‹‹‹ prev (24)

(26) next ›››

; 1 ■, KfiU, iiMt anl ■•"-r»^ mfvltPt-H, 0-W4«o* .. .; ..
■iiT), i^alvjiuiKoraj shipsraiths, tinsmUtia', Glasgow
,'t . , , , ; /. ,, ;, .. 949'-
:Ustoo^, patent "Muftross "■ cnoUitig bIoto, &<s.
'fnihtim John, coUon, woonftn, Ac. raaohmenr, Rooh
nitd, I" Mior«i i Oo.
. steam sansea, rittms'!. So. Hyfebn Oreott,
Jfi I ■
01 ah pit
nnar >'iv*lii!?^i^?i1
Smif.'i (ftfoit'i"- ami John OnrHnn, (lisfcillor«i, GlpnUvet ..
..• .. I' 1 s'. v; . linpTi.tl.Tt, hnmp. &i?. nl^^f•^iantB,T>i^hrt'pc ..
' V On. oii'/'nncr^, ii-nnfoiin'm-s, .'io, Airdvi^
- iliitiller, aienlivct, v.^Ilinrlnllnch . ; ,
r p. 1 ' • > . A On. (>ss-^nr.» of crt'fee; .^h. Kdinliur!?^! . . . .
S'lic; .Jnlui & Sons, con! nn<l cnVo. jticri'-^nntfl. E(lmbtii*£^b . . .. , ,
Srult'i Rlrlinrd, tjiaimfftuMiniK? fehemlHt, i'T|aSpn\V nnd pJiislpy.. 39^ I
ttniifl Hohort & Son, bell and brfloa fomiilpvR, Kirkci-ldy' .. .. 105 j
Sniif!" Tlumias A Son, Heotr<> plfltors iind RilctWB, Glaagot^ . . ^^^ \
f^iU''^ Williftm, tobflcconist, itc; Aberdeen .. .. ;. .; ..3^1
Soul tor Sumuol, rope & twine spinner, Dandeb VC
tsuv>. reign Life Assurance Comp«nv ; ^^
f lialUticr Arms Hotol, Jnracs Lees, Now Gitlloway 320
S/r-i.*"'-,''* Edmund, consniting & miniap engineer, Bdngor, N'orth
\\^\o% ..... ;. .. ..840
■epoii-fl, Gil»b & Co. 9rfl clay jroo'ls mimnffictTirers, V'.iiglev. . . . 199
Sjp, met) John & Sons, braserouHderS, tinsmiths, Ac Aivdiie nnd
Coatbri/lfje . . ; . . .. ,. 201
Spf^no^r Olmrios & Co, gymnastic a^Jpanuus -raanufacturers,
liDniloa 357
Sprmv^r J,. R. & Son, steel; filftSi sdgS tools, s&wa, fthivos, &c. . ;
Spencer. Tlmmpflnn A Harbottle, tar diStiUerS, 611 refliifeH, &6.
Newiifistle-oii-Tyne 274
Ppen^ WilHam R.inaurancp ng'ont, RdinhnnrlFi .. ; .. .. ^R
J^powart Thonins ^' Cn. collierv omiprs. Dunfermline ^'
Sprend Efijjle Hotel, ThninofliTflll. Kolso .; 225
St.'.ff.;rd<?h)ro (Thc\ Bnlf. Not ft FehcfriR Co. Limited, railway . .
carnp.y;a A wnrrcron hnits. lV. "Piirlas'on .. . . Hy^
oj^ fTdtm M. nff'Mi^ for Pnrsyth, Miller & Co. {GlOAyotc',
144 '' i'"'^»if""'i -ler*. VaiJs , . ,-. . . : , .
Tuvlor Oi,- Tl.indorsnn.fronfonndors & engineers, H;iri»iitor. .
Tfiylnr Andrew & Oo. liemp carpetjng, &o. manufuctr, ,
i>andeo ,, ., /.
Tayinr Br"thers,,p;vtnnt perforated circular eawB, tiles, ',
rd^o 1.nc>ls,,iio. &hefV)ei<i,. .. .* . ., .. i. .. ..
Tiiylor .Ttkhn,''- J*'on. ciitnnft >r)ul(eii'a.ni>hol9(<»vfrrf, Sac, F.diTi'n. ■ < .
TavJor LacbLin, bra.eisfc.uudor, plumber, Ac. IlfiimiUon.'W'i
Tiiyloy Kobort. pavement mer'-lmtit. Ntnvbnr'tfb-on-Tny
Tcrvy Henrv. ai/<'nt. fof Samuel .MfBopp&Sonfi(B(H-*on-'m-'?
