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XGEKTS— continued.
Berwick Alexfinder, 59 Oswald st
Beveridge James, 72 Virginia st
Bird David, jun. 37 West Nile st
Bishop A. W. 21) Union st
Black .G. G. & Co. 109 \Vest Georgo at
Black L. S. 230 Argyle st
Black E. B. & Co. (to Patent Nut & Bolt Co.
Limited), 49 Jamaica st
Black, Yarrow & Co. 75 Jamaica st
Blackwood Abraham (raanufactm-er), 85 Buc-
hanau st
Blackie James (Michaehs, James & Co. Man-
chester), 71 Queen st
Blackie John & Co. 6i York st
Blackloy, Young & Co. 163 Hohn st
Blair Alexander, 175 St. Vincent st
Blair & Lang, 65 West Regent st
Blair Charles M. 70 Paterson st. South side
Bogle Gilbert & Co. (yacht and outfit agents,
and agents for " Smith's " patent stockless
anchor), 47 Oswald st — See adverthrment
Bogle William R. 57 Oswald st
Boosio John (to John R. Geigy, of Basle), 68
West Regent st
Borland & Hunter (for Gatebeck Gunpowder
Co.), 134 West Nile st
Boyd C. & J, 97 Union st
Boyle Robert, 72 Virginia st
Briggs WilUam (for the Limmer Asphaite
Paving Co. Limited), 40 Union st
Broom David, 75 Bath st
Brown Alexander & Co. 24 Gordon st
Brown George (for all kinds of machinery),
41 Ann st
Brown J. P. 55 East Howard st
Brown James, 49 Dunlop st
Brown John (for Lewis Berger & Sons, Lon-
don), 14 Rosslyn terrace, Polloksliields
Brown John, 18 Carrick st
Brown John, '^Q Buchanan st
Brown John W. 33 Virginia st
Brown Robert & Co. (tor Colvillo, Greenlees
& Co. distillers, Campbeltown ; Louis
O'Lanyers, Bordeaux, and Riviere, Gardrat
& Co. Cognac), 45 Washington st
Brown WiUiam (for Thomas Taphug & Co.
carpet manufacturers, London), 62 Buc-
hanan st
Browne A. 49 Jamaica st
Browulie James, 33 Bath st
Browulie James, 10 Hanover st
Brownlie John R. 33 North Frederick st
Brownlio William, 33 North Frederick st
Brownlie William, 249 .Ai-gyle st
Bryee A Rumptt', 141 West George st
Bryco WUliam & Co. 40 St. Enoch square
Buchanan Brothers, 10 Princes square
Buchanan George (for G. & J. KdM, Sheffield;
C. T. Skelton & Co. & Micklewait & Co.),47
Oswald st
Buchanan J. & W. 48 Renfleld st
Buchanan James, 52 Virginia st
Buchanan James, 93 Holland st
Buderus Louis (silk), 40 Union st— J. R.Dou-
glas, agent
Bulloch Ai-chibald (agriculture), 23 Graham
square, Gallowgate
Burr Alex. & Son, 10 Garthland st
Burrell & Sou (forwardiag), 141 Buchanan
St. & Mid Wharf, Port Dundas
Burton Andrew H. 69 Ingram st
Oadden John & Co. 6 Dixon st
Caii-ns Robert, 12 Miller st
fCalder John, 205 Buchanan st
Calder John, 40 Union st
Calderhead R. (for marble & enamel slate).
13 College st
CaldweU William, 166 Main st. A
Cameron Duncan, 40 Union st
Cameron J. & P. (general carriers & railway
agents, & agents to the Caledonian &
North British Railways ; head office, 31
Dundas st ; branch ofHces, 44 Brunswick
St. 10 North Queen st. 83 Garngad road, 52
& 54 Wellington St. and at College &
Sighthill Railway Stations
Campbell Alexander, jun. & Co. 83 Pitt st
Campbell Daniel, 119 Virginia place
Campbell Hugh, 26lA Argyle st
Campbell J. & A. 62 Queen st
Campbell John, 345 New City road
Carmiehael John (msurance;,92 West Nile st
Carr Thomas, 166 Buchanan st
Carrick Andrew (for Viviau & Sons, chemi-
cal manufacturers), 30 Gordon st
ICarrick James, 74 Buchanan st
Carrick James (for Boyle's patent
air pump ventilators), 3:3 'Vilest
Reg-eut st-See ailBertisement
Carrutbers &. Allen (chief agrents
la Scotland for SS'Sougrall's
sbeep dip), 60 Robertson st
Carter A. A. & Co. 44 MitcheU st
Cauiaeld & Co. 68 Jamaica st
Chambers John D. 132 West Nile st
Chirrey David, 25 Wellington st
Christie Brothers (for the Mersev Steel &
Iron Co. Limited; Holt Brothers, nail
manufacturers; EUdngtou & Co. electro-
plate manufacturers : & for Edward F.
