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Mackay Hugh, fishing net manufacturer,
see Mackay, Eeid & Co
McKee Robert, baker, School wynd
Mackie John, blacksmith, Bank street
Mackintosh James, china &c. dlr. Main st
McLelland John, architect, Main street
Macmillan Thomas, bank & insurance agt.
collector of rates, registrar of births,
deaths & marriages & cemetery regis-
trar, Clydesdale Bank, Main street
Martin William & Co. fishing net manufac-
turers, Townhead
Martin Margaret (Mrs.), grocer & china
dealer, Townhead
Menzies Walter H. stationer & china dealer,
Main street
Merrie William, boot & shoe ma. Main st
Miller William Walkinshaw, spirit dealer
("King's Arms), Main street
Milroy James M.D., L.F.P. & S.Glas.,
L.R.O.P.Edin., D.P.H. surgeon, &
parochial medical officer & medical
officer of health for Kilbirnie & certi-
fying factory surgeon, Main street
Muir Jane (Mrs.), china dealer, Bridge st
Nicholson Isabella (Mrs.), spirit dealer,
Orr Deborah (Miss), stationer & news
agent, Bank street
Orr Mary (Mrs.), confctr. Institute bldgs
Park Robert (Mrs.), grocer, Bridgend
Ramage John, spirit dealer, Newton street
Richardson Thomas, watch maker, Main st
Richardson William, plumber, Bank street
Richmond David, boot maker, Bridgend
Richmond Geo. grocer & spirit dlr. Main st
Robertson & Riddet, rope & twine manufrs
Robertson James, coal merchant, Cale-
donian station
Robertson John C. confectioner, Mont-
gomierston street
Shaw James, mill manager, New Field
Shaw John, confectioner, Holmhead
Shaw Robert, mill manager, Overton cot
Sloan Annie (Miss), fruiterer. Main street
Smith James, teacher, Cochrane street
Spears Jane (Mrs.), pawnbroker, Newton st
-Spiers Alexander, pawnbrokers' assistant,
.Spiers Mary (Miss), confectioner, Parkhill
Stanley Walter, school attendance officer,
Park cottage, Cochrane street
Stirling James, grocer, Craighouse square
Taylor Janet (Mrs.), draper, School wynd
Taylor Hugh, sheriff officer. Bridge street
Taylor John, china &c. dealer, Cochrane st
"Templeton Maggie (Miss), confectioner,
Janefield terrace
Thonison Robert, bookseller & stationer
tobacconist & coal agent, Main street
Thomson Samuel, hair dresser. Bank street
Thomson Wm. mill manager, Marathon cot
'Walker & Fyfe, grain merchants, Bridgend;
& at Irvine & Dairy
Walker John & James, tailors & drapers
Main street
Walker Hugh, jobmaster, Main street
Walker James, baker, Main street
Walker James, Commercial hotel, Main st
Walker James, fishing net manufacturer ;
T A " Walker "
Walker William, engineer, Knoxville
Watson Mary (Miss), china dealer & drug-
gist, Main street
Watt John & Co. fishing net & rope &
twine manufacturers
Watt James (Mrs.), confectnr. Bridgend
Waugh William, spirit dealer, Main street
Wliiteford David, inspector of poor & clerk
to council, Holmhead
Wliiteford Margt. (Miss), mi^iner, Main et
Whyte Archibald F. plumber, Bridgend
Whyte James H, furniture dealer & news
agent & stationer, Main street
Wilson David, butcher, Main street
Wilson Robert, butcher, Main street
Allan James, Dykes
Allan John, West Bankside
Armstrong John, Rashleygate
Brown Mrs. Agnes, Bailliestone
Chalmers Gavin, Geirston
Oockrane-Patrick Neil Kennedy, Cockstone,
Coul William, Chapelton
Craig William, Birtleboag
Crawford Hugh, Bashaw
Finnie John, Fudstone
Fife James, Auchincloich
Fife John, Holehouse
Fife William, Place
Gilmour Matthew, Wallace
Graham Dugald, Paudeavenholm
Greig Samuel K. East Mains
Gray Archibald, South Stoneyholm
Howie John, Connelstone
Howie Robert, Milton
Kennedy David, Plan
Kerr John, Blackbarn
Kerr John, Newhouse
Kerr Mrs. Maggie, West Lochridge
