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Bradbury & Co. Limited, BQwiag maobino, &c. manafactnrers,
Oldhuui 355
Eriidl-.>ia ThoioasJ!; Oo. patent washing, wrluging, maDgling, &c.
uiaclinifry, JJ-Auchcstcr — hi&vrted ai the eii/t
"BvAdi-iiiw (ijurgo, ridtua masoor, &c. £:luiburgh 65
Brawn TtioaiHi & Joauti 'NV. I>o\vniiig, avciiittctural metal
woriioi's, liit'aiia^aAui luii
BL'eijum' Juiuorj, Ot>uuiu tuaa.ur, Buauliui'y I2i
Bcouiuer Ji Ciiuii, caii'iagu tit Ij-iracSa ^Uiiiiuruuturore, Abordeeu H-ii
liriayo ot" .\a;iu Ijibrary *i Kuadiiig Ho.>ai, Aichiljitld K. Marfay
lindge or Aliau .... 10t>
Bridi^t! ot Allan -Li:brai-y &. Ktiadiiig lloom, Aiexauder Millor,
lindtju oJf Aliau I'do
Briiiglue Fniuuis A. iuaui'uuce ugeut, EdiuUurgh io
. S4:>
. ^
; 86-1
BritidU o: l''uryit;n iiXiUtirai VVatur Oo. (iutsyuw.
B:'i;isli Kmpii-o .dutual Lifo As.sutaiioc Co
Britiali ijLot'el, Joseph Kickani, Oundce > . .
Briti^l} Liuoa L^umiKLuy Bitnit, l^^diuuui'gli ,
Britiuti (Tue) Suukary Co, seli-acLiug eaith closetsj Glasgow
Briboa l>tte Asaaciatiou Limited
Brudio Wiliiam, bi-iolc &, tile mauufacturnr, Dunbar .. ..
BroUit] William -ji Cu; pf^giuQei'ti. li'uatouud^jrs, &c. Pai^Jey
Bi-uOKba .i. & ii. ii'ou '& bras? bttdc>luadd, Biriuiughaai . ,' ..
BrouUs J. B. & Co. saddlery «£: iiarnsss mnfctr^. Birmingham . .
Brougbtou (Tbe) Copper Co. Limited, copper & bi-ads tubas,
roUera, ttc. iVlauoiiGster ',. .. .." ."." ..*277
:§io\v'n A. vC Co. clan-tartan & fancy wood works, Lanark and
. Birmiu^^ham . , .... : ...... 127
Erown A Kirk, eagineers, millwriglits, &c. Kirkcaldy llu
BrowD J. H. iiiHurau;si agent . . ' . , . . .'. "2S
]pro>c'o, Liddell >£ Lfxckson, gonoral ironfounders and firt nxetal
' workers, Jb'aLkirk . . r - ■ . , . - . i . ' 2U)
Broffii jVI, Royai Alexandra Hotel', Edinburgh. . '.. VSd
5fbwii WiUiain, Brovvn'a Vatcut BoUer Corapoand, Manchester 2ii>
Bf«wu Wltliaai Ot Co. mt^saic tile pavements, &c. JCdinburgh .. 4S
B.'owa William, "Soiirf '*£ Co. oil ciusbera, tl\ic, Glasgow.. ,'. ,, 82b
Biowna E. W. iusarauce jigeat, Belfast .. ..'jSU
Brpi$',n(i^I>r. J. Coilis, chlorodyue IJ. T. ,I)aveuportj, London-r-^
lii^irted at the eiid
Bi-bwiiloe James, saw miller, timber merchant, &c. Glasgow . . 259
BrowuUe ;UcUiL>~.id & Sous, tjiaber me'rcbauts, &c. G'laggow ,. 356
feruce, Broiherij A. Co. oil retiuioi-d k drysalttrs, Glasgow * . . . . itSi)
Bryce Arthur, i.-ugiueer, miiiwiught, Ac. Alloa ', ,\ 130
Bachaaai) Jii^nos, ii^a booU and tackle taaker, Glasgow.. .. S69
Buchanan \\attor, I)rymeu Hotel, I>rymcii . . .... 2S0
BM-Jitle tt M'Fte, -wrigUts, builders, Ap. lireenock. ' ijlli
Buidt tlobert, live stock ageut and aupUoiij-cr, Edinburgh 6U
EuUoL- & Co. china &. porcebm door furniture, &0. J^irmingham 16U
Buiiu GhJirles, coach br^,s'stoundcv, &c. West Bromwich ". . .. 15ii
Biirley Bobert & Co. wood merchunts & tui'uers, Glasgow. . . . S5B
Bums, Baumgarten & Co. standard measurihg cadges, &c.