Bodley & Co. ii-onstoue & earthenware
manufacturers, BursUm), 183 St. Vin-
Clark M. T. 17 Oswald st
Clark Robert & Co. 37 Glassford st
Clark William. 16 Bothwell st
Clarke M. 6 Great Clyde st
Clerk, Murray, NuU & Co. 11 West Nile st
Clouston & Sinclair, 49 Jamaica st
Cocking D. (for Shaffer & Budenberg, steam
gauge manufacturers), 202 Hope st
Collins William, 277 Gallowgate
Copelftud Thomas, 21 Bishop st. A
Coulson Brothers, 11 West Nile st
Cowan & Co. (forwarding), 10 North Queen st
Crawford John & Co. (for the Boslin Gun-
powder Co.), 57 West Nile st
Cra\vford Wm. North ct. Royal Exchange
Cree, Senlsoa &, Co. (for S.Xieach,
nragon builder, Blackacre
■Wag-on -Works, Chorley, Zaan-
castaire ; & for laycock Bros,
cutlers, &.C. Sheffield), 2ft
Oswald st
Crewdson & Porteous, 69 Great Clyde st
Crichton John F. 11 Maxwell st
Cross Thomas, 11 Dundas st
Cruikshank John J. H. 17 Oswald st
Cruiekshank R. H. 59 Robertson st
Cunningham D. 40 Buchanan st
Cunningham J. & E. 84 George st
Cunningham John R. 41 Ann st
Cuthbertsou Maxwell C. 65 West Regent st
Dade, Lowden & Co. 29 & 31 Greenhul st
Dalziel Robert, 21 HopehiU road
Davidson M. O. 13 Oswald st
Dawson J. M. 10 Hanover st
Deans Wm. (insurance), 83 Renfleld st
Dempster Gilbert 0. 83 Kenfield st
Dewar & Co. 6 Dixon st
Dewar William, 119 Virginia place
Dick David (Unen), 15 Princes square
Dick James, 70 George square
Dick W. B. & Co. (for David Corsar & Sons,
canvas manufacturers, Arbroath), 22 Hope
Dickie W. M. & Co. (and forwarding), 49
Jamaica st
Dickson Benjamin (for L. & N. W. Railway
Co.), S3 Gordon st
Dixon Peter W. 75 Buchanan st
Doht'ie .Alexander, 5 Dixon st
Dodds James, 27 Union st
Doig James (tor Armilage & Rigbys, Man-
chester), 33 Virginia st
Donald James, 127 Buohanuan st
Bonald JTohn & Son (for I,aw-
renee &. Porter's centrifugal
pump, patent injector, fan
blo^irers, &. waterproof leather
belting), 42 Cadogan st— /Sec
Donaldson John, 1 Princes square
Donaldson William J. 4 North court, Royal
Dougall Andrew, 184 Gallowgate
Douglas Jn, E. (for Louis Buderus, London),
40 Union st
Dransfield R. 47 Oswald st
Drever George (for Zorn & Co. London),
116 Ingram st
Drysdale James (tor the Caledonian &
Saucel Distilleries), S3 Jamaica st
Drysdale Thomas M. 33 Virginia st
Dumas & Co. 10 St. Princes square
Dun E. G. & Co. (mercantile), 28 Henfleld st
— P.atrick Stuart, manager
Duncan & Robertson. 26 Eenfield st
Dunderdale CjTil (for Vickers, Sons i<t Co.
