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KELSO, &c.
at these seasons are frequently held. The weekly is celeb>ated as the birth-place of the port Thomson'
market, chiefly for corn, is held on Friday ; and from I his father having been the clerical incumbent- of the
October to June a market for cattle and sheep is held ' paiis.li ; a monument, erected to the memory of the
once a fortnight on Monday: an annual fair also takes poet, sa d» on an eminence near the vil age. The
place on the 5th of August. principal trade establishment in this place is an exten-
Ednam (or Edenham) is a small village and parish — | si e brewety. The land of the puNh ianks among the
the former pleasantly situated on the small river Eden, | finest in this fertile district, and is excellently cultivated
about two miles and a half north-east from Kelso. It and enclosed.
POST OFFICE, Wood-market, Kelso, James Lo rimer Romanis, Post Master.— Letters arrive from
Edinburgh and the North, with Galashiels, &c. at twenty minute? past ten in the forenoon and twenty-
five minutes before seven in the evening, and are despatched at half past nine in the morninc and five in the
evening. On Sunday the hitters arrive at twenty minutes before elevon in the morning, and are despatched at
a quarter past five in the evening.
Letters arrive from London and all parts of England, Coldstream, Berwick, &c. at twentv-five mi-
nutes past twelve midnight, and at half past ten in ihe forenoon, and are despatched at twelve noon and six
in the evening. On Sundays letters arrive at ten minutes before one in the afternoon, and are despatched at
twenty- five minutes before four in the afternoon.
Letters arrive from Hawick and Jedburgh at half past four in the afternoon, and are despatched at
twenty-five minutes past one, and to Jedburgh only at ten in the morning. On Sundays letters anive at half
past three in the afternoon, and are despatched at twenty-five minutes past one in the afternonn.
Letters arrive from Hawick, Melrose., and Saint Bosweil* at twenty-five minutes before seven in the
evening, and are despatched at five in the afternoon. On Sundays letters arrive from Melrose and Saint
Boswells at. twenty minutes before eleven in the morning, and are despatched at a quarter past five evening.
Sub-Offices.— Letters from the following sub-offices arrive, from Heiton, Kirkbank and Crailing, at
half past four in the afternoon ; from Stitchel, Ednam, Sprol'ston »n d Holefield, at four in the afternoon ;
from Morebattie, Yetholm, Gordon, Nenthorn, Smailholm and Mackerston, at nine in the morning,
and from Birgham, at twenty-five minutes past twelve in the morning: and are despatched to Heiton, Kirk-
bank and Crailing at twenty-five minutes past one in the morning; to Nenthorn, Smailholm, Mackers-
ton, Gordon, Ednam, Stitchel, Sprouston, Holeiield, Yetholm and Morebattle, at eleven in the
forenoon, and to Birgham, at twelve noon.
Letters may be posted in the late letter box fifteen minutes aftei the box closes by attaching an extra stamp
Letters for Ireland, the Colonies, and Foreign Parts, are forwarded on Liverpool an I London.
The Box doses in each case half an hour befote despatch, except fur Hawick, Jedburgh, Heiton, Kirk-
bank and Crailing, which closes at ten on the previous night; but for the convenience of the public, at any
time before despatching the respective bags at twenty five minutes past one in the morning, a late fee of one
shilling for each letter to be forwarded will be exacted.
All letters to India must be pre-paid.
The Money Order Office is open every day from nine till ten in the morning, and from eleven in tht morn-
ing till six in tlte evening.