The Aberdeen n-ritablo SecnrttiftS Investment Co. Li;i;,
■Vberdnpn . .' , ; .'.,,*..(.
T'lo •' AbenlRen .Tonrnal "' Nt.nv?ipfipflr .. ,'; t. ,.
The Aberdeen Lime Co. artificial xtisnate manufacf ^
Aberdeen .. .. .. ..„ .. ..
The Aberdeen Music Hall Co. Limited, Aberdeen.. ;, t;
The " Aberdeen WeeltlyJ.oiu'nal " Newfipftper .. . ,:,{
Tlte .^.ccident Inauraneo Co. Limited ;. , gg ,
The Air Bnrninp Co. Limited, radiant flat ir6n. GtftS(»0'.v .. ,, 2f^
Tiio Ai^iunce Heritable Scenrity Co. I>imitcd, Kdinbur^h -. . , . 5fi"
The Belfast FirjO Insurance Co. Limited . , . . ??.
't\\G peverley Iron & V.'a'^on Co. Limited, engineer^ boiler
maltevs, Jte. Roverloy itnd London . , . . . . . . . . .... ;v' ."
The Kevcrley'Whitinp Co. air-dri^^ Pnria whitie^ Ac. Beverley, l'7 ;
Tbe :pnib'r Insurnneo A Stenm PowpT Co. LimitPd •,■
The Bon- Accord PislilliTv Co. Limited, distilirvftk Abftrdrpn ;. ; i,:^
T.>e British Sanitary Co. seJf-fietinp earth oihsets. Glivftfijow . , ?4.![
The J^vnufjh^.nn Copper Co, Limited, copper & brafes tubes,
rolVrs, vte. lMnne1»es1:cr v 277
The CnledonianTJunliJUi-' Co. Invern*;s8 j
The Ciiledonian RniKvny Cm . . . . ,-. .-, g^
StHlTurdah'ro (Tbe) Fire OfTie
r>r>m.,ira3n:ro iXEie) Mre utiiee. ijioiiirea ,. ., .^ .. .. .^ n^
Standard V^ha) Bank of British South Africa, Limited, London
& .Aberdeen ■. ;. .-. . ,, ,, ..' .. Ir
Standard Fire OfHoe, Limited .. ... 29
St^tinlard Life As'^n. ince Cftnitijmv 41
Stnn.iKrci Property Investment Cbiilpwv, Limited. Edinburgh
& G lasgow . . . . . . . . . . . . . ■ , . . . ]ft
Stark James & Son. r»pt» & snil maliera. GrnMsf iVmnfii . . . . 51
S'arU John &Co, slnto & mnrbie DifmnfactiireTB/Ediiiimrgh . . r>o
atatiim Kotel, A. M. Lanhan. Cnpar-FfTfe 25^
Station Bote), Henry Miiler. Thiivsn "/ . . ..13?
Station Hotel, Mac dona Id's. Invcoess . , . . JiSP
Station Refreshment Rooms, Thnmh"? LairlUiAr, Stirling . . . . ?-^'^
Btenm Commnr,ic.-xtion. (Tlaft!/ow &f,b.- Highlands 25^
"Steam Coramnnication.Leifh A London .. .. 5^
Stecn J. C. Park Place Institution fpr Yoirag Ladies, Edinbiirgfi *i9
Steven & Strnthers. hr.i9sfr.nndeyai Ac
Stevens A Sons, sigmil enffiiiC'-rfl, London & CJasjioTfr If'"'
Sterenson A .\ra»:k,T\-, enRineol"8. iron, &e. fonnflern, Airdri'e . . 20i
Stewfirt Aiulrew A .T.^meS, lap-weided boiler tube'j, fittings, &e.