steel manufacturei-s, Sheffield ; John Bibby,
Sons & Co. copper smelters, Liverpool ; &
H. H. Vivian & Co. tube manufacturers &
wire drawers, Birmingham), 163 St. Vin-
cent st
Dunlop & Logan, 60 George square
Dunlop Robert M. 22 Auderston quay
Dunlop William G. 48 Dundas st
Dunn John (property), 21 Rothwell st
Easton WilUam J. (law), 150 West Regent st
Edgar Hugh, 11 Maxwell st
Eglln William (for J. C. Cooper, engineer,
New Yor/c), 62 Jamaica st
Elder James, 19 Howard st
Ellis John, 45 Union st
Elmslie John, 132 Hospital st
Evans Augustus W. (for Rowley & Davies,
tea merchants, London), 19 Howard st
HEwlng William, jun. & Co. 80 Buchanan at
Fawoett Archibald, 1U2 WeUingtou st. & 44
York st
Feldtmau R. & Co. IIG St. Vincent st
Fergus John (millinery), 74 Buchanan st
Foi'guson G. C. (paper), 58 North HauoYcr st
Ferguson John, 109 Argyle st
Ferguson Thomas, 137 West Georgo st
Forrie James, 3;; Virginia at
Findiay E. Walton, 33 Bath st
Fischer Edmond, 118 Broomielaw st
Fisher John S. 57 Nortli Hanover st
Fisher William, 23 Monteith row
Fleming James, 83 Jamaica st
Fleming W. T. & Co. (for A. H. Bateman &
Co. Grecjiwich, and Bury & Co. Limited,
Sheffield), 17 Oswald st
Fogg John, 69 Ingram st
Fogo D. F. Laurie, 137 West Regent st
Forbes J. & A. G. 37 Hope st
Forbes John Gilbert (forwarding & colonial),
37 Hope st
Forsyth A Son, 40 Union st
Forsyth W. 49 Jamaica st
Fozier M. T. & Co. (wholesale), 5 & 9 Madeira
court, 257 Argyle st
Frame Andrew, 28 St. Enoch square
Frame Robert, 30 North Frederick st
Eraser Robt. (musical), 192 Hope st
Eraser W. L. 11 IMaxweU st
Fulton Andrew & Co. 97 Union st
Fyflfe John A. 175 Buchanan st
Galbraith Sc Winton (for Maw & Co. 's mosaic
& encaustic tiles), 129 St. Vincent st
Galbraith James, 25 Gordon st
Galloway George, 3 Royal Exchange court
Galloway H. & M. (chemical), 4 West Re-
gent st
Gartshore John, 52 Virginia st
Garvie William B. (insurance), 83 Eenfield st
Gemmill Frank, 87 Union st
Gemmill Peter (agent and bookseller for
William Mackenzie, publisher), 43 West
Howard st
Gerletti Dominique (music), 78 Stockwell at
Gillespie W. D.( to the Imperial Patent Wad-
ding Co.), 10 Princes square
Gillespie WiUiam, 188 South Wellington st
Gilmour George, 34 Claremout st
Gilmoiu- Matthew, 94 South Portland at
Glassford & Co. 40 St. Enoch square
Goodwin Robert, 63 West Regent st
Gordan James, 38 Frederick st
Gordon Peter & Co. 12 Robertson st
Gourlay W. J. 49 Jamaica st
Govan William, 57 West Nile st
Gracie Cyrus, 97 Union st
Graham Robert, 12 Miller st
Graudison Robert A. 33 Virginia st
Grant AJexandei-, 24 Hutcheson st
Grant J. C. & Co. 51 Buchanan st
Gray Crawford, 49 Jamaica st
Gray James (for James Semple, publisher),
81 John st
Gray John (for Louisen Flour Steam Mills
Co. Bnda. PrMh^. -ii> Hope st
Gray JohU; jun, i,i Lruorge square
Gray John, jun. (for Curtis's & Harvey's
gunpowder), 24 George square
Giv aves A. & W. commission agents. Both-
well circus
Green George A. 145 Queen st
Grier Thomas B. 29 Waterloo st
Grierson R. & Co. IS Wellington st
Grischotti R. 0. 133 West George st
Gruud Ernest, 12 Miller st
Gulliard C. C. (Joseph Tetley & Co. brewers,
London), 57 Oswald st
Haddow Archibald, 23 St. Enoch square
Hair John, 217 Buchanan st
Hamilton John & Co. 92 St. Vincent st
Hannah & Coates, Commerce st. Tradeston
Hannah Robert S. ffor Sugden, Sou &
Xephew, London), 80 Buchanan st
Harrison C. W. 54 York st
Harrow John, S3 Queen st
narrower & Co. 63 St. Vincent st
Hartrick & Co. Iti South Frederick st
Hawkins James, 85 Queen st
Hay J. & J. 76 Renfleld st
Hayman Thomas & Son, 31 Argyle st. & 20 &
22 Centre st, Tradeston — See advt
Henderson C. & Co.9 York buildings, York st
Henderson, Hogg & Co. 26a Renfield st
Henderson James, 173 Holm st
Henderson James, 97 Union st
Henderson Thomas M. 6 Dixon st
Hendry Brothers, 79 & 80 Great Clyde st
Hendry James, 57 West Nile st
Heunedy David & Co. 14 Queen st
Henry A. & S. & Co. 29 Royal Exchange so
Heron WiUiam & Co. 20 Dixon at
Higgins Francis, 67 Stockwell at
Hinshelwood John & Co. (shipping &. for-
warding), 17 Renfield st — See advertisement
Hodge Colin [insurance), 2&
£&oyaI ExcliaDge square
Hood James & Co. 24 Springfield court, 68
Buchanan st
Hood Robert, 119 Virginia place
Hopkins John & Go. 25 Gordon st

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