Kerr William, Tennox, Dairy
Kerr William James, Greenridge
Knox W. & J. Nether mill
Knox Bryce M., J. P. Redheugh
Knox Robert W., J. P. Moor park
Lang Robert, High Glengarth
Logan John, Langlands
Logan Robert, Boag
McCosh Robert, Kaimhill
Montgomery Agnes, Whiteridden
Morrison John Laing, Cauldgreen
Orr Robert & Brown William, Wattlestone
Orr James, Low Glengarton
Reid Joseph, Barrhill
Shaw John, Balgran
Stirrat James, Mossend
Stirrat James, West Mains
Stirrat Robert, East Bankside
Summerville Mrs. Jane & Walker Hugh,
Watson John, North Stoneyholm
Welsh Thomas, Auchenhove
Anderson Matthew S., M.A., M.D
Andrew Rev. Robert Beith B.D. (TJ. F)
Hamilton Robert, Lochend
Kerr Andrew, Auchengree
Kerr Robert, Auchengree
Kerr William, Auchengree
Richards Edgar, The Cottage
Russell William David, Maulside
Anderson Matthew S., M.A., M.D., CM.
& D.P.H.Glas. surgeon
Bain Robert, baker & confectioner
Bowling Club (James Brodie, sec)
Boyd Robert W. grocer, draper, butcher
& beer retailer, Iron Works store
Canby William, steel works manager,
Garnockside cottage
Co-operative Society Limited, grocers,
drapers & boot & shoe dealers; & at
Main street, Kilbirnie
Craig Robert, joiner
Daly William, grocer & spirit dealer
Duffield Isabella (Mrs.), confectioner,
fruiterer & pawnbroker
Gibson Mary (Mrs.), stationer, Post office
Glen James, boot & shoe maker
Glengarnock Chemical Co. Limited (Robert
Hamilton, manager)
Glengarnock (The) Iron & Steel Co. Lim.
ironmasters & coal proprietors (Edgar
Richards, manager); T N 8; T A
" Merry, Glengarnock "
Gray Robert, schoolmaster
Gray Wilkie, dairyman, Lochend
Hamilton Robert, manager Glengarnock
chemical works
Harper Agnes (Mrs.), confr. & provsn. dlr
Higgins Hugh, grocer & tobacconist
Howison George, draper
Hutcheon John, Auchengree inn
Izzi Joseph, confectioner
Kerr Robert & Sons, woodworking machin-
ery makers & iron founders, Auchengree
King John, spirit dealer (Station)
Lamont John, cashier Glengarnock iron
& steel works
Lewis Thomas, engineer, Garnockside
M'Bride John, slater
McDougall Allaister A. spirit dealer (Glen-
garnock inn)
Mackinnon James, sec. Glengarnock iron
& steel works
Pearson Lewis G. assistant manager Glen-
garnock iron & steel works, Kersland ho
Ritchie John, china dealer & news agent
Rennie Alexander, contractors' foreman
Riddet Gavin, engineer, Garnockside
Robertson James, coal merchant, Bridgend
& Glengarnock stations
Robertson Matthew & John, fruiterers &
china &c. dealers
Thomson Samuel, hair dresser
Walker Robert, clerk, Garnockside
WEST KILBRIDE Is a parish and village
in Cunninghame district and poor combina-
tion, with a station on the Glasgow and
South-Western railway ; 73 miles west-
south-west from Edinburgh, 30 south-west
from Glasgow, 24 south-south-west from
Paisley, the like distance north-north-west
from Ayr, 22 south from Greenock, 19
north-west from Kilmarnock, 12 north-west
from Irvine, 1\ south from Largs, 7 south-
west from Dairy, 5 north from Saltcoats,
4* south from Fairlie, and 4 north-west
from Ardrossan ; the village is surrounded
on all sides by rising grounds, which on the
west protect it from the keen sea breezes,
and on the opposite aspect from easterly
winds. The village is lighted with gas by
a company. The scenery around is bold
and romantic. There are branches here
of the Commercial Bank of Scotland
Limited and the Clydesdale Bank Limited;
there is also a Public Institute, Library
and Reading Room and two Convalescent
Homes, and there are Bowling and Curling
Clubs. In the parish is an Established
church, a Roman Catholic and two United
Free churches and a Parochial Cemetery.
