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Burn, Robert, 69 York place
Burns, Thomas, 1 George square
Burnett, J. H. 18 Drumd. place
Burnside, James, 41 Castle street
Calvert, J. R. 4 Rutland square
Campbell & Jlack, 35 G. King st.
& Trail, 7 IWelville street
A. 7 York place
J. A. 2 Albyn place
John, 29 Heriot row
. Richard, 18 Howe street
W. B. 7 Manor place
Wm. jun. 124 Piinces st.
Cannan, Horatius, 7 Broughtonpl.
Cargill, Robert, 13 Duke street
Carnegie, James, jun. 4 Castle st.
Cassels, Alex. 36 Dublin street
Cathcart and Douglas, 41 Al-
bany street
Cay, R. D. 18 Rutland street
Cheyne, Henry, 25 Abercr. pi.
J. A. 21 so. St Andrew st.
CJason, Andrew, 57 Queen street
Cleghorn, David, 37 Castle street
Cook, John, 2.5 Drummond place
Walter, 25 Drummond pi.
Combe, Geo. 23 Charlotte square
Council, Arch. 54 Cumberland st.
James, G n. Charlotte street
Cooper, W. 31 St Bernard's cres.
Couper, Peter, 16 Pilrig street
Cowan, Robt. 8 Drummoud place
Craig, Sir J. G. 7 north St An-
drew street
J. T. G. 7 n. St Andw. st.
Craigie, Henry, 15 Castle street
Cranstoun and Anderson, 50 Cas-
tle street
Crawford, Alex. 32 Albany street
James, jun. 3 Gloucester pi.
Crooks, Peter, 2 Abercromby pi.
Cullen, John, 27 Albany street
Cumiue, Francis G. 18 Frederick
Cumniing, Geo. 16 Dublin street
Cunninghams and Walker, 21
Queen street
■ and Bell, 84 George street
W. G. City chambers
Dalgleish, James, 7 Moray place
Dallas, Wm. 7 Drummond place
Dalmahoy, Pat., 49 Albany st.
Dalziel, Geo. 7 n. St Andrew st.
Darling, J. J. 17 Pitt street
J. S. 18 Scotland street
Thomas, 28 Nelson street
T. and T. 28 Nelson street
Davidson & Syme, 43 Castle st.
C. F. 79 George street
Dickie, John, 14 Dean Terrace
Dickson, H. G. 6 n. e. Circus pi.
Walter, 17 India street
— ■ & Stewart, 17 India street
Donald, Alex. 46 Queen street
Donaldson and Cs^mpbell, 124
Princes street
Douglas, Alex. 17 Drummond pi
Christopher, 17 Drumd. pi.
J. B. 15 Drummond place
John, 27 Warriston cresc.
Wm. 15, Drummond place
Dudgeon, Pat. 53 Northunib. st.
Duff, Alex. 8 St Vincent street
Dunibreck, John, 7 Grove street
Dun, Andrew, 4 Scotland street
Duncan, James, 34 Howe street
John, 2 Heriot Row
Wm. 29 Wiudsor street
Dundas, John, 25 St Andrew sq.
James H. 73 George street
Dunlop, Andrew, 13 Scotland st.
Geo. 53 Great Tving street
James, 3 Howe street
Dunsmure, John, 26 Castle street
Duthie, Wal., 7 Abercromby pi.
Dymock, John, 15 Buccleuch pi.
J. and W. IS Albany street
Elder, John, 8 Frederick street
Elliot and Duncan, 11 Nelson st.
Wm. S. 24 G.iyfield square
Ellis, A. G. 55 Hanover street
Robert, 55 Hanover street
W. A. G. & R. 55 Han. st.
Farquharson, Geo. 12 Carlton St.
Ferguson, Wm. 42 George square
Fergusson, Jas. 12 Hill street
Ferric & Jamieson, ;35 York pi.
Ferrier, J. and W. 3 Thistle st.
Fleming and Johnson, 21 North-
umberland street
Alex. 2 so. Charlotte street
Forbes, Arthur. 22 Heriot row
Wm. 14 Sh and wick place
Forman, John, 27 Great King st.
J. N. 27 Great King street
Forrester, John, 9 Hart street
Fothringham, F. 19 Melville st.
& Lindsay, 1 9 Melville st.
Eraser, A. D. 8 Great Stuart st.
Andrew, 70 Northumb. st.
Hugh, Duadas street
J. J. 57 . '.any street
Wm. 29 Frederick street
Y/m. jun. 31 Princes street
French, John, 16 s. Charlotte st.
Gairdner, James, 62 Hanover st.
Gentle, James, 29 Buccleuch pi.
Gibsou-Craigs, Wardlaw, & Dal-
ziel, 7 no. St Andrew street
Gibson and Hector, 3 north St
David street
Gibson and Donaldson, 10 south
Charlotte street
Gillanders, Geo. 45 Frederick st.
Gilmour, John, 33 London street
Glover, Wm. Taphall
Goldie & Ponton, 2 Queen street
Alex. 34 IMelville street
Wm. 34 Melville street
Gordon & Barron, 1 Scotland st.
and JMackay, 6 Albyn place
I . and Stuart, 21 Royal ten.
Gordon, James F. 4 Charlotte sq.
James, 35 Drummond plave
John, 22 Heriot row
• Joseph, 21 Royal terrace
Robert, 13 Nelson street
Govan, John, 13 Walker street
Gracie, John B. 57 George sq.
Graham, Hum., 14 AthoU cresc.
P. 31 Great King street
Grant, Duncan, 85 G. King st.
John P. 10 Coates crescent
Joseph, 16 Great King st.
Gray, Andrew, 14 Hope street
G. A. 5 Alva street
John, 19 Duke street
Greig and ]\lorton, 8 Abercr. pi.
James, jun. 23 Forth street
Grierson, And. 32 St Andrew sq.
William, 22 Northumbd. st.
Grieve, Andrew, .56 Queen street
Haig, Hay, & Pringle, 1 Char-
lotte square
James, 1 Charlotte square
Haldane, R. 34 Drummond place
Hall, Robert, 31 Royal terrace
Hamilton and ]M' Knight, 12 Lon-
don street
Alexander, 29 Rutland sq.
John, 1 Scotland street
Handyside, Hugh, 59 York place
Hathorn, Vans, 107 Princes st.
Hatton, James, 29 Hamilton place
Robert, Summerset cottage
Hay, Adam, 1 Charlotte square
Alexander, 64 Hanover st.
Hcggie, George, 20 Castle street
Herries, W. Y. 17 Nelson street
Hill and Thomson, 26 Nelson st.
H. D. 59 George street
J. L. 9 Castle street
Robert, 4 Lynedoch place
Home, Wm. 10 so. Charlotte st.
Hope, James, 31 Jloray place
and Oliphant, 10 Rutland
John, 31 Moray place
Ilopkirk & Imlach, 12 Duke st.
J. G. 12 Duke street
Home and Rose, 96 George street
Ilorsburgh, W. 29 Northumber-
land street
Howden, Andrew, 11 Howe street
Hughes, George, 26 Pitt street
Hunt, William, 26 Broughton pi.
Hunter, Campbell, and Co. 7
York place
— John, 67 North bridge
John, jun. 5 Fettes row
Inglis & Donald, 46 Queen street
Harry, 6 no. St David st.
Inncs, Thomas, 51 Castle street
Wm. 23 Queen street
Irvine, Pat. 23 Northumb. st.
Irving, George, 106 Princes st.
John, 106 Princes street
Ivory, Wm. 13 Gloucester place

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