Glasgow .. :. .. .. .. .'.' ..' .. .'. .7 .. '.. \. S17
Butchart, Lindsay & Co. fipiunGrs & maaufacturora of hemp
carpetiug.iuattiugs, &o. X'uudee :• :• •■ •- ^^
BuLLcrworiu & I)£oKlu.s6ii, loom &. machino makerg. Burnley 1 '. 81U
CaI6 Koyail Hotel (W. Anderson), Ediubargh ..■.."'.. . : . . * 4i
datder ^vJ cxaudcr, agent /or Ueury W'idufcU & Co. {La$&icade find
if jii/nt), carpet mauulaotavera, Londou ,. .'. .... ','. .. 231
Galodouiau Baaliiu;^ 'Jouipanyj luveraess. . .. .. ,. .'. ..2
GakJ.aaian HoritaLdo S^icurity Co. Limited, Edinburgh '.. .. 3J>
CaleJouiau Hotel, Johu j;deuzies, luveruess , ,", ,. 23tj
Caisd^^aiian Patent Lau-w<;lded Iron Boiler Tuba Co. iron and
gteel lubomanuiaclurert), Coatbndgo .. ,. .^ 203
Caledouiau Plate Glass loaurauce Company ',. .,31
Crt^duuiuu Kailway Company . . '..',. 2§2
Oamcruu & Koberton, a>;iricalt;ural and general ironfoundiera,
>firiaui.!bGh .. '.. .. .. .. ,".■,.".. 140
Cflttlnerou -1. & P. agents Midlaod Railway Co. Dundee .,"'..'.. 125
&<iiiBptjell Cr. J, inaurauce'ageut, Edinburgh— Oayly ica/'/ttcm^
end cover
Campbell JohUjjan, engiueers' ironmonsar, Ac Greenock .. 222
CauipLicL! John, jun. ageut Inr .To:)f.ph Wright & Go. Ijxaited
(Tipfya), r:liain cubic mauuiH-titureis, Grecubck .. ..'.. .. 161
Cjumpbell iVialcolm, baiidur i.siutcr, Port Gbisgow. . .. ,. '. . 216
CampbeU I'eter, Ciupco Nvai'cliouacinaii, &c. Ejlicburgh .. .. 192
Ca»iijlJ*jU K, S. brewers' ageut.BcJlHSt .. .. .^ y. .. .. 130
■Oajupbell Kobert *kCo. brassi'uundm-si: gasfittcrSj 'Qreonock .. 228
' iiiipouU, Smart lil; Co. engjiipers, .iic. Glasgow ,. '. ." ..~ .'. 28$
" .' ahtrell ic Cochrane, cliemists & mineralwater maaufacturers,
JC)ubUu & Buiiast ..■ .. ' ■ .. ;; *.. .. ".'. l, 83S
C-rdhiul & Harlord, orientul carpets, rugs, &c. London . . . .' 173
C^rUou House School (iljss.Johusou}, Hddingston.m' Glasgow 142
Oarmiuhael James & Co.'ehgiheers, miliwriglits, iron & brass- "
loundui'3. Duiidee ..",.' .". .. .. .... ,. .".'..'".. 9^
Caj'sweil JuJm, insurance agenf, GLosgow ", , . . . . . 34
Cathcar''- Brotiiersj sail cloth^tarpauUag, Ac. Dundee ., ,, V9
Catt.0 James, wiao merchaat, Ab'^rd'een .. „'..',. .. -» 34^
ChaimeVe Hamo, ^ynuattiho.vi Hotel, Greenock .. ^
Chaplin Alexander & Co.'portablo steam engines, steam craaest
i&c. Glasgow .. .'.'..'.;' .. ,. ; '7.249
Chartered Bank of ludia, Australia & China, London ....'.. §
Qhatwin. Tlio'maa, aorcw i< die stocky, d' screv/iug ^-^.c^le, ^ir-
njiugbam ..* .,'..' y. '.'.'.. .. .', ,\ ,, .,' .,' \. 140
C'h'ieuo George Todd, insurance agent, Edinbuirgb . . . . 81 & 36
'Jiiiabolm Joliu, coal, lime *fc manure merchant, Jnyernoss .. 237
Ohiehohii S. it B. iirovisiou inerchiints, GlHSgow . . . . .. . . 323
Cni'Htio & Sou, conloctioncrs, firuitererj, Ac. luvernea? . . .. 2yy
GhrisLiy Ciiari'es, inauraiice ayeut, EdiiiDiirgh '2iJ
C^ijrystul George, enyuiei^r.' machine maker. Jtc. Perth 201
CliUionUl Cbai'les vV Ci.i. ji,morie«n tools <£ miiJiiUiKry, London 17a
CiVtns Plaoi: Soiiool, Mr. lI'Lachlati, EdiaburgU , 72
C'ty Commeiciiil Uiiuiig Salob.i, Matthew Waddoll, Glaegow ,. 27iJ
City ui 0-Jjittgow Bank, Glasgow ., , .. 11
Clark J. L. agent for W. alakin & Boas fS'/icJficid), steel manu-
|l"ACturer3, Loudon >. ,, .... 1
'I'lark Ji'.mea, tun x vat builder, Clackmannan ,. 128
Glaj'k John, BoytU Hotel, InaeUan ...... . .,122
CZarko & Dnnbara, " Needle " lubricator, Ac. laftnufactflrers.