Near the village are the ruins of Law
Castle and Porten Cross, and off the eea
line of the parish one of the largest vessels
of the Spanish Armada still remains sunk
in ten fathoms of water. An attempt was
made about a century a<ro to examine the
internal condition of this ship, and the
operation so far succeeded that a piece
of ordnance was raised from her hulk.
The principal landowners are Lady Sophia
Constance Montgomerie, of South Annan
House, Fairlie; Lieut. -Col. Gould Hunter-
Weston F.S.A. of Hunterston; the trus-
tees of the late Henry C. Hyndman esq.
of Springside ; William Graham esq. of
Crosbie Tower; William Adams esq. of
Overton and Porten Cross, and the trustees
of the late James Arthur Carlung esq.
Area, 10,173 acres; rateable value,
£31,711; the population of the parish in
1901 was 2,978, including 2,315 in the
Seamill, a small village on the sea shore,
about 1 mile from West Kilbride, is a de-
lightful summer resort and has a good
hydropathic establishment, known as the
Seamill Hydropathic, Mr. James Newbig-
ging being manager.
Post, T., Telephone, M. 0., T. M. 0., E.
D. & P. P. Office, S. B. & A. & I. Office,
Main street, West Kilbride; James Scott,
sub-postmaster (Railway Sub-Office. Let-
ters should have R.S.O. Ayrshire added).
Deliveries. 7.40 a.m. & 5.30 p.m.; dis-
patches, 9.30 a.m. & 1.20, 3.15, 5.50 &
8.30 p.m. Telegraph office open at 8
Post, T., M. O.. T. M. O., E. D. & P. P.
Office, S. B. & A. & I. Office, Seamill;
Quintin Wilson, sub-postmaster. Letters
arrive through West Kilbride R.S.O
Post, T., M. O., T. M. 0., E. D. & P. P.
Office, S. B. & A. & I. Office, Porten
Cross ; Miss Mary E. Hood, sub-post-
mistress. Letters arrive through West
Kilbride R.S-0
Chairman, Thomas Simpson J.P
Clerk, William Alexander Millar
Register Office for Births, Deaths & Mar-
riages, Main st. Archibald Gray, registr
Inspector of Poor & Collector of Rates,
William A. Millar
Constabulary Station, Alton street, William
Niblock, constable
Cemetery, William Alexander Millar,
supt. ; James Currie, keeper
Convalescent Home, Mrs. Elizabeth Laid-
law, matron
Co-operative Convalescent Home, Miss
Marjorie Frazer, matron
Institute, Library & Reading Room, Ritchie
street, James Robertson, librarian
T. M. C. A. Christian Institute, Hunter-
ston road
Established Church, Rev. John Lamb B.D
St. Bride's United Free Church, Rev. Wm.
K. Smiley B.A
Overton United Free Church, Rev. James
C. Balderston & Rev. Wm. Watson M.A
Roman Catholic (services, first Sunday of
each month), served from Saltcoats
Main street.
Chairman, Rev. William Watson
Clerk & Treasurer, George M'Nee
Board School, West Kilbride, John G. Lyon,
On the Ardrossan & Fairlie section of the
Glasgow & South-Western line.
Station, West Kilbride, John Hettrick, sta-
tion master

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