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Jedburgh is a royal bmgh, the seat of a presbytery, the of the jury court hold courts hero for the south circuit (which
capital of its parish, and the county town; 46 miles s.e. from ; includes the counties of Roxburgh, Berwick, Selkirk and Peebles),
Edinburgh (by Lauder), 10 s. by w. from Kelso, the same distance I generally in April and September ; and the sherifl' holds a court
N. by E. from Hawiclt, and 12 n. from the English border ; agreeably ' every Wednesday for the despatch of civil business, and a small
situate ou the left bank of the Jed, the name of which river, Avith [ debt court once every month. The justices of the peace hold their
iceorth, the Saxon name for hamlet, formed its ancient appellation j court on the lirst Tuesday in every month ; and hero also the court
of Jedcworthy or Jedtoorlh; in course of time it became perverted '. of general quarter session sits. The burgh joins with Haddingioii,
to its present designation, but through a very extensive district in i Dunbar, North Berwick and Lauder in returning one member to
the south the old uame is partly retained, by pronouncing it | parliament. Tho manufacture of tweeds, blankets, pluidings, Ac.
Jeddartf or Jetluirt, which are almost exclusively used by the I is carried on to a considerable extent, and in the neighbourhood
common people. The town, which stands on the declivity of a hill, ! aro many corn mills. Cousiderablo emolument is derived from
ftud surrounded on every side by others of considerable height, is : the sale of the produce of the orchards and gardens that surround
in general well built, and consists of lour principal streets which I the town. There are places of worship belonging to the Establish-
cross each other at right angles, and form a square or market place I ment, the Free Church of Scotland, the United Presbyterian body,
in the centre. The streets and principal shops are lighted with j Independents, Episcopalians, and Roman Calholics. In connection
gas, and the inhabitants are supplied with excellent water. The i with the town flourishes a honicultural society. The market is
river Jed, which takes its rise in the Carter, one of the hills of the [ held on Tuesday, and the fairs on the first Tuesday in March, Itlth
Cheviot range, and runs along the south-east side of iho town, is j May if Tuesday, if not the Tuesday preceding, first Tuesday after
crossed by no fewer than seven bridges within a mile. In recent ! 2(jth May, 20th July (or two days after St. Bosweli), 2Cth Angust- if
times Jedburgh has beeu greatly improved, and many new buildings Tue.-jday, if not the Tuesday preceding, 15th September (i;f Monday,
have been erected. The principal architectural and antiquarian
object of attraction in the town is the abbey, which stands upon a
piece of ground between the houses and the river. Aitiiough for
the most part in a ruinous condition, it still exhibits an outline of
its original ujagnitude and magniticcnce. To preserve this vener-
able edilice from the destruction towards which it was hastening, it
several years since received considerabe repairs, which were so
judiciously conducted as not to interfere with or alter the original
design of the structure, which is of the Gothic order. It was
founded for canons regular by David I.. It runs from east to west,
and appears to have,' been originally three storeys in height; the
nave from the tower, and the south front, are mostly entire, but
there is no roof on any part of it. The tower, which is still
standing in tolerably good preservation, is about 120 feet in height.
Among the other prominent public buildings of Jedburgh are Jthe
County Gaol and Bridewell, the Town Hall and the Corn Exchange
the first-named is designated the " Castle," from its occupying the
site of the ancient fortress. It is a fine erection, in the castellated
style, and iU internal accommodation and arrangements are upon
the most approved system. From its elevated situation it is seen
at a considerable distance, and Irom its summit a delightful view is
obtfiiuL'd. The Toun Hall is a commodious edifice, built in 1811.
The Corn Exchange is situated in Exchange street. Jedburgh is a
burgh of very ancient erection, and, from a charter granted by
then ou Tuesday), and the first Tuesday in November. Jedburgh
parieh comprises an area of 22,535 acres; the population in
1871 was returned at 5,214, and the town 3,321 of that number.
Bedbdle is a parish in the centre of the county, bounded ou tlio
east by Jodburgb, on the north by Ancrum, £by Hobkirk'ou tho
south, and on the west by Cavers. The village of Bedrule consists
of the parish church,, school, and a few scattered houses, and is
distant from Jedburgh about four miles. Acreage, 3,917 ; popula-
tion in 1S71, 292.
CitAiLiNG is a parish situate S^i miles from Jedburgh and 6>^
from Kelso, bounded on the west by Ancrum, on the south by Jed-
burgh, on the north by Roxburgh, and on the east by Eckford.
There are two small villages iu the parish, Ckailing and Nisbet.
The places of worship aud school are at Crailing. The North
British Railway intersects the parish, and has a station at Nisbet.
Acreage, 5,966 ; population in 1871, 657.
HoWNAM is a parish situate amongst the Cheviot Hills, bounded
on the south by the county of Northumberland, ou tho east aud
north by Morebattle, and on the west by Eckford, Jedburph and
Oxnara. The village of Hownam is distant from Jedburgh nine
miles, and from Kelso about twelve. Acreage, 15,075; population
in 1871, 238.