London I7b
Glarlison Peter & Co. hydraulic, &c. engineers, Glasgow .. .. 832
Clay John iS Sou, corn, oil cako & seed murcbunts, Berwick-ou-
Twced 194
Clayton John, agent for Juiiua Whitehoad's sanitary pipe
making machine, Burnley 25*
Cicglioru jjl portmauloau ^ trunk manufacLui'er, Edinburgh .. 63
Oi'sghorn WUliam, jute spinner & majiuuicturcr, Uuud^o .. .. 100
Jleglioii^ Waiiam, Ua.^, iieinp, mctj & was},u inurchaul, Dundee lUO
Clms^iil J. A. abU)p;:ig ;^genc, Lunaou .. .*. 59
Jlytleidali- (ihej Siauaing Co. Glasgow . . '. 10
Clydebdaie Caie Diuiijg ilooms, Tiiouias Jeukms, Glasgow .. Sii7
JuHtbrvUge (Uue) Tiupiate Co.- Liniitud, tinpluie & H4.eet iron
worUa, CoalbriUgo 207
Jochraue John, cugiueer & machine maker, Glasgow .. ., .. 2^'S
JoCjcbu^ li|. »it'(Jo.'yLUuraJ iruntwuiidcfs, Falltifk .'. ■ .'. ,. .. 2i7
^niu tit 'Co. *•' Agenpria " aewiug macfiincti., Edihlb^rgh . . . . 61
Cole fc. ii. s^wmg machines, Ldmburgli' . . .!"..".. . . '.'. 47
Oulyman Street ii.xchange, Loudon ,.. 344
C'iUiugham K. IVI. crushing ^: j^rinding mills, Hull 293
Cot. > be James & Sou, heating, veuUlatiug and horticultural
ftuginuoisj GiH!bg6w.. .." .. ..' ..' .. .. .. .. .. .. 272
Commercial Bank of Scotland, Edinburgh 3
Commercial Hotel, iVix-s. E. Bobeilson, Greenock 227
Commetcial Hotel; John Cttmmiug.Custlc Douglas ., .. .. 116
CopamcL^^ial Hotel, Stewart's, Kirkcutlbiigut .. .. ^ IH
Commcrclai (The) Pnnting'Co. pnuters, Sc. Ediuburgh .'. - .'. si
ConiojercitUTraveilors'Stoc^ Show Booms (Duncaiiier»Gl^§goy? S!?4
C'lmuaorciiU Union Assurance Co. .",' ..' .. '.." v. ';.' .'. 21
Conner'tKlVI'Pirflil, plumoers, gastitters, Ac. Gveojiock' .; V. 21t
Cook W. & J. hoalmg engineers, Glasgo^y.. .. •• -- '•• ..'250
C Jot:, ^ViUiam"3\4 Co. wu-e draw^ers oi' gaWunisere, Warrington BIT
Cooke Joseph & Co. uiineis' lamp makers, i*.iriningl|ai)a '., ' .. 5li3
Cooper William, timber nicrebant O; saw milibjpcmue^ .. '. . 92
.Oprmack'Artis'& irierchantA curer, Wiclv .. ..' ..* XSB
Ooiru Exchange Hotel, Thomas Laidia^-, Stirling. , .". ,. ,. 829
Ooi-n Exchange Reiitaiu-aut, iiobert M'Lcieh. Glasgow .. "§31
CorueUus WiiUam, house painter & decorator, EdiJiliurgh. . ', , 69
Gprsan <t Currie, dshmongerg, poulterers, Ac. Glasgow' '.. .. 315
County Fire Office ,, .. .. .. .... ,. ",';".. ,. ., 1|
Coqsiand Alexander & Son, wir^ workers & wire jclotb man^
tacturers, Glasgow .. ' .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ..' ..'.'. 829
CoiPtle'nbeath Coal Co. cannel, gas & 6tsaaj coals, Co wde4b<3ath|
by Locbgelly : .. :. .'. '.. I09
Craig J". & ili. manufacturers of lire clay goods, bricks- tiles,
chimney cans, tJtc. Kilmiuuock . . ,. .; .. ., ',. ..,"'. 117
Graigheaa Peter, wine, tea, tS;o. merchant, Aberdeen .. .. .. 850
Craigio CJaarles, modHlUst, Edihbui'gh '■ ., .. ,',' .. .. ,. 6i
Crear William, timber merchant, *!j;c. Thurso .. §^
Crewdson & Worthington, cotton spinners and manufacjtoirers,
iXanchester ,'.,... ..'..' '.. .', 159
Croall John & Sons, funeral undertakers, Edihbui'gh . . .. "71
