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Marquis of Lothian
Viscount Melville
Sir John Hope, Bart.
Sir J. H. Dalrymple, Bart.
Robert Wardlaw Ramsay
Adam Hay, Banker
W. Mackenzie
T. Mansfield, Accountant
Carlyle Bell, W.S.
Alexander Hay, W.S.
David Smith, W.S.
Geo. Wauchope,Wine mt.
Robert Dundas, Advocate
D. Rankine, Manager
^HE GREAT DEPOT, which is en-
now contains Sir John Hope's NEWCRAIG-
HALL COAL, the Marquis of Lothian's COAL,
JEWEL COAL, which is the same as the Sheriff-
hall Jewel Coal; so that all the best kinds of
Coal in the county are to be had there. The
greater part of the Depot is occupied with the
private Store-yards of the Great Coal Proprietors,
and the vicinity of these Store-yards to the City is
of immense importance to the Inhabitants ; because
the Consumer may obtain his Coal directly from
the Coal Proprietor, whose interest it is that the
Coal should be sold in a pure state. The Coal sent
to the Railway Depot is carefully selected with the
hand, and freed from the coarser parts and the
dross ; wagon loads are frequently returned from
the Depot Stores to the Collieries, as unfit to be sold
in that great market, where competition makes
character and quality so essential. That refuse is
bought at the Coal Hills, at a low price, by those
dealers whose practices deter them from the Rail-
way Depot ; they mix it with some better Coal, and
sell the whole as the best of its kind.
The Coal Agents, or Merchants, who hold Offices
from the Railway Company, have been strictly
looked after, and are believed to be very correct in
their dealings. They have, however, no Coalyards
attached to their Offices, so that they have not the
power, though they had the desire, to mix and
adulterate the Coal. They send it, as ordered,
directly from the Stores of the Coal Proprietors ;
and the weight and quality, as compared with the
account or invoice sent to the Consumer, are checked
by an Officer appointed by the Railway Company ;
and the Carters are watched through the narrow
streets by one of the Company's Constables.
Consumers of Coals should attend to the follow-
ing directions ; they have been published in all the
papers, yet very many, especially housekeepers and
servants, are paying no attention to them : —
1st, Never receive a cart of Coals without the
Certificate of the Railway Company's Weigher ; his
name is ROBERT GIBB, and if he should be
changed, notice shall be given by advertisement.
2dly, Attend to the hour marked in the Certifi-
cate, and if more than an hour after that has
elapsed before the Coals are delivered, reject them,
for the carter may have been disposing of a part of
his load.
3dly, Always keep or destroy the Weigher's Cer-
tificate, for if it remains with the carter, he may
use it on the same day a second time, to pass another
cart of Coals of inferior weight or quality.
4thly, Any person receiving a cart of Railway
Coal, may assure himself of its weight and quality,
by calling at the Depot, and examining the entry
in the Weigher's book, or by writing a note to the.
Manager of the Railway, mentioning the weight
and kind of Coal he had ordered — also the name
upon the cart, and the hour of departure contained
in the Weigher's Certificate. The Consumer has
thus a complete check upon the Coal Merchant or
Agent whom he employs, and the Coal Merchant
has an equal check upon his carter.
The respectable Coal Merchant has a great advan-
tage by supplying his Customers from the Stores of
the Railway Depot, for he saves the expense of
keeping a private Store-yard, and of storing, select-
ing, and loading; and he can always obtain testimony
of the honesty of his dealings.
As a check to overcharges, the Prices are occa-
sionally advertised from returns furnished by the
Store-keepers of the Coal Proprietors. The diffe-
rence between the Depot price and the price deli-
vered, consists of Cartage and Agency, which,
together, add from Is. 6d. to 2s. to the Depot price
of a cart of Coals.
Those who are not acquainted with any Coal
Merchant on whom they can depend, may address
orders for Coal to the Railway Office, St Leonard's
Depot ; and these shall be given to respectable
Agents for execution.
Railway Depot, June, 1833.
56, Nicholson Street, Edinburgh.
& P. RITCHIE'S Presses for
Printing, Letter Copying, Lithography,
Arming, Stamping, &c. are made of all sizes, and
possess every property desirable in such machines.
G. & P. R. have Testimonials from Gentlemen,
and houses of the first respectability, giving their
Presses a decided preference to any other in use.
Screw and Lever Presses for Bookbinders. —
Straw Hat Pressing Machines Mangles for
Family use. — Projecting Letters for Warehouses,
Signs, &c. cut to any size or pattern.
(Entry by No. 3, Potterrow.)
Tfyf R JOHN DEUCHAR begs leave to
Jjf JL thank his Scientific Friends for the liberal
patronage he has enjoyed for the last eighteen years,
during which he has followed the profession of a
Chemist and Druggist in all its practical opera-
tions, embracing a department of Practical Phar-
macy and General Science not previously attempted
in Scotland, and which has since been solely
followed by himself. Although he has now
retired from the Drug business, he begs respectfully
to acquaint his Friends, and the Public in general,
that he means still to devote a portion of his time
to the Manufacture of Chemical Tests and Re-
agents, and to supplying Institutions and Private
Gentlemen with Chemical Apparatus, including
some hundred varieties of the Tube, Test, and
Miniature Apparatus of his own invention, and of
which he solicits an inspection.
Instructions are given at the Laboratory in
Chemical Manipulations, in Practical Pharmacy,
and in the duties of the Laboratory.
Mr Deuchar also undertakes the analysis of
Waters, Minerals, Soils, Products of the Arts, &c.
Orders may be sent either to the Chemical
Laboratory as above, or to No. 46, Rankeillor

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