
Robb John, Coxton "Wester
Robertson Mrs. William, Linkwood & Boga
Ross James (reps, of), Linksfield
Robertson James, Barmuckity
Ruxton Misses Beatrice & Margaret, Inch-
Simpson Robert, Pittenseir
Shewan William, Mafins of Cotts
Sinclair James, Scotstonhill
Stephen Alexander, Mid Coxton
Stephen Mrs. Ann B. Errol
Taylor James, South Darkland
Taylor Mrs. Margaret, North Darklanl
Tool Francis B. Easter Calcots
SPEYMOTJTH is a quoad sacra parish in
the civil parishes of TTrquhart and Spey-
mouth, poor combination of Morayshire
andi small debt court district- of Elgin ; it
lies along the left bank of the river Spey,
and contains- in its Urquhart portion the
email fishing villages of Garmouth and
Kingston, which are near the mouth of
the Spey, about 4 miles north-west of
Fochabers and 7 east-by-north from Elgin.
There is a station at Garmouth, on the
Elgin and Portsoy branch of the Great
North of Scotland railway. The Estab-
lished church is in the Speymouth portion
of the parish. A fair is held on June 30th.
The Duke of Richmond and Gordon E.G.,
P.C. is the principal landowner. The civil
parish of Speymouth contains 6,025 acres;
rateable value, £5,673; the population in
1901 was 619; the other portion of the
quoad sacra parish being in Urquhart civil
parish, no separate acreage can be given for
it, but it had a population in 1901 of 740.
The population of Garmouth in 1901 was
533. The population of the entire eccle-
siastical parish was 1,359.
Post, T., M. O., T. M. O., E. D. & P. P.
0., S. B. & A. & I. 0. Garmouth (Rail-
way Sub-Office. Letters should have
R.S.O. Morayshire added) ; James Hitch-
cock, postmaster. Deliveries, 8.30 a.m.
& 11.10 p.m.; to callers, 6.25 p.m.; dis-
patches, 7.40 a.m. & 2.45 & 5.55 p.m
Wall Letter Box, Kingston, cleared at 7.20
a.m. & 2.25 & 5.35 p.m. (sundays ex-
Five Members.
Chairman, John Hunter, Dippe
Inspector of Poor & Collector of Rates for
the Parish of Speymouth, John Simpson
Medical Office* , Samuel Ironside M.D.
Registrars of Births, Deaths' & Marriages
(for Speymouth), John Simpson, Baina-
coul, Fochabers, & (for quoad sacra)
Willia-n S. Murdoch, Garmouth
Police Station, Garmouth, James Macdonald,
officer in charge
3rd (Morayshire) Volunteer Battalion, Sea-
forth Highlanders (I Co.), Garmouth;
H. T. Spence, lieut
Established Church, Speymouth, Rev. Geo.
Birnie B.D. ; services-, 12 a.m. & 5 p.m
Cnited Free Church, Garmouth, Rev. Geo.
Gardiner M.A. ; services,12 noon & 4 p.m
SCHOOL BOARD, Speymouth.
Chairman, Charles GorrTon Downie
Clerk & Treasurer, William S. Murdoch
Board School, Garmouth, for 230 children;
average attendance, 200 ; William F.
Stewart M.A. master
Elgin & Portsoy branch of the Great North
of Scotland.
Station, Garmouth, Henry Troupe, station
G-ar mouth.
Marked thus * receive their letters through
*Birnie Rev. Geo. B.D. (Estab.), The Manse
Downie Charles G., J.P. Ashfield
G-ardiner Rev. George M.A., U. F. C.
Geddie William, Woodview
Grant Major John S. W. Dellachaple house
Hitchcock James, The Poplars
M'Dnnald Mrs. Poplar villa
Smith John, Caledonian Bank house
Spence Mrs. Lemonacre
Caledonian Banking Co. Limited (branch)
(John Smith, agent)
Duncan W. & A. block mas. & Ironfounders
Duncan William, miller, Cowfords
Falconer J. & Son, tailors-
Farquhar William, butcher
Findlater W. & J. boot &. shoe maker
Hitchcock James, grocer, draper, Epirit &
general dealer, & post office
Logie Margaret (Mrs.), tailor & grocer
U'Kay Robert, blacksmith
Macrae Margaret (Miss), Red Lion hotel
Marnoch John, tailor
Milne Charles, butcher
Mitchell John, shopkeeper
Murdoch Alexander, carpenter &. grocer
Murdoch James, carpenter
Murdoch William S. druggist, bookseller &
coal dlr. & clerk & treas. to school board
Murdoch William S. insurance agent
Ross John, Star inn
Shand James, carpenter
Simpson John, inspector of poor & col-
lector of rates
Skene James, miller
Smith Alexander, baker
Smith John, agent, Caledonian bank
Spence James, grocer, ironmonger, seeds-
man, draper & insurance agent
Wheeler Alexander, carpenter
Wiseman George, horse hirer
Bell John, Larch cottage
Kinloch William, Sunnybank
Dunbar Alexander, carpenter
Duncan Mary (Mrs.), grocer & general dlr
Livingston Peter, grocer & ironmonger
Shand Janet (Mrs.), Marine hotel
Shand David, painter & paperhanger
Smith George, butcher
Annand James, Newton
Edgar James, Balnacoul & Aires
«Fettes John, Westerton
Fettes William. Matthewmill & Corskie
Findlay John F. Trocheihill
Geddes Miss Margaret, Essie
Hunter John, Dipple
Innes John, Obliston
Paul Robert, Bannockburn
Rose Hugh, Laich hill
*Shand Mrs. Deanshillock
^Simpson John, Stynie & Redhall
*Simpson William, Burnside
Taylor William, Bards
NEW SPYNIE is a parish lying north
of Elgin and south of Drainie and Duft'us,
in Morayshire poor combination and Elgin
small debt court district ; it is 5 miles from
east to west, by 2£ from north to south,
and is 2 mliles north-east from Alves sta-
tion on the Highland railway. The country
is hilly and well-wooded in the southern
portion. In the parish is an Established
church, 3 miles west of Elgin. A county
hospital for infectious diseases was erected
in 1899, at a cost of £4,000, and contains
24 beds, viz. 16 borough and 8 county.