Glasgow A Coatbridffe 2P2
Stewart !>. T. A Co. cast ir^h fjAfr, fee. pipfis, (W^s^O* 38^
Stew.irt Ti-^vjd, insurance n(?ent, Olaa^ow . . . . . . . . S4
Si wart Dr. — , t)eesidp Hydropatluc KatHblT^htoehK iT6iitVc6t,
near Aberdeen .. .. .■. .. ../ 5n'
Stownrt "Dnncan *A Co. ehe;Vieers. miUwtiiihtR, kc. Glasgow . . 2'/:'
Stewart Jame.*! A Son, slatftr;*, ftlnte, Ac. merchflnts, 'Glas&ow' . . Sl"*^
Stewart Ml-. -—, t(\aehet 6!^ drawirter A l>aintiiif?, Kivkcxldy.. .. 11'^
Stewart J(vhn,engine.*r, mdl-wrlKht, Ae. Pei-th 211
Stewart John, jah. tortoi96 shell, indi.i rubber, Ac. combs,
Liverpnol .. -, ■, -. ., ., J5J
Stovi-iirt R. H. tea A cigar Yn^ivtiatat A aefint, Glasgow SH')
Stewart's Commorclal Hotel-, tti'-keudhritrht . . 11-
Stiriiufl J. A C, eoaoli buUders. Hsimiifcon , T^''
Stirling Journal A Advertiser. Stirling 2!^?
Stocl^s John LainK, brewer. Kii-kcaldy 106
StocUa Robert A Co. manufricturers' of bed ticks, cheoka, hol-
Iftnrlfl, lnickaba.;kp, diapers, Ac. TCirkcalfly 97
"Storer James A Co. paint & colour raanufftctiirers, London,
Liverpool A Glr.sgnw 9fjO
Stott Andrew, Bon-Accord L'Uing Room. Aberdeen ,. .. ., 85C
Stolt S. P. A Co. iron & brasg founders, ongiueora. millwrights,
-— .tfec. Hrtslingdeu SOT
Stration David, poatina AlivervcBtahlishment, Dnndee .. .. lOf'
Strod'i A Cr*. gas A hot water encirieers, London B04
Stronacb, Dnncan A Dugnid, ineurance agents, Aberdeen — On
■ jifi leaf faring end covsr __. -
Stuart K Fniaer, distillers, MiUon Duff Distillery, near Elgin , . llf
Stuoli.-i' Mercantile Offices, LonJon, Glasffew, etc 5f'
Sturrock Mrs.— , establishment for voiing ladies, Poebleo .. ■ .. If?-
Snmmers Peter. Grown Hotel. Dnn'oon .... 27f-
S'ltberJand Dstvid, timber merchant, Wick 137
Snlten A Staniar, starch. guOo ■% lariha manufacturers, Salford;
.Manchester . .. /.
Sutton John. Loehinvar Hotel, Dairy
Swan Geortre A Co. draper^ A raan'ifacturors. KirUcf^idy . .
Swinhnrn F. stains yiu'-wood. L.imlon ....
SyiniiiL'tipn Iiu!/h, quaiTv master. iSe. CoatbritUtt
Symington T. e.-^sencn of coffee. Ac. Edinburgh
Tjiit, Chorlcy A C). floor cloth mannfacturevs. Ki-.-aii-.idv . . , . ; ■
T;i1t Jam<i^** "Tbe KeUn Ohroni*:l£r" Neurinapcr, K<;i>o * .. .. '^K)
Taito:& Cii\!f on. agents fo^■ HeiryRosaen A Co. (i>/ie;fidd), steel
A file manufnotiKers, London ' , .,' .. .: .. 2S^
Talbot G. 0\ A Co. *' The BafHe " Ore A burglar proof sate8r-€fei
fill leaf fac^nfi end cover of the D'vcc'or!! ■ ■ ■
TinGfyoBrotbi-Vrs, patent hoists, pulley's,, steam engines, &c.
BiimingbaM AMauehester ..15?^
Xarbel Hotel, 'A. H, Maopherson, Loch Lomond . , . , , .' , i 3'"^
Tbfc Clyfles'ialeBftnlnng Co. Glft<>gow .. .. io
The Coatbridge Tin-Plnte Co. tinplate A sheet iron works,
Cojitbridge '. ; . . \*n7
The CommVreial Priiitinar Co. printers, Ac. 'Hdinhnrgh . , . .
The Ihicctv Twist Co.. cotton spinners & manufftctTirere, Man-
, chest ei* . ■ ; i ., ., .. 'J-'^y.
Tue '.'l>undQ6 Advertiser " Newspaper .. ., -., vj .. ,. 1-7
Tlie 'I pnndew.t^onrier A .V'ffUfi" Newspaper .-. .. igfl
The Dnnfermlihe FouMdrv Cv. engineers, Ac. Dunformliiie . . fiS
The '* Evoiiing Citiisen ".NewRprtpci' , . . . . . ''50
The " Kvening News" Newspaper i.-g
The " Evening News A Pinr " Niiwspaper , . ■''.:j
T)ie " F-rening Telegraph "-Xewspaper ..... . . , }^';
T);c F,wai;t, Hhjh Srbooi. Nowton-Sfr^wort 1^18
T^he Fife Coal Co. Limited, coal owners. Ao.Lfeith fl{1
The ^M^'g'^^^ H»ritable Securities Oo. Limited, GlaSgo* . . . . :^fS
The "Glasgow. News" Newspaper * ., , .. .. 'l'S\
Thn Glasgow Pickle and Sauce Co. unfeilMo^tca wines, Ac.
