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Ewing Gilmour Institute & Library (James
M'Murray, sec. ; Peter Simpson, manager
& librarian), Gilmour street
Ewing Peter, ironmonger & cabinet maker,
69 Bank street
Fenwick Bros, drapers, 21 & 23 Bank sfc
Ferguson Catherine (Miss), dairy, 14
Albert street
Ferguson Louis Gardner, tailor, 50 Bank st
Ferguson Robt. housebldr. 126 Middleton st
Ferrier Hugh M.R.C.V.S. veterinary sur-
geon, Church street
Ferry James, shopkeeper, 48 North street
Ferryfield Printing Co. calico printers
Finlayson James, clerk, 35 Bridge street
Finlayson Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 46
Bank street
Eraser James S. spirit dlr. 307 Main st
Funai Emiglia, refreshment rooms, 158
Bridge street
Galbraith John, grocer, 144 Bridge street
Gardner Catherine (Mrs.), confectioner, 51
Main street
Gardner James, boot maker, 125 Main st
Gardner Miss, householder, 78 Middleton st
Giacomo Anthony, confectioner, 70 Main st
Gilchrist Charles R. & Sons, printers,
stationers & news agents, 112 Main st
Gilchrist William, photographer, 95 Mid-
dleton street
Gillies John, joiner & cartwright, Albert st
Gilmour Andrew, butcher, 176 Bank street
Glen James, grocer, 35 Mitchell street
Glen Jeane (Miss), fruiterer, 33 Mitchell st
Gordon Mary (Mrs.), wine & spirit mer-
chant, 114 Bridge street
Graham &. McLaren, joiners, -jartwrights &
undertakers, 29 Bank street
Haddow James, draper, 118 & 120 Main st
Hagen Jane (Mrs.), confectioner, 63 Main st
Hale Brothers, boot makers, 45 Mitchell st
Henderson Elsie (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 31
Wilson street
Hollin Jeannie M. (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 184
Bank street
Irvine Alexander, slater, John street
Izatt Gordon, grocer & spirit dealer, 138
Bank street
Izatt Mary (Miss), confectioner & fruiterer,
134 Bank street
Izatt Vere (Miss), tobacconist, 126 Main st
Jamieson Sarah H. (Mrs.), spirit dealer,
31 Susannah street
Johnston Margaret B. (Miss), Albert hotel
285, & fruiterer 295, Main street
Kennedy James, plasterer, see Donnelly &
Kennedy Matthew, clock repairer, 77
Middleton street
Kerr Walter, hair dresser, 118 Bank street
Kinloch Charles, plumber &c John street
Kinloch Elizabeth Miller (Miss), confec-
tioner, 18 Alexander street
Kinloch Geo. colour mixer, 70 Middleton st
Kinnon Alfred, umbrella & cycle maker,
124 Main street
Lang William, hawker, Susannah street
Lang Wm. householder, 102 Middleton st
Leckie Thomas, hair dresser, 134 Main st
Lees Alexander, spirit dealer, Alexander st
Leven Gas-Light Co. (William Currie,
manager), North street
Lindsay Alexander H. clerk to parish coun-
cil, inspector of poor, clerk & treasurer
to Alexandria New cemetery & insurance
agent, 124 Bridge street; res. Hayfield
Lindsay Hugh, confectioner, 33 India et
London & Glasgow Tea Co. (Joseph F.
Irvine, manager), Bank street
McAdam Alex, householder, 31 Bridge st
McArthur, Brown & Robertson, solicitors,
Bank street
McArthur John, butcher, 198 Bank street
McAslan Elizh. (Miss), draper, 175 Main et
McCallum Janet (Mrs.) (trustees of), spirit
dealers, 56 Random street
McClement John, householder, 72 Middle-
ton street
McColl Brothers, painters, 78 Bank street
M'Crae John, keeper. Public hall
McCuaig Magnus, accountant, British Linen
Co. Bank, Main street
McDermot Agnes (Miss), restaurant, 309
Main street
McDonald Ann (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 108
Bridge street
McDonald Bernard_, boot & shoe maker,
13 Mitchell street
McDonald Jn. boot & shoe ma. 151 Main st
Macdonald John, householder, Myrtle
house, Main street
Macdonald Margaret (Miss), tobacconist, 95
Main street
McEwen Hugh, blacksmith, Mitchell street
Macfarlane Bros, grocers, 73 Bank street
McFarlane Alex. M. grocer, 207 Main st
M'Farlane ^Archibald, householder, 62 Mid-
dleton street
M'Farlane Duncan, joiner & undertaker,
Stevens street
Macfarlane Helen (Miss), glass & china
dealer, 186 Main street
McGregor Wm. & Jas. painters, John st
McGregor Annie (Mre.), confectioner, 30
Mitchell street
McGregor Annie (Mrs. ), news agent, 80
Bank street
McGregor Jn. househldr. 80 Middleton st
McGregor Robert, sec. to Vale of Leven
Co-operative Society Limited, Bank street
Mclntyre Ellen (Mrs.), news agent &
tobacconist, 37 Main street
Mackay Jn. & Co. pawnbrokers, Random st
McKay Agnes (Mrs.), confectioner, 43
Mitchell street
M'Kean William & Son, boot & shoe mas.
