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Establishment here, overlooking Loch
Long, affords excellent accommodation for
visitors. In the parish is the celebrated
Loch Sloy, much resorted to by tourists
Ardlui, 8 miles north, is the terminus of
the Loch Lomond steamers. The area
comprises 25,858 acres; rateable value,
£10,454; the population in 1901 was 605.
Post, M. O. & T. O. & S. B. (Sub-Office.
Letters should have S.O. Dumbarton-
shire added to them) ; Miss Mary
M'Naughton, postmistress. Deliveries,
7.45 & 9.30 a.m. & to callers at 7 p.m.
during summer & 7.45 & 10.20 a.m. &
to callers 6 p.m. remaining months
dispatches, 7 a.m. (May to October) &
3 & G.50 (summer) & 5.50 p.m. (remain-
ing months)
Post & T. Office, Ardlui (Railway Sub
Office. Letters should have K.S.O. Dum-
bartonshire added) ; R. Drysdale, post-
master. Delivery, 9.30 a.m.; dispatches
8.28 a.m. & 6.58 p.m. Postal Orders
are issued & paid here. The nearest
money order office is at Tarbet
Established Church, Eev.Dugald McFarlane
Chairman, Col. Colquhoun C.B
Clerk, M. H. Conley, Tarbet.Loch Lomond
Clerk, Charles Grierson, Tarbet, Loch
Medical Officer, Charles Edward Salmon
L.R.C.P. & S.Edin. Tarbet
Inspector of Poor, Charles G-rierson
Registrar, Charles Grierson
Chairman, Col. Colquhoun C.B
School, Ardlui, Miss Lumsden, mistress
School, Tarbet, Charles Grierson, master
Arrochar, Harry Watson, station master
Ardlui, R. Drysdale, station master
To Craigandoran & Gourock.from Arrochar
every day during summer months, sun-
day excepted
'To Crianlarich Railway station (for Oban
&c.) a coach leaves the Ardlui hotel
daily, during the summer, at thirty-
Hve minutes past ten morning & half-
past two afternoon, Sundays excepted
Colquhoun Col. Alan John. C.B.Glenloin ho
Fisher Mrs. Bellevue
Eraser Misses. Inverioch
Henry Mrs. Eascadail
Laird Miss, Ravenswood
Littlejohn Sir Henry Duncan M.D., LL.D.
Benreoch house
McEarlan Colin James T., J. P. Stronafyne
McFarlane Rev.Dugald (Estab.).The Manse
McGregor Donald, Ardgartan
McMurrich Mrs. Mansfield cottage
Sandeman John G. Ardmay
Stewart Robert J. P. Stewarton house
Wilson Mrs. Oakbank
Ardlui hotel (Duncan Dodds, proprietor),
Arnott James, baker
Braid Alexander, grocer & temperance
hotel, Tyness
Campbell John, joiner & cartwright
Cathie Isabella (Miss), grocer
Colquhoun Arms hotel (James Torrance)
Lindsay John, boot & shoe maker
McFarlane M. & M. (Misses), dress makers
McFarlane Malcolm, grocer & butcher
McLeod Evander, boot maker
McNaughton Mary (Miss), postmistress &
news agent
Reid James R. M. grocer
Ross's Hotel & Boarding Establishment
(John F. Ross, proprietor); overlooking
Loch Long. See advertisement
Anderson James, Garbel
Grieve Robert, Gienfalloch
McDairmid F nlay, Succoth
McDougall John H. Inveruglass
M'Farlan Colin James T. Stronafyne
McFarlane Robert, Tulloch
McGibbon James, Stuckdroin
McKenzie James, Coilessan
McNicol James, Doune
BALLOCH is a village in the parish of
Bonhill, at the south end of Loch Lomond,
and about a mile north-west from Bonhill,
and has a terminal station on the Dumbar-
ton and Balloch Joint railway. In 1842.
