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ns Robert, 44 & 77 Higli st
Archibald, 39 Hiyh 3t
A rmstrong, Diener & Co. Bridge st
Borthwicks & Blenkhorn, Union st
Hart J. & Co. 8 & 4 Dovemount place [st
Irrine. Griersoa & Stevenson, IS Bucclenoh
Kuox & Fisher, Hawick
Laing John, 5 Bucoleuoh st
Ariiistrong Adam (Plough), 9 Sandbed
i',iii--"lay John, 20 Howegate
I; cidie Francis (Victoria), 51 High st j
p. ,irs Agnes (Stag), 3 Bade row [
Co IK Thomas (Bridge lun), S.iudbed
Co isar John, 34 High st
Fr^wer George (Imperial), Oliver place 1
('ruliain John, 8 Baciv row [kirk
Henderson Daniel. Bonchester Bridge, Hob-
Inglis VViUiam (Half Moon), 64 High st
Moslev William (Railway), Wilton place I
Paton'Walter (V/averley), 78 High st
Robertson Alexander (Salmon), 13 & 14 Laid- !
law place. Wilton
Scott James CEwe & Lamb), Orrook place
Sbi'jL David, 13 Teviot crescent
Shi-'l James (Roval Oak), 2 Wilton path
Smith William (Exchange), 9 liirk style
Gavlor David, 14 Howegate
Graham Thomas & Son, 14 High st
I.awson Alexander S. 1 Sandbed
Rutherford Francis, 1 Oliver place
Hall Thomas (& waste), Back Damgata
Melrose James, 11 AUars crescent
Nichol John, 1 Slitrig crescent
Paterson Henry (agent), 75 High st
Srott Charles 3. Croft rd
Wilson J. F. 10 Bucclenoh st
Wilson, Richardson, & Arrea, Albert rd
Anderson John (clerk to heritors of Hawick
parish, clerk & treasurer to the Burgh of
Hawick School Board;, 28 High st
Carniiohael & Grier, Bridge House
Ha.ldou Walter (& sub-distributor of stamps,
sub-coUeutor of taxes, treasurer & collector
to the Commissioners of Police for the
Burgh of Hawick, sheriff clerk depute,
clerk to Cavers & Lilliesleaf School Board,
assessor for the burgh, agent for the Royal
Bank of Scotland, Scottish Trade Protec-
tion Society, Scottish Commercial Insu-
rance Co. Scottish Provident Institution,
4 West of England Insurance Co.), 12
High st
Ol'Ver George & James (& clerk to the road
ti-nstees of the Hawick & Liddesdale dis-
tricts), 4 Tower knowe
Puidon Thomas & Son, High st
Wilson Charles M. 42 High st
Armstrong ,Tohn, furniture dealer, Sandbed
Burnet R. & W. leather cutters & merchants,
5 Howegate [Foundry
Craik John M. ironfounder, Teviotside
Davidson John, architect, 8 AUars crescent
Douglas James, accountant, 2 Oliver place
Eckford, Beattie & Co. cxuarry owners, 6
Wellington st
Freeman Thos. sinker malter, 1 O'ConneU st
Galacher Mrs. — . clothes dealer, 19 Howe-
gate [nell st
Godfrey Valentine, needle maker, 1 O'Con-
Graham W. J. basket malier, Hawick
Guthrie J. & Sons, brassfouuder8,61 High st
IManuel John, road surveyor & master of
works for the burgh, 28 High st
Messer James, cooper, Bourtree bank
Mitchell Robert, glass merchant & glazier,
Oliver crescent
Montgomery William, musical instrument &
fancy warehouse, Iti High st
Munro Adam, rope maker, Bourtree place
Murray Catherine, tempsranct: hotel, 15
Highst [lock st
Pvohson A. & W. saw mill proprietors, Have-
Robson Thomas, marine store dealer, Teviot
Rutherford John, iron merchant & horse
nail manufacture!', 15 Oliver crescent
Shiel James, clerk to Lieritors, Laiug ter
Turnbull Thomas, road contractor, 11 Howe-
Vernon Joshua J. dentist, 4 Howegate
Public Buildiags, Offices, &.C.
ani> theie ministers.
