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ACCOUNTANTS— co7iimiz<i?.
♦Barclay H. B. (Mackenzie, Aitkon k Bir-
clay), 68 SL Viucmt st
Bai'iibiU Jam';3,93 DougUs st
Ban- & Carstnlrs, 41 Rriitleld st
Bell & Provan, 17 Goi-d:)n st
Bill, Wftstle & Son, 8 ) Renfleld st
•BirdD.ivid.jun. 37 West NUe st
*Black A Robs m, 14 Priuces square
BUck William, 121 West Regent st
Blair James, liiO Hopa st
Blair A Lang, 65 West Regent st
Bi-oadiey W. G. 37 West Geoi-ge st
Brodie & Duncan, 23 Rentield st
Brown D. & J. '2i Damlas st
Brown, j-in. Davis & Tait, Gj West Rogentst
Brown Thomas R. GO St. George's place
Brace Edward B. 97 West George st
BrucG Jani33, ll Watorloo st
Bruce Michael M. 63 Batb st
Buchanan William L. -iS Gordon st
Cameron Charles, 137 West Regent st
Campbell Allan, 122 Wellington st
Carrick William & Son, 213 Bacliauau st
*Carson David S. Vol Hope st
*Car3weU & Murray, 79 St. Vincent st
Carswell Robert K. 87 Union st
^Carswell William J. 175 West George st
*Church V^'illiam. jun. 67 St. Vincout st
Clark Alexander, Meadowbank, Torrance
*Cowan David, 41 St. Vincent place
Cooper, Craig & Craigs, 115 St. Vincent st
Oraii^ James, sjn. lid St. Vinceu^ st
*Catiabrirt3o2i S. £l A.. Provan &,
Strang. 110 "^^esJ; GgotaO st
Cuthbertson Maxwell C.6d West Regent st
*Dalgleish John, 3 Windsor st
Damp-ter Gilbert G. &3 Raulieid at
Dow William, 30 Hill st. Garnethill
Dowie & Young, 121 West Regent st
Dowuie Robert, 241 West George st
♦Drew William, 36 Ronficldst
Duncan John Tuomson, 146 Buchanan tt
Duncan W.Uiam, 67 W<^st Nile st
Dyt-.es & M-Laga:-\ 79 St. Vincent st
Findlater John, 43 Rentie:d st
*Forr33tcr J. M. & H. 135 Buchanan st
Frame Alexander, 175 St Vincent st
Frame T. & G.4U Royal Exchange square
Galbraith Walter, 91 Buchanan st
Galloway Alexander, o'J Bath at
Gait Robert, sen. QS West George st
Gilmsr Roijert,135 Buchanan st
Gilmour William, 147 Hospital st
Girdwood & M^NicolI, 28 Bath st
''Gourlay John, 24 George sinare
Graham J. &. M, C. 21 Bath st
♦Graham J. & W. 212 West George st
•Grahamcs, Crum & Spens, 13 St. Vinciat pi
•Hamilton A. F. 63 St. Vincent st
Harrower & Co. 63 St. Vincent st
■^Hart Ariliur, 4L St. Vincent place
Hart William, jun. 30 Renfield st
Henderson Frank Y. 28 R -ndeld at
Hodge Thomas, 22 Renlield st
Houeymau & Drummoad, G3 West Regent st ,
Johnstone Henry, 31 Gordon at
'^Keith Henry, 3i 5t. Vincent place
♦Kerr, Ander.^on & Mnir, 147 Wtst Georgo st
Keyden Theodore E. 162 Buchanan st
Kirkwood James D. 11 Carlton place
Knoi Walter, 4 West Regent st
Laidlaw James P. 121 West Regent st
Lee T. Morton, 31 St. Vincent place
Lindsay W. G. & J. W. 8J George squarfl
Lowry Jostph, 3i Dundas st
Macaulay Richard, 2 Ciaigparlc terrace
i;>2'Calg- P. &. Sun (sstablished
1B62- public accountants and
property and insuraiice agrenti.),
WliolesalQ and detail Traders'
[Agency Office's (witli wblcli are
amalgamated tile City of Glas-
g-ow 3>abt Kecovery O£&cosj,3i0
G-ordon st
M'Caigr H. S. (overdue bill* and
accounts coliected on commis-
sion), 179 West Georgre st
•Maccall J. C. jun. 213 West George st
M'Callum Daniel, 40 Claremont at
♦M'Clellaud, Mackiunon & Blytu,140 St.Viu-
oent st
M'Clure George B. 1S5 Buchanan st
♦M'Cowan & Houstoan, 37 St. Vincent it
M'Cracken Adam, 4 North court, Royal
M'Culloch Oc Maclde, 141 Buchanan st
Macdougall & Brown, .^2 West Nile St
M'Dongall Rob. rt, 27 Hopo st
*M'Farlane A HuLton. 17i) West Georgo st
!^;acgrogl)r Daviii B. r>l West Urgent st
M'Haffie George G. 7o Buchanan st
Macharg E. Simpson, 7 Koyal Bank place
Macindoa Alexander D. 69 West Georje st
Maciudos Tbomas, 18a Eeafield at
*Utck«a:ie, Aitktn Jb Birclaj, K It.