OxNAM is a parish on the borders of Northumberland, bounded
on the east by Hownam, on the north and west by Jedburgh aud
Southdean. The village of Oxuam is four miles from Jedburgh,
" ■■ ■ Acreage, 21,100 ;
William the Lion, appears to have been a place of note previous to
1165. It has the honour of parochial precedi;^ncy, being the oldest I which is the nearest town and railway station
parish in Scotland of which any histoiical record has been trans- population in 1871, 695.
mitted to posterity. Prior tu the Union it was a place of importance, Sodthdean is a large [parish in the southern part of Toviotdale,
and one of the principal towns in the south of Scotland. The bounded ou the north by Jedbm-gh, on tho south by Gastleton aud
burgh is governed by a provost, four bailies, a dean of guild, a the county of Northumberland, on the west by Hobkirk, and ou ihc
treasurer, aud a council elected by the ^10 constituents resident east by Oxnam. The parish church and school arc at Chesters, a
within the royalty. The lords justiciary and lords commissioners hamlet in this parish. Acreage, 27,880; population iu 1871, 763.
E. FOEBEST, Post Mistress.
From Loudon, Etliuburgb, Carlisle, Berwick, &c. at seven morning.
From Eflinburgli, Carlisle, Kelso, London and North-Western Railway at ten minutes past ten morning.
From Edinburgh, Ilawiok, Kelso, Melrose, Galasliiel.s and St. Bosweli at a quarter-past seven evening.
From Edinburgh (sorting tender) at half-past twelve noon.
To Edinburgh and all parts at twc. ily miuutes past nine morning and ten minutes past six evening.
To Edinburgh, Melrose, Galaahii^Ls, iJerwick, Carlisle, ,&c. at twenty-live minutes past one afternoon.
To Edinburgh, HawicJ; and Kelso at a quarter-past six morning.
On Sunday letters are despatched to Edinburgh, Carlisle, Berwick and Melrose at twenty minutes before five evening, aud to
nawick, Kelso, &c. at a quarter before seven morning.
Sural Messengers are despatched to Lanton, Wells, Oxnam Water, Jedwater, Crailing, Ulston and Hunthill at ten minutss past ten
morning, and to Ancrum at six aud ten minutes past ten morning.
Muney Order and Telegraph Oj^ce and Savings Bank.
Post Office, Ckailino, Robert Bell, Post Master.— hetteca arrive at half-past eight morning and ten minutes before twelve noon
and are despatched at twelve noon and five miuutes past two afternoon.
The nearest Money Order OiJice is at Jedburgh.
Elliot Robert, Esq. of Wolflee Miuto the Right Hon. Earl of, llinto Houso
Elliot Sir Walter, K.c.s.r. Wolflee, Southdean Nicol Mrs. Margaret, Friarshall
Anderson Charles, Esq. High st
Anderson Kev. Thomas S. Crailing
Barr Rev. William, U.P. .Manse, Friai'sgato
Boog Thomas, Esq. Timberdean
Boultbee Mr. Richard, Bankhead
Briggs ColonelJ. P. lionjedwardHouse
Brown Rev. Robert, Castlegate
Burnet Miss Elizabeth, Crailing
Burnie Rev. WiUiam, Oxuam
Cleghorn— , Esq. Weens
Common Miss Agnes, Allerly brae
Cumming James, Esq. 40 High st
Cunningham Rev. Adam, Crailing Manse
Deans Mr. William, Anna Cottage
Dodd Mrs. Mai-y, West Nesbit
Dodd Mr. Thomas, Allerton House
Easton Mr. Andrew, Bongate Villa
Easton Mrs. Jauet, Abbey place
Easton Mr. William, Valley View
Elliot Mr. Adam, Samiestone
Elliot Mibs Anno.Friais Mount
Elliot William, Esq. Friars glen
j Fair James Shortreed ElUot, Esq. Wells,
I Oxnam
j Gillie Mr. James F. Glen bank
I Henderson David, Esq. j.p. of Abbottrule,
Hilson George, jun. Esq. Sunnyside
Hilson Mr. John, Abbey green
Hilson Mr. William, Abbey grove
Hope Miss Isabella, Abbey place
Hope Mr. Vi'illiam, 6 Bridge st
Lothian the Most Noble the Marquis of.
Mount Teviot
Macleod Rev. Donald, The Manse
Mair Rev. John, Southdean
Meiu Audi-cw, Esq. Huuthill
Mein Mrs. Margaret, of Huuthill
MoiTis Rev. Patrick, Bongate
Moir Rev. John, St. John's Parsonage
Millar William, Es<i. Belle viie
Ord John, Esq. j.p. Upper Nesbit
Ormiston William Thomas, Esq. of Glen-
burn Hall
Otto Mr. R. E. (factor for the Marquis of
Lothian), Jedneuk
Patou Major James, Feruihurst Castle
Patou John, Esq. Crailing House
Patou Mrs. Mary, Gleufriars
Poison Rev. John, lilackfrlars Manse
Pott George, Esq. Lintah^e
Pott Gideon, Esq. j.p. Kuowesouth
Priugle Ucv. J. W. U.P. Manse
Pringle Robert B. Esq. Bairnkine
PurvesRev. John, Free Church JVEanse
Raid the Misses — , Bongate Cottage
Eiddell Thomas Esq. iUans laws
Ru>^sell Francis, Esq. (sherilT subs'.itutt-),
Rutherford Mrs. Alexander, Castlegat ■
Rutherford George, Ea i. of Scaurs

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