Sir James Colquhoun bart. of Luss, erected
an elegant suspens'on bridge across the
Leven water, in place of the ferry
previously in use. The old bridge h;
been superseded by a substantial iron
girder bridge, supported from the bed of
the river by .stone pillars, and opened
for traffic in' 1888. The bridge toll ceased
on May 15, x^jb. There are two hotels
the Balloch hotel at the foot of Loch
Lomond, and the Tullichewan temperance
hotel, both adjoining the station. Balloch
Castle is the residence of the Misses
Dennistoun-Brown. A fair is held at
Balloch on the 15th of September, for
horses, being the largest fair in Scotland
The children here attend the Board School
at Jamestown
Post, M. O. & T. O., T. M. O., E. D. &
P. P. Office, S. B. & A. & I. Office,
Balloch (Sub-Office. Letters should have
S.O. Dumbartonshire added) ; John
Ferguson, sub-postmaster. Deliveries, 8
& 9 a.m. & 7.30 p.m. ; dispatches, 9.10
a.m. & 1.15, 2.35, 7.5 & 7.30 p.m
Wall Letter Box, Railway station, cleared
at 8.40 a.m. & 1.10, 2.30 & 7.10 p.m
Railway Station, Balloch, John Barclay
station master
From Balloch Pier, Dumbarton & Balloch
Joint Committee (Loch Lomond
steamers), William J. Fraser, sec. &
manager ; sailings, October to February,
tues. thurs. & sat. ; March to Septem-
ber, daily
Brown Robert, Applegarth
Dennistoun-Brown Misses, Balloch castle
Ferguson Duncan, Vale view
Garnett James, Oakbank
Lewis Mrs. E'.lenslea
M'Lintock Fin'.ay, Fisherwood
M'Lintock Mrs. John, Fisherwood
M'Murray James, Haldane villa
Nairn John, Dalvait
Balloch hotel (Robert Watkinson)
Barclay John, station master
Campbell John & Co. coal & lime mer-
chants, Railway station
Davidson John, boat hirer
Davidson Thomas, boat hirer
Davidson William, timber merchant, cart-
wright & saw mill owner
Dumbarton & Balloch Joint Committee
(Loch Lomond steamers) (William J.
Fraser, manager & sec), Balloch pier
Ferguson John, grocer & postmaster
Lynn Henry, senior; lugrsail &
rowing: boats per hour, day,
week or month; charges on
M'Alpine John, draper
Mather Janet M. (Mrs.), refreshment room
keeper, Balloch Bailway station
Pollatt Ross, manager, Roselea cottage
Sweeney John, boat hirer
Torrance James, Temperance hotel
Water Works (Daniel Murray, engineer)
Watkinson Robert, Balloch hotel
BEAESDEN, or New Kilpatrick, is a
town In the parish of New or East Kil-
patrick. 7£ miles west from Glasgow, and
having a station on the Milngavie and
Glasgow section of the North British rail-
way; it consists principally of villa resi-
dences w'th some shops, and has a branch
of the Bank of Scotland. It closely
adjoins the kirktown of New Kilpatrick,
and the united villages bear the name of
Bearsden or New Kilpatrick. St. Peter's
Roman Cathotio College (for advanced
students), opened in March, 1892, was the
gift of the Archbishop of Glasgow to his
diocese and is a bu ; lding of stone, erected
it a cost of upwards of £30,000. The
Buchanan Retreat, completed in 1891, was
erected by the Misses Buchanan, of Bell-
field House, Kilmarnock, at a cost of
ibout £30,000. for the reception of aged
men. The Schaw Convalescent Home,
opened in 1895, at a cost of £46,000, was
'he gift of Miss Margery Shanks Schaw,
n memory of her brother, A. Schaw esq.
The population in 1901 was 2,705, in-
cluding 61 in the House of Refuge for
Post, T. & M. O. 0., T. M. O., S. B. &
A. & I. Office, Bearsden ; James M.
Aitchison, postmaster. Letters arrive
through Glasgow. Deliveries, 7.15 a.m.