Vinc«nt It
M.ii;kio WillUm Cross, 52 Glassfoi-a at. and
59 [Intclieson st
M'Kim Thoina? ± Geortje B. 75 Buchjinan st
Mackiulay Georgo. 97 West Goorsje st
M ickinnoa Joha it Son, 175 West Georsje st
JI-Kittrick L. 2J St. Vinueiit plficn
M'Liireii Aloxauder, 71 Hutuheson st
M'Livren John, 175 St. Vincent st
M'Lanrin D. 176U Hope st
Macleaa John, 81 Wilson st
MacLeaii W. * D. 93 West Georgo st
M-Lintock Tiioruson, 87 St. Vincent st
Maomastor & Skinner. 29 St. Vincent ijlaco
•iU-Meekon & Beith, 57 Bath st
M*Michaul James. 3t5 .\r;jvle arcade
JI'Nal) James, 80 RentteUl st
M-Roltbie James, 115 WQllinptou st
Alaffett Hugh, 2 Roj'al E.xchange court
*Maun John, 83 West Resent st
Martin James, 77 Renfleld st
Mayberry Hugh, 137 St. Vincent at
Miildloton Robert, 314 Crown St. Gorbals
*.Uiller George, 31 St. Vincent place
Miller .Tames N. lOD West George st
Miller Joliu, 77 Renfleld st
•Miller John & Jas. H. Ferguson, 71 Queen st
Mitchell James, 2iJ5 Buchanan st
'JVJiteSien, -Watsoa iSi^xrink, 75 St.
Gsors"e*s place
.Moffat J. & G. 133 Buchanan st
Moore & Brown. 163 St. Vincent placo
Morrison G.-orge, 49 West George st
.Min-rison Hector, 39 St. Goorge's placft
.Uoiton George, 40 West Nile st
Morton John, 9U Hospital st
Moss John, Corn Exchange chambers, 29
AVaterloo st
•Mudie William, jun. 67 West Regent at
Muir G. & J. & Co. 25 Bath st
Munro Daniel, 39 Hope st
Mnnro Duncan, 85 Buchanan st
Neilson R. Gilmour. 75 Buclianan at
Neilson Thomas & Son, r05 Hope it
Oliphant Robert, 115 Queen st
'Outram David E.41 St. Vincent plac»
Parker John, 116 St. Vincent st
Patersou James, 51 St. Vincent place
*Paterson Robert, 23 Renflell st
Pollock Arcbibahl. 202 Hope st
Provan Charles, 31 North Frederick st
Quick WiUiam D. 75 Bath st
'Rattray Brothers & Smith, 51 St. Vincent at
"Reid & Gait, 217 West George st
Reid A Mair, 40 St. Vincont place
Robertson Alexander II. 79 St. Vincent st
Robertson & MacCallum, 133 West Regent st
"Robertson James, 22 Renlield st
'Robertson L. ,t R. H. 53 St. Vincent st
Rutherford Alexander C. 145 Queen st
Ruthorglen Charles K. (and notary public),
92 St. Vincent st
bdeuard James, 133 West Georg.- st
~olkirk J. L. A T. L. 107 St. Vincent at
Shaw James, 94 West Regent st
Sinclair James. S3 Renlield st -
Sinclair John S. 160 Hope st
"Sloan A. & C. T. 155 West George st
Smith Hugh, 72 Waterloo st
Smith J. O. & J. Leo, 62 St. Vincent at
Smith John & William, 114 Bath st
Smith William & Sti)ddart,61 West Regent at
Spears & Jack, 133 Hope st
Stewart Alexander, lt4 Wost Nile st
Stewart James, 2U0 St. Vincent st
Stewart James W. SI St. George's placa
Stewart William, 42 Bath st
Tennent Alexander A. 30 John et
•Tbomson, 3'ackson, Gourlay &.
Taylor, 24 O-eorge's aquara
Thomson James JI. 70 Bell st
•Todd Ruthven C. 51 St. Vincent st
Tolmio, Son & Co. 113 St. Vincent at
Tosh Robert, 119 -t. Vincent st
TnrnbuU & Paruio, 27 Unioj st
Waddell James, 54 St. Enoch aquar*
Wallace W. B. 72 Waterloo st
♦Watson John E. 149 Hope st
Wauchope Andrew, 34 Dundas st
*White &. Gairdncr, 115 Buchanan at
•V\'ight John, 160 Hope st
Wiison James, 65 West Regent st
*\Vilson John, 69 St. Vincent st
Wilson Robert, 22 Dundas st
Wrif^ht & Johnstone, 6 Oswald st
Yair .Archibald M'Dougall,6S West Regent st
Young Peti'r, 11 Miller st
Coutts F. & Sons, 312 St. Vincent st ; 21
Hyde rd. Manchester, and S4 Mecklenburg
square, L:jndiiji
£h Soda, <t<l. Wcfrr McMv/actwtn.