Established Churches : —
Buccleuch st— Rev. John M'Rae
Hobkirk— Rev. Archibald C. M'Phail
Kirktown— Kev. George Hunter
Minto— Rev. John P. M'Morland
Old Kirk yard— Rev. John Thomson
Roberton— Rev. Charles K. GroenhiU
Teviothead— Rev. Robert Young
Wilton— Rev. James Stewart
Episcopal Chukch (St. Cuthbert's), Slitrig
crescent— Rev. John Dakers
Free Churches: —
Bridge st — Rev. Duncan Stewart
Buccleuch st— Rev. Matthew P. Johnstone
Hobkirk— Rev. WUUam O. Russel
Roberton— Ministers various
West Port— Rev. Robert Fordyce
United Presbyterian Chapels;-
East Bank Manse— Rev. James On-
Cross wynd— Rev. Robert Muir
Orrock place- Rev. Thomas Cockburn
Congregational Chapel, Murray place—
Kev. David Hislop
Conghkgational Union Chapel, O'Oonnell
st— Kev. William Munro
Baptist Chapel, Allars crescent— Ministers
Roman Catholic Chapel, Buccleuch st—
Rev. Patrick Taggart, priest
Combination Poorhouse. the Loan — Adam
Greirson, governor; Josephine Greirson.
matron ; Donald M'Leod, surgeon
County Police Oliice, Slitrig crescent — David
Readdie, sergeant
Excise Office, 10 Back row— J. Eraser, super-
visor ; William Fjrown, officer
Fire Engine Station, Town Hall— William
Morrison, superintendent
Gas Works, Waterside road — Joseph Smith,
manager; George Grier, treasurer & sec.
Hawick Billiard Club, Exchange buildings-
George Grier, secretary
Hawick Cemetery, Cross wynd — Adam Scott,
Hawick Exchange— James Douglas, 3 Oliver
place, secretary
Hawick Horticultural Society's OSlce, 13
Allars descent— T.M. Hogg, secretary
H.L.vick Prison, Cross wynd — ilichael Ander-
son, governor; Mrs. Anderson, matron;
George W. Thomson, surgeon; Rev. John
Thomson, chaplain
Justice of Peace Com-ts, Town Hall (monthly)
— John Anderson, clerk
Masonic Hall (St. John's), BIyreslaw green-
William Caldwell, secretary
Museum, Orrock place— David Watson, sec.
Police Courts, held daily at the Town Hall—
T. Purdom, clerk
Police Oliice, High st— WilUam Morrison,
Registrars of Births, Deaths & Marriages &
Inspectors of Poor — For Wilton^ James
Shiel ; for Eimicl; Anthony Dodds ; Robt.
Seath, inspector of poor; for Bobcrtonf
Thomas Wilson; for Kirktown, John
M'Callum; for Hoblcirk, WiUiam Sibbald;
for MintOf John Hamilton
Sherifif's Small Debt Court (held every two
months), Town Hall— Walter Haddon, clerk
South of Scotland Chamber of Commerce,
office, 2 High st— Thomas Cathrae, sec.
Stamp Office, Royal Bank buildings— Walter
Haddon, sub-distributor
Subscription Library, 6 Buccleuch st— Peter
Reiliv, librarian
Subscription Reading Room, Exchange, hdgg
—Francis Hogg, secretary
Tax Office, Royal Bank buildings— Walter
Haddon, sub-distributor
Teviot Farmers' Club Offices, Auction Mart-
James Oliver, treasurer & secretary
Town Hall, High at
Waterworks OtBce, High st— Thomas Pur-
dom , secretary
WestTeviotdale Agricultural Society's Office,
Auction Mart— James Oliver, secretary
Wilton Cemetery— James Shiel, registrar
To the RAILWAY STATION, from the
Crown, High St. & from the Tower, Tower
I knowe, to meet all trains
Borough Court, Town Clerk'sOffice, 31 High
st— Thomas Pm'dom, clerk
Station, East End— Robert White, station
master & goods agent

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