Oroggon & Co. patent aSjphaltoroohug, ilic. felt, Glasgow ftn4
Livfirpool .. •• , ■ .' .'. "., "., 17^
Croggoh <& Co. galvanhjed iron & zinc merchants, GlasgOTy and
Liverpool . . . . .... 179
Crosdeld Joseph & Sons,eoap manufacturers, Warriugtpn , . ^ji
Cross Keys Hotel, J. Keddie, KeI§o" .. ........ '.. .. 22^
Ciossley John, sanitary pipes, chimney topa, jbrj^^s, &o. '
31iddfesbrough-on-Teea .. .. ., ., ,. '.. .. .. ".". 293
Crtissman & Paulin, corn, seedj feeding cakes and manure naer-
chauts, Ber'VFick-on-Tweed .. .. ..V. .. ,, ,. ',, ,. 195
Crosthwaite li.'W. general ironfounder, Ftdkirk aj8
Crqwn Hotel, John Hogg, East Linton '..49
Crown Hotel, Peter Suuam,ers,Duuo6u 27S
Crornj Hoiel; Ch-aries kelson, Wishaw' 184
Cruikshank & FuAon, consiiitfug engineers & patent agents,
Glasgow & Edinbmgh .. ..'....*. : ,. .. gijl
OujUen J. &'Xi. cabinet makers, upholsferers, &o. Coatbridge . . 314
Camming &. Miilovd; agents for tuo'Caie.dQuian Pat£jULap-
WeJ,de'.'- Iron Boiler Tabe Co. Loudon '. fiOS
Cumniing' Johif, Comme'-cial Hotel, Castle Douglas 116
Cunninghtim James Jt'Sohs, wood sho-velniakars, Ecliiiburgh.. 7'i
CuiTie & Guthrie, wrlghts, buiiderS; &o. Gre<anock 327
Outbill Alexander, dealer in horses, Edinburgh ,71
Dacca Twist Co. cotton epiunera', manuiucturers, ko. MaAehes-
t6r,Lofl.don, Glasgow, Liverpool ^'Belfast ,. ,. a&8
Daj^J. if X. engineers, boUfriuakexs, iSc. Ivirkckldy .. ., ,. 127
Daljsairna Jt Co. wine and' spirit mercuauts, Dundee 105
Dalglish John, engineer,* mi^^yiritfht, *c. PoUoekshawe, near
Glasgow .. .. , '., _ .. 235
Darling Thsmas, agent for the Scremerstou & Shoreswood'Coi^
Co. ^erwicii-6n-'i'\veed . . ,, ,, ■ . . igs
Darling's Kegent Family and Commercial Hotel, Edinburgh ..' 61
Darwin & Alibier, dies, tools, miUs, ab. SheliicJd .. .. .. , . 167
Davenport H. D. insurance agent, London ,i 9K
Davenport J. T. Dr. J. CbiU.'j Browup'p chlorodyne, Loudon—
Itig'efU'd at tfi,0 end
Daviea W. J^ & Sons, emery, emery and glaas cloths, tVack
lead; &c. Londoj^ " ,.' ..- ,, ggg
geesido Hydropathic Establishment, Keathcot, near Aberdeen 851
pempsttr, jUoorc ic Co. ir<Ai and steel merchants, engineers' ■
j ironmongers, &c. Glasgow _ gjg
I Dick & Siovensou, engineers, ironfounders, &c. Airdrie* " .. 207
pick'i: Stevehaou, agents for the Chariorod Bank of india, "
Australia und China, Gbisgow g
rickstiu & Walker, glass merchants and stainers, Ediuburgu .*." 6»
picks-m John, contractor aud horticultural builder, Edinburgh 65
DlxJoh'j A. agent iur Crewdson & Worthingtou { AranchsiUr), "
cotton sxnnnej-e, tic. London .".'.".. igQ
,'>obbie', Forbes 06 Co. American cooking stoves, '&c,' Glasgow '
aud'Larben .. ,. ., .. , .. 19S
Dods Archibald, live stock salesman. Dalkeith * '. '. '. '. \ \ '., ' 64
Dou J^ I) uiican, hemp carpeting aud floor cloth mauufa'cturers,'
Lochee, near Dundee -^ 95
Donald John & Bon, iron, steel and machinery merchants*,
Glasgow OB 266

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