Henry Buxton Watson Greig esq. the Dow-
ager Countess of Seafield, of Castle Grant,
Morayshire, Robert D . Forster esq. of
Findrassie, and George A. Maclean esq.
of Westfield, are the principal landowners.
The area comprises 5,946 acres; rateable
value, landward, £4,606; burghal (Elgin),
£2,663; population in 1901 was 1,910,
divided as follows : Elgin royal and parlia-
mentary burgh; beyond Elgin royal and
parliamentary burgh; landward, 608. The
total includes 5 officials and 91 inmates of
Morayshire Combination poorhouse.
Bishopmill, a village in the parish of New
Spynie, is situated on the left bank of the
Lossie, just opposite to Elgin, of which town
it forms a part, and contains the Morayshire
poorhouse ; it is in the Morayshire poor
combination and Elgin small debt court
district, and in 1901 had a population of
1.107, and 285 inhabited houses. There are
woollen mills and a public school. The
Earl of Seafield is the superior.
Letters through Elgin
Governor, Jonah Rogers
Matron, Mrs. Jane Grant
Chaplain, Rev. Robert. Macpherson B.D
Surgeon. James W, N. Mackay M.D
Clerks, Stewart & M 'Isaac
Established Church, New Spynie, Rev. John
Garioch M.A. ; service, 12 a.m
Board Schools: — .
New Spynie, John Thomson, master
Bishopmill, George Sutherland, master
New Spynie.
Garioch Rev. John M.A. (Established),
The Manse
Carnegie Hon. Chas
MacLean George A. West-field
Shiach Gordon R. Ardgilzean
Davidson & Hay, quarry owners
Dean Alexander, timber merchant
Elgin Burgh & County Hospital for Infec-
tious Diseases (Wm. Mackie M.A., M.D.,
CM. med. officer; Miss F. M. Walker,
matron; Hugh Stewart, sec)
Forsyth David, quarry owner
M'Gillivary James, blacksmith
McQueen Donald, carpenter
Thomson John, schoolmaster
Anderson John, East Back street
Anderson Mrs. Oakbnnk
Black William Rose, Hythe hill
Cookes William, Brae villa
Duff Mrs. of Druimuir, Braemoriston
Gow William, Balmoral terrace
Harbinson Alexander, Millbank
MacQueen John, Balmoral terrace
Munro John, The Knoll
Paul Mrs. Fair view
Reid Alexander, Montpelier
Ross Rev. Malcolm M. East Neuk
Welsh William, Ivy bank
Forsyth Wm. carpenter, West Back street
Henderson George, spirit dealer
Hunter William, baker
M'Andrew William, carpenter
Macdonald Alex, threshing machine owner
James John, grocer &c. 40 & 42 North st
Mclver Alexander, tailor, 45 North street
Mitchell James, boot maker
Reid & Welsh, woollen manufacturers
Reid James, wooilea manufacturer (Reid &
Welsh), Richmond lodge. Institution road
Rogers Jonah, governor of workhouse
Rough Charles, grocer & spirit dealer
Ross John, baker, 41 Bridge street
Ross George, carpenter
Russell James, boot & shoe ma. 23 North st
Stanley Jane (Mrs.), grocer
Welsh William, manufacturer (Reid &
Welsh), Ivy bank
Wliyte James, blacksmith
Anderson James, Lochside
Dawson George, Kintrea
Duncan Alexander, Moor of Myreside
Ferguson George A. Surradale
Fraser Thomas, Laverockloch.
Gourlay John, Westerton
Halliday Matthew, Findrassie
Leslie William, Mid Kintrea
Margach Helen (Mrs.), Lower mains
Masson George, Woodlands
Petrie George A. Rosehaugh
Russell Alexander, Myreside
Shiach Gordon R. Moiriston
Taylor John, Easterton & Midtown
Watt James, Rosebrae
Wattie Alexander (reps. of),Wester Kintrea
TTRQ,TJH ARTis a sea-coast parish,extend-
ing for 7i miles 1 Detween the mouths of the
Spey on the east and the Lassie on the
west, its boundaries west and south-west
marching with those of Drainie and Elgin,
and south-east with Speymouth; it is about
4 miles from north to south, and includes
the villages of Garmouth and Kingston on
the Spey and a very small village around
its own parish church, 5 miles east of
Elgin ; it is in the Morayshire poor com-
bination and Elgin small debt court district.
The ecclesiastical parish of Urquhart in-
cludes- the larger half of the parish west-
ward, while the eastern (including Gar-
mouth) is in the quoad sacra parish of Spey-
mouth. Near the village is a station on
the Elgin and Portsoy branch of the Great
North of Scotland railway. The Duke of
Richmond and Gordon K.G., P.C. and
Thomas Mackenzie esq. of Innes, are the
principal landowners. The area comprises
13,066 acres; rateable value, £9,231; the
population in 1901 was 1,717 in the civil
and 977 in the ecclesiastical parish.
Post Office. Urquhart; William Milne, re-
ceiver. Letters arrive from Elgin, 11.8
a,m. & 1.45 p.m. Dispatch, 7.30 a.m.
Postal Orders are issued & paid here.
The nearest money order office is at Gar-
mouth, 3 miles distant. The nearest tele-
graph office is at the railway station

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