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Jainieson, II. W. 8 Forth street
Jardine, Stoddart, and Fraser, 31
Princes street
James, 48 India street
Juliiistoii, Alexander, 5 York pi.
Robert, jun. 2 Scotland st.
Robert, 1 Hill scjuave
Jolly, J. and W. (j Duke street
Jo|)p, John, 41 Queen street
Kennedy, Hugh, 1 1 Hart street
John, ^1 Great King street
R. and Alex. Frederick st.
Wm. 59 Northumb. street
Ker and Dickson, 6 north-east
Circus place
John, n.-east Circus place
Kermack, John, 20 Broughton pi.
Kinnear, James, 81 George street
Lambton, Step. 41 Northumb. st.
Lamor.t and Newton, 28 Royal
Lang, James, 10 Gijfield square
Laurie, W. F. H. 3 Loudon st.
Lawric, W. A. 4 north Bank st-
Lawson i*^; Gilmour, 33 London st.
Leven, John, lO Dundas street
Lindsay, James, 39 London st-
John M. 19 Melville street
Linning, Mich. 22 Hill street
Livingston, John, 34 London st.
Lockhart, Hunter, and Whitehead,
5 Fettes row
Ephraim, 13 Pitt street
Logan, Edmund, 131 Princes st.
■ Geo. 4 Hunter square
John, 14 Forth street
Lundie, Archibald, 22 Ann street
Lvon, George, 20 Forth street
Macallan, James, 26 Rutland sq.
Blacara, James, 10 Barony street
L. M. 1 1 Young street
INIacbean, iEneas, 11 Charlotte sq.
Jlack, A. Alex. 16 Ainslie place
jMacknight, James, 1 2 London st.
M'Callum, Geo. 40 India street
Ji'Cheyne, Adam, 20 Hill street
ISrCook, James, 44 G- King street
IM'Culloch, W. 9 n. St David st.
M'Duuald, D. 18 Great King st.
M. N. 29 Great King st.
R. G. 137 George street
M' Douell, Jas , 10 Broughton pi-
JNf'Dougall, Allan, 32 Castle street
M'Dowall, Chas. 35 Dubhn st.
JM'Ewen, James, 32 Albany street
]\l'Farlane, Robert, 22 Fettes row
M'Intosh and Ducat, 50 Geo- st-
Jilackay, Robert, 6 Albyn place
Thomas G. 10 Walker st.
Mackenzie & Innes, 23 Queen st.
and Sharp, 32 Abercr. pi.
Alex. 67 North bridge
James Hay, 67 North br.
— — John W. ] 9 Scotland street
— — ^ Robt. 2 Doune terrace
Roderick, 5 Forth street
— : — Thomas, 43 Frederick street
Rlackcnzie, Wui., 67 North br.
M'LachLm and Ivory, 13 Glou--
cester place
Mackersy, W. 2 Bellevue crescent
^I'Lean and Hamilton, 2 1 Al-
bany street
iM'Lehose, A. Craig, 5 Picardy pi.
M'lAIillan and Grant, 37 York pi.
E. & A. 4;! York ])lace
JM'Neilie, David, 15 St James sq-
M'Neill, Arch. 73 Great King st.
iM'Ritciiie, Bayley, iv Henderson,
1 1 Royal Exchange
IMaltland, Aug. 1 so. Charlotte st.
fllarshall, Wni. 9 Wemyss place
.Meek, John, 8 Atholl ])lace
Megget, Tho- 84 Great King st.
Meikli'john, John, 22 Uiike street
Melville, J. M. 110 George street
John, 26 Clyde street
i\Ienzies, Allan, 16 Princes street
IMercer, Robert, 18 Scotland street
William, 9 Hope street
Mitcliell, J. L. 23 India street
Joseph, 14 Howe street
Monypenny tS: Dalgleish, 7 Mo-
ray place
Alex. 7 Moray place
Morrison, John, 19 Abercr. place
I\Iorton, C. 8 Ahercromby place
iMowbray iS: Howilen, 1 1 Howe st.