Uarkad thni I are General Agents.
(Ste filto Coal Agents, Land Agents, Fire, &e.
Ojlze Agents, and also Shippaig Agents.)
Adama tt Hod:,'e (insurance), 24 Exchange st
Aikman Thomson & Co. 5 Princes square
l.\itkeu James, 132 West Nile st
Aitlicn Jolin, 175 Buchanan st
Aitkcn, Lilhurn Ofc Co. {for P. H. Muntz &
Co.'s patent yellow metal sheathing), 60
Buchanan st
tAtken Thomas, 57 Oswald st
Aitken William, 27 Oswald st
Aitken William Y. '6S Virginia st
Alexander Edward & Sons (for Charles Lam-
bert & Co. copper smelters, Swansea), 45
West Campbell st
Alexander J;iines, 27 Hutcheson st
Alexander Robert & Co. (tor Cney & Co. pro-
vision luercnants, Bclfant), 45 Montrose st
Alison Archibald (for W. & A. Gilbey, London),
53 &. 57 Oswald st
Alison James E. 17 Oswald st
Allan & I'oynter (customs), 73 Robertson st
Allan F. \y7. {for IVS. Bazia &. Co.
Port Said tic, Suez Casaal), 3L20
Buchanan st
Allan John, al Windsor st
Allan P. G. & Co. 80 Buchanan st
Anderson James (tea &. coffee), 21 Virginia st
Anderson James C. Underwriters' I'ooma,
Koyal Exchango
Anderson John James (to Cantrell & Coch-
rane, of Dublin and Beljasl), 147 StockwoU
st — See advertisement
Anderson Robert B. 57 Miller st
Anderson Thoniis, 32 Hopo st
Aris John L. 20 Union st [Exchange
Armit Thomas N. surveyor's office, Royal
Arniour Andrew (for R. S. NewaU & Co. wirt
ropo makers), Ud Anderstoa quay — Set
Arnold C. F. 19 Howard st
Arnoc Arnold, 3 Carlton placo
Arnot Robert C. 33 Virginia st
Arrol ia.rciaibalddi. Soaa (brewers,
iklloa; agents tor SJufi", Cordon
<£i,Co.Oadiz; Hunt,H.oopo,Teag'o
&. Co. ©port » ; Perez, Ziosane &.
Co. Tarragona; Hanappler dt
Co. Sordeaux; J.Denis, ^enry
Tv^Ionnle dc Co.Cogrnac; 'WiUlazn
^Itcliie* Glenury I^oyal distil-
lery ; Tiiotnas Stewrart, Glen-
turret Uistlllery, Crieff; Olen-
grlassaugrh B>istillery Co. Port"
soy. Qaoffsliiro; A,, G-ulnness*
Son Sl Co. Bublin ; Combe ^ Co.
Si ondon; Saoudon and manc2ies<*
ter ^late C&laas Co. St. Hel-aaaj
and ^. . J, aiyort, ^lass manu-
facturer, Belgium), 16 ^Ixon
Arthur, Goodwin & Co. (for P. Mo'r Crano &
Co, oil manufacturers, Manchester ; auti
Stevenson, Mawhoi^d & Co. steel manufao-
turers, Sheffield), l(i3 St. Vincent st
Arthur ^Villiam R. 25 Robertson st
f Baird C. J. ( wine), 65 West Regent (t
Baird John & C.>. 14 Queen st
Balderston Robert, 174 Wost Georgo tt
Baldie Henry. 211 Hope st
Balfour William &. Co. 136 Queen it
BauUier WillianiH. & Co. (mftnufactarar**),
1.39 St. Vincent st
Barclay Charles E. 6 Hope fit
Barr John, 55 Ghissfurd at
BaiT Robert, 21 Canning st
Barrow F. A. (for James Hartley & Co. Wtar
Glassworks; the Birmingham Plate Glaii
Co.; the Washington Chemical Co. JVaw-
casUe-on-Tyne; Ciiarles Eilwards & Son,
London; the Melincrj than Co. Neath; tho
Coatbridge Oil AVorks, and the Silieatt
Paint Co.). 143 "Wellington st
Ecattio William, 147 West Regent sb
Begg Alexander tt Co. 51 Union st
Bell Charles (for Brown, Bayley & Diion,
Sheffield, James Dodge & Co. Limited, and
Mather & Plait, ilfa/idie.'j^tfr), 29 Waterloo fit
Bell Edmund (tor Midland Railway Co), 165
Buchanan st
Bell Thomas, 12 Pollokshawa rd
liell Thomas, 141 Shields rd
Bell William J. (for Lloyds, underwriters), 7S
St. George's placo
Bennett & Co. U9 Ingram st
Bennett Honry & Co. (for Andrew Handyside
tt Co Derby ; Brotherhood & Hardingham,
London; Manlnve, AliioU, Fryer & Co.
Nottingham, and Rendle'a patent system of
glazing), 123 Hope st
Berry, Barclay & Co. 37 BoyAl Ex4liftnff« tq

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