146 Bridge street
McKechnie John, fishmonger, 110 Main st
Mackenzie Jas. spirit dlr. 45 & 47 Main st
McKenzie Margaret (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 64
& 68 Bridge street
McKim Lizzie & Maggie (Misses), fruit-
erers, 140 Main street
McKirdy Elizabeth (M ss), dress maker &
milliner, 138 Main street
McKirdy Robert, sewing machine agent,
134 Main street
McLaren Allan, joiner, ' see Graham &
McLaren Donald, spirit dlr. 43 Bank street
McLean Mary (Mrs.),confectnr.35 Main st
McLean Thomas, agent to the British Linen
Co. Bank, factor for Capt. J. D. Telfer-
Srnoilett, Rev. Robert Buchanan Dunlop
& Co'.. F-ndlay's trustees & insurance
agent, Main street
M'Lelland Alexander M.B., L.R.C.S.Edin.
surgeon, & medical officer to the Bonhill
parish council & certifying factory sur-
geon, Ardenlea; & 155 Main st. Bonhili
McLelland Duncan, dairyman, 290 Main
street & 121 Bridge street
M'Letchie James, coach & cab owner,
Thomas street
McMillan Alex, park supt. Christ e park
McNaught Ann (Mrs.), shopkpr. 32 Hn. st
MoNicol Matthew, painter, 96 Main street
McVean Duncan, builder, India street
Martin Hugh (Mrs.), spirit dealer, 203
Main street
Martin John, spirit dealer,, 140 Bank st
Mathieson John, hawker, 36 North street
Matthews John, baker & confectioner, 154
Main street & 225 Bank street; res.
148 Middleton street
Meikle James, joiner &c. Overton street
Menzies William, architect &c (Boston,
Menzies & Morton), Bank street; res.
Overdale, Bonhill
Methven David, hawker, 59 Alexander st
Miller John & Co. firewood manufacturers,
18 Victoria street
Miller John, joiner &c Redhouse, Arden
Mitchell Christina (Miss), tobacconist, 174
Bank street
Moncur Thomas, slater, Random street
Mooney Samuel, boot maker, 78 Main st
Morton Jeannie & Christina (Misses), mil-
liners, 188 Main street
Murphy Agnes (Mrs.), refreshment rooms,
190 Main street
Murray Daniel, water supt. 350 Main st
Nelson Isabella (Mrs.), news agt.84 Main st
Parlane Walter, bowling green kpr. Main st
Partington Thos. househldr. 54 Middleton st
Paton L zzie & Agnes (Misses), dress
makers, 144 Main street
Paton John A. builder, quarry owner &
monumental mason, Overton street & 200
Bank street & Haldane Mill quarry.