John T. Is Nelson street
John, I.J Howe street
IMurray and Logan. 14 Stafford st.
David, 31 Queen street
.Tames T. .'31 Queen street
William, 17 Forth street
!\Iyli)e, James, 35 Charlotte sq.
Nairne, J. I 2 Nelson street
Napier, G. and W. 23 Albany st.
Macvey, 39 Castle street
Newbigging, J. S. IS St And. sq.
Newton, James, 28 Royal circus
Ogilvy, D. 38 Castle street
Ogilvie, Robt- G. 47 Cumberl. st.
Oliphant, Chas. 10 Inverleith pi.
Robert, 9 Rutland square
Orr and Martin, 3 Atholl cresc.
' Patrick, 1 5 Moray place
Paterson, Adam, 1 I India street
Patten, John, 25 Royal crescent
Pattisons, J. jun- 6 York place
Patton, Thomas, 38 Frederick st-
Patrick & Crawford, 32 Albany st.
Paul, Robert, 20 Dublin street
Thomson, 5 Rutland square
Pearson and Robertson, 1 7 Royal
Alexander, 1 7 Royal circus
Peddie, James, 14 Albany street
James, jun. 1 George street
Pitcairn, Robert, 50 Castle street
Ponton, Mungo, 2 Queen street
Pott, James, 1 1 York place
Pringle, Robert, I Charlotte sq.
Rattray, Robert, 4 Bellevue ores.
Reddie, James C. 8 India street
Reid, Sylve?ter, 5 Mansfield place
Reniiy and Webster, 16 Royal cir.
Ronton, John, 30 Royal circus
Rhind, W. I 1 Ahercromby pi.
Richardson, John, 21 Pitt street
Thomas, I 10 George street
Ritchie and Hill, 9 Castle street
Roberlson and Spence, 1 Thistlu
Alex. 5 Northumberland st.
James S. 18 Charlotte sq.
James, 28 StafTord street
John. 4 Great King street
T- R. 17 G.iytield i-quare
"\Vm. jun. 17 Royal circus
Rolland, Adam, 15 Rutland st.
i\. and J. 15 Rutland st,
James, 15 Uutl.uui street
Ro.se, James, 96 George street
|{oy and Wood, 16 Northum. st.
Russell, John, 9 Shandwick place
Rutherford, J. 9 Wharton place
lloburt, 1 7 Nelson street
Rutherlnrd, J. 10 Queen street
liynier, John, 56 Northumb. st.
Sandenian, David, 2 Rutland st.
Sandy, George, 3 Buccleuch pi.
Sands, W. II. 5 Royal circus
.Seheniman, Hope, 14 Howard pi.
Scot, A. 10 Dublin street
Scott and Balderston, 18 Dundas
Andrew, 24 Drummond pi.
C. B. 95 George street
T. G- 33 Heriot row
Shand, J- B- l8 Moray place
John, 23 Fettes row
Sharp; Wm. 32 Ahercromby place
Sliepherd James, 26 Albany street
Sibbald, H. 55 Northumberland st.
Sinclair, G. L- 4 Walker street
Skelton, Jas- 18 Northumber. st.
Skene, Wm. F. 53 Melville street
Skinner, J. R. 5 Roxburgh place
Smith and Kinnear, 81 George st.
Alexander, 18 York place
Andrew, 27 Dundas street
J. F- 19 Great Stuart street
Alexander, 18 York place
Smyth, Robert, 1 Hart street
Souter, J. and F. G. 30 North-
umberland street
J. 30 Northumberland st.
Spence, James, 16 Danube street
Spens, Nath. 28 Walker street
Steuart, Charles, 3 Albyn place
James, 17 India street
Stewart and Sprot, 18 Clyde st.
Wm. 8 Gloucester place
Stevenson and Yule, 4 Thistle c.
Alexander, 9 Heriot row
Stodart, George, 31 Princes st.
J. R. 2 Drummond place
Storie, Andrew, 12 Broughton pi.
Sutherland, A. G. 18 Fettes row
Wm. 26 Nelson street
Swan, James, 1 1 Antigua street

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