& 12 noon (for callers only) & 2.15 &
6.15 p.m. ; dispatches, 9.5 a.m. & 1.15,
5.15 & 7.25 p.m
Established Church, Rev. Norman Macleod
Caie B.D
North United Free Church, Kev. J. Col-
ville Peattie M.A
South United Free Church, Rev. William
T. Henderson
Board School, New Kilpatrick, Alexander
Wilson, master
St. Peter's Roman Catholic College, Rev.
Henry Forbes, principal
Railway Station, John Munro,station master
Adam William, Berwyn, Ledcameroch road
Adams William, Mackerston
Addie David Adbeston, Thorn road
Aitken M.chael, Rosemounb
Alexander Ebenezer, Westwood, Led-
cameroch road
Alexander William J. Dunmyat
Allan James, Ellergreen*
Al'len Alexander M. Balgrove
Anderson James, Auchnesith, Thorn road
Anderson Wm, Arns brae, Ledcameroch rd
Andrew Mrs. Thorncliffi, Ledcameroch rd
Ashton Arthur John, Mayfield,Glenburn rd
Baillia James, Helenslea
Baillie Mrs. Naimside, Glenburn road
Baird William, Westmont, Crescent road
Bamber Robert, St. Andrew's, Thorn road
Barr James, Ellangowan
Begg Andrew, Flirkwood, Thorn road
Bell John, Glenisla, Station road
Bennett Archibald, Glenwood, Station road
Bertram John Anderson, Thorn dene,
Thorn road
Black Harold, Rusko West
Blair Mrs. Stewart terrace
Borland John Gillespie, Daligan, Cres-
cent road
Bowers John, Achray, Crescent road
Bowie Mrs. Torburn, Ledcameroch road
Boyack Jas. Duncan, Woodville, Station rd
Boyd Rev. William LL.D. Lochbrae
Boyne James, Duncliffe
Bremmer Matthew, Rusko East
Broadley Mrs. Ardoch, Drymen road
Brown Geo. Broomfield, Erskine park sth
Brown William, Dunlyon, Glenburn road
Buchanan David, Northfield
Buchanan Wm. Enderley, Erskine pk. sth
Burton Andrew, Torwold, Crescent road
Burton Archibald C. Torwold
Burton Thomas John M.D. Monklands,
Roman road
Caie Rev. Norman Macleod B.D. (Estab)
Caldwell John Robert, Courtallam
Cameron Fredk. Beechbank, Drymen road
Campbell James, Denbridge, Drymen road
Campbell Thomas, Penlee
Campbell W. T. Mostyn Park house
Carmichael Hugh, Chapelton cottage
Carns John, Netherton, Erskine pk. south
Carrick James H. Arddarach
Carrss John, Jane bank
Cheyne Forbes, Clevelands, Glenburn rd.we
Chisholm William, Eallery, Erskine pk. sth
Christie William D. Bellslea, Crescent road
Clark James Buchanan, Winterdyne,
Campbell drive
Clarke Robert, Kilmerry, Erskine pk. sth
Clarkson William, The Beeches
Coltart James, Hawkshill
Connell William Duncan, Armleigh, Glen-
burn road
Connor Frederick, Merlewood, Thorn road
Cooper Allan, Lochwood, Station road
Cowen Robert Scott, Edenvale, Glenburn rd
Craigie Allan, Craigallan
Crawford Hugh, The Beeches
Cruickshank John, View bank
Dalrymple Mrs. Nithsdale, Collylin road
Davidson John, Dunira
Davis Mrs. Bowbank, Station road
Dave Thomas, The Terrace
Dewar Robert, 11 CampbeH drive
Dishington William, Rosemount
Dobson Thomas Gibson, Parkfield, Camp-
bell drive
Douglas Archibald C, J.P
Drinnan William, Thirlestane, Wh'tehill rd
Dron Robert, Uteca, Drymen road
Duff John, Roundlea, Station road
Dumbar Andrew, Pempina, Glenburn road
Dunnett Alexander, Garrack vil. Thorn rd
Dykes James. Chartwell, Erskine pk. sth
Edwards Joseph, Kilspindy, Whitehill rd
Fairlie Misses, Sweethope, Glenburn road

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