AitchisonMr.Gilherf,67 Roxburch st
Bafour Charles, Esq. Newton Donn
Balfour Lady Eleanor,Newton Donn
Barnaby Captain Richard, Woodside
Binning Lord, Mellerstain
Bonar Hev. H. d.d , the Inc\
Brooinfield Rev. Robt. O. Sprouston
Manse [square
Bruce Miss Margaret R. Belmont
Craig Rev. George, Roxburgh st
D.iriiug Robert, Esq. Broomlands
Dobbie Rev. David, Mackerston
Dods Mrs. Anna, Bowmont st
Douglas Miss Arabella, St.Leonards
Douglas Mis3 — , Point field
Douglas Mrs. Frances R. Square
Douglas Sir George Scott, Bart.,
Springwood Park
Dove Mrs. Elizabeth, Abbey green
Elliot Mrs. Janet, Rose bank
Elliot Robert, Esq. Clifton Park
Fair Miss — , Maxwell place
Fairbairn George Esq. Pinnacle hill
Feigusson John, l.ld. Abbey green
Graham Rev. Manners H. Nenthorn
Greig Miss Mary T. Belmont place
Guy Rev. John, Manse
Haddington the Earl of, Jerviswood,
Haldane Mrs. JaneG. Belmont place
Hogarth Mrs. — , Forrest Field'
Hood Miss Isabel, Walton Hall
Jarvie Rev. James, 16 Bowmont st
Johnston Edward, Esq, Tweedbank
KeirWilliam Scott, Esq. (of Chatto),
Lamb Rev. William, Ednam
Lee Rev. William, Roxburgh Manse
Leishuian Rev. Thomas, Linton
Leslie Lady — , Roxburgh st
MacAllister Rev. D. Stitchel Manse,
Macdougall Miss — , Maketston
House [Maine
Mackie Rev. Andrew, Mackerston
Main Mrs. — , Maxwell place
Mein the Misses — , 6 Union st
Moffat Mr. John, Heaton
Nisbet Ralph, Esq. Main House,
Nisbet Colonel Robert, of Lochton
Putves Mrs. Eliza, S. Squat e
Renton Rev. Henry, United Presby-
terian Manse, East Bowmont st
Rohberds Rev. F. W., fui.es place
Robertson Mrs. — -, Bowmont st
Robertson Mr. David, Knowes
Robertson Mrs. Mtrrgaretta Jane,
Ednam House
Rohertson Mr. Peter, Neworth
Robertson Mr. Thomas F. (of St.
Foin), Hermitage
Romanis Mrs R clne!,WoodMarkei
Roxburghe his Grace the Duke of,
Fleuis Castle
Roy Frederick LEsqMenthorn House
Rutheiford Robert, Esq. Paradise
Rutherford Thomas,E?q. Furnington
Rutlieifnrd Mrs. John, Prim bank
Scott General Duncan Gordon,
Scott Admiral George, r.n. Wooden
Scott Lord John, Kirkbank
Seott Miss — , Lime Cottage
Smith Rev. James, Kelso Manse
Stewart .Mr. Archibald Tweedbank
Stewart the Mi--es — , Roxburgh pi
Stoddart Thomas, Esq. Bowmont st
Swan Rev. David, Smailholm Manse
Waldie Mr. John, Roxburgh st
WaldieJobn, E-q.ofHender-ydePark
Wilson Mr Charles, Crott House
Wilson the Mi-sesjaue& Margaret,
Forrest Field grove
Wilson the Misses Jane & Margaret
& Elizabeth, Abbey Gardens
Yair Rev. Joseph, Eckford Manse
Not otherwise described are DaySehoola.
Free Church School, East Bow-
mom — Walter Hunter, master
Free Church School, the Inch-
George Winter, muster
Grammar School, Church yard—
Georpe Duncan Hunter, rector
Hilson Waiter, Maxwell heugh
Kir* land John, Sheddon park row
Parochial Schools —
Kdnun — John G. Smith, master
Kelso — James Smith, master
Roxbuigh — vVm. Laid law, master
Puerson Catherin & Isabel la (board-
ing), 2'2 Bowmont st
Ragged School, Roxburgh st—
John Tait, master
Roxburgh Charity School,
Church yard — William Smith,
master; Maty Hambly, mistress
Watts Elizabeth &Jane,ForrestField
Elliot Alexander (emigration for
Australia and New Zealand), 10
Bridge st
Hall vVtlliain (coal), Railway station
King James (coal), Railway Station
Lillie Robert (coal), Railway Station
Middleman Amirew (ale<& porter),
Roxbuigh st [Horse market
Priugle Jolm(general commission),
SoinnerFiauci-'general commission)
32 Wood market
BroomfieM David, 30 Roxburgh sfc
Fairbairn James, Edenside road
Ross William, Roxburgh st

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