by Alexandria
Public Hall (Thomas McLean, sec)
Public Library (James Russell, librarian),
Bridge street
Queen Victoria Jubilee Institute District
Nursng Association (H. M. R. Ewing
branch) (Miss Edith Brock, sec. ; Mis;
JaneCameron,head nurse), 94Midd.eton st
Rankin u.ibert, baker, 100 Main street
Rankin James, accountant to the Clydes-
dale Bank Limited, Bank street
Reid Mary (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 327 Main st
Rennie Robert M. watch maker & jeweller
98 Main street
Riddel John, photographer, 192 Main st
Ritchie John, dairyman, 90 Main street
Ritchie John, tailor & clothier, 34 Main st
Ritchie Mrs. householder, 31 Bridge street
Robertson John, hosier &c. 123 Main st
Robertson Richard, brick bu'lder, North st
Robertson William (McArthur, Brown &
Robertson"), solicitor, Bank street
Rodger Janet (Mrs.), blacksmith, Main st
Rodger Jessie (Miss), milliner. 315 Main st
Rodgers William, baker, 99 Main street
Ross James, nurseryman & flor'st, Rowan-
tree nursery; res. 342 Main street
Rossi R. a Co. confectioners, 112 Bank st
Rossi Remauldo, confectioner, 3 Bank st
Scotch Girls' Friendly Society (branch)
(Miss B. Gilmour, sec), Gilmour street
Scott Georee, grocer, 152 Main street
Scott Isabella (Mrs.), dress maker & mil-
liner, 110 Bank street
Scott William, fishmonger, 149 Man street
Sharp & Co. iron founders,Lennox foundry
Shearer James.joiner, undertaker & wheel-
wright, 118 & 120 Bridge street
Shearer Thomas, baker, 154 Bridge street
Simpson Peter, manager & librarian of the
Ewing Gilmour Institute, Gilmour street
Sinclar John, hair dresser, 33 Bank street
Sinclair William, laundry, Leven street
Smith E.izabeth (Mrs.), draper, 201 Main st
Smith James, tailor & clothier, 103 & 105
Main street
Smith John. chemist & druggist, 116 Main st
Sm th Robert, boot maker, Fountain place
Stevens Archibald, colour manufacturer,
Stevens street
Stevenson Adam, shopkpr. 48 Susannah st
Stevenson Dugald, Black Bull P. H. Bank sfc
Stewart John, b'.acksmith, Redhouse, Arden
Stewart Thomas, baker, 185 Main street
Stirling Robert, spirit dlr. 37 Alexander st
Stirling Thos. househldr. 112 Midd.eton st.
Suter James J. wine & spirit dealer, 162
Bridge street
Taig Thos. & Robt. cycle makers, Main st
Ta g Thomas, ironmonger, 85 Main street
Taylor Brothers, hair dressers, 4 Bank st
Taylor Adam G. McC. gas collector, Gas-
office, North street
Taylor Alex, cabinet maker, 130 Main st
Taylor Campbell, insurance agent,6 Avenue
place, Maui street
Taylor Wi.iiam, joiner & cartwright, 89
Bridge street
Thomson Robert, tailor & clothier, 122-
Bank street
Thomson William, spirit dlr. 18 Random st
Thorburn Elzabeth & Jeannie (Misses),
drapers & milliners, 2 Bank street
Trotter Thomas, dining rooms, 199 Main st
United Turkey Red Co. Limited (per John
On? Ewing & Co.), Alexander street
TJrie Robert, clothier & draper, 80 Main st
Vale of Leven Athletic Association Lim,
("James .Brown, sec), Bank street
Vale of Leven Const tutional Cub (John
C. Lindsay, sec), Bank street
Vale of Leven Co-operative Society Limited
(Robert McGregor, sec), Bank street;
branches, Jamestown, Bonhill & Renton
Vale of Leven Savings Bank (James S.
Bell, actuary; James Rankin, cashier);
branch at Renton
Walker John, grocer, 68 Main street
Wa.ker Malcolm M.R.C.V.S. veterinary
surgeon, 219 Middleton street
Walls James, china & glass dealer, 63
Alexander street
Watson Eilen (Mrs.), toy &c dealer &-
news agent, 289 Main street
Weir Peter, grocer & sp rit dlr. 86 Main st
Westland George, milliner 158, & clothier
162, Main street
White Sarah (Mrs.), shopkpr. 44 Bridge st
Wi.kie E.izh. (Mrs.), news agt.187 Main st
Williamson Robt.C. painter &C.128 Main st
Wilson Mary & Helen (Misses), stationers,
31 Bank street
Wilson Archibald, county road surveyor,101
Main street
Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.), shopkeeper, 182
Middleton street
Wilson James, ironmonger, Fountain pi
Wright Margaret (Mrs.), greengrocer, 108
Main street
Young Men's Christian Association (Hugh
McNa r. caretaker), Bridge street
Young Women's Christian Association
(Hugh McNair, caretaker), Bridge street
Young John, coal merchant, 340 Main st
Young Robert C. saddler, 87 Main street
Young William, householder, Myrtle ho.
Main street
ARDI/UT, see Arrochar.
ARROCHAR (more properly Arro-
quhar) is a parish lying between Loch Lo-
mond and Loch L.ong, and bounded on the
south by Luss; it is nearly 16 miles in
length and varies from H m : les to 3 in
breadth, and has stations at Arrochar and
Ard'.ui, at the head of Loch Lomond, on
the West Highland section of the North
British railway from Craigendoran to Fort
William and MaClaig. The village, situated
at the head of Loch Long, is 10 miles
north from Luss, about 1£ west from
Tarbet, 17£ from Balloch and 40 from
Glasgow. Ross's Hotel and Boarding

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