Glasgow : 1. .. 'O
The GJenhoig Fire Cay Co. Glenhoig & Glftsgbw . . . . . . . . 3;.?
The Great Britain Fire Insur.ince Co. .. *. .. .. ., .. 23
The Great Briiain Mutual Life ABsntftnCo StTciety 33
Tbo Great Nertb c' ScotlnnA Grafiito Co. Liinited, granite ^
wor^Grs, Peterlieiul . \, . . . . , . . . . . 113
I'be "Greenock Atlvertiser'* Newspaper S2()
Tiie '' Gro-:;nneIc TcleiJrjiph " Rvr»ning Xewspfti>or . . ,. 205
The Guarinfeo AftsocJation of Seol'and. Limited .. ,. .. .. lA
Tbe Heritable Investment Bank. Li>t)ited, Glasgow
rbe *' Highlander*' Newspaper, Inverness .. ..
I'he " Inverness .Advertiser " N''X>,-epaper . .
The " John o* Croat J/^urnal A Weekly Advortifle)*,** Wicft . .
die "k'lso C.hror.jrlo " Newspaper
The LiveJ-pool A Loi<don A Globe Inrniranee Co. . . . . . .
The London A Ecliiibnogh Shipping Co. fiteaiSiship o\yner8
The Lonaon Afisuraneo. Corporation .. .-. ■,: ..■:■. .. .. ?r^
The aiidland Railway Co • . .' -. ._124.iS#
The Monme'Lane lroi\ Co. iron mrtiiuftictnTi*s, Willienftall . . 297
Tye National Gnavantoe A fcurotyfibip Assoc-Jatioti, L'Jniicd,
Edinburgh ". . . •. . . . ^ 3fl
Che '* News of the Week •' Newspaper . . ... * S'-S
Ulie North Albion Property Investment C(>. Limited, Edinburgh P2
The North Kiitish-f 'iinadifm Tn-" efit'nient Co. Limited, Gla^gow"^'"*?
The North British Proiiorty InvestmentCo. Limited, Edinburgh 20
CUe Nojitli of Seotbmrt Banking Co. .Ahei'deon A Dnndee .. .. I^-
I'bo North of Sentlar'T Bxuking Co. Aberdeen U
The Oiilt Fr'Undfy Co. nvc'iiteotural irorifonndera, Glasgow .. 2(^9
The " People's Jouiual" Newspaper -. . .. t''
f he PUnsplior-Bronze Co. Limited, metal manufactnrers, Lon
don — Faring TiHf Piioc
T'.io Scotti=ib Am'onble Hentahlo Secxji'iticfi Associittio''
Limited, Edinbnrph .. ... : .
iheSeMtish Amioal 'o Life Aafiursnoo- Society .. ;.-j
The Scottish Brnnsw' ■'': Honk Asphalto "^Vorka. Dundee . . , . 1^5
The Scottish Debt I'; covory A Movcantile OaicvvS, Ediubur^h. . K3
The SoottishEf( \ tr- U: l.'-fe Assuriiuce Society . . .. e.. '. . li?
The Scottish Em ar.'e Property Imiprovomeni A.Invesimoti
Co. Limited, EuuibiFEfh ..' ., .; ..■ ., '■l'^.
The Scottisli Plate (ilass insurance Co. Limited ,, . fi
Tlie Seottish Widow.?' Fund Li'e AH^urance S'" '
in&ide front cover (if U'.-i Directory
The Singer Miinuaict'ivi'i'i' Co. <?e'^-ini/ t^iifcb;
'"s.yt;ow. Ac
Staffordshire Bo'* , . _
ri'itige A \va--'go' li
i*i;'.- Stafforushir*' Fire '
Tbo Slan.lard Banl; ol . '
ijmV Ahei't'een . .
T'".' stiir.dard.Life A'^si^rt -
The OnJQU lUtritabJp SeeiiT' i
Tuc"Vi(;tor;a Koad (^ilen '
T"ao''MVeekly CitiKQu" Xe :■
;^'(?h.g "Weekiy Mail"'{G-